Reviews from

in the past

I adore Max Payne 2, and would love to finish this one, but I cannot for the life fo me get it to run properly. Every issue I somehow manage to fix is followed by another one, and it's game-breaking stuff I'm talking about. Like characters getting stuck on geometry during cutscenes, and the game not continuing the cutscene until they get to where they're supposed to be. I have spent literal hours trying to tinker with this game to get it to work, and I've decided that it's just not worth it.

Odio cuando la gente trata de manera condescendiente el arte y la manera que envejece, porque obras como esta no necesitan condescendencia para decir que se mantiene 19 años más tarde

Amazing atmosphere and character.

One of the greatest games ever.

wait i think i a m in a video game. is this all a simulation? this was all a lie. a program designed to be executed in a certain way well fuck you then whoever is playing

my choice third person shooter, love this style of writing and atmosphere so much. the bullet time mechanics are so simple but go so far too

Gets five stars just for the death sounds and the pained expression on everyone's face.

Dunno how many times I played this... but still one of the best games that is ever created. (bit janky on modern systems as expected but MODS TO THE RESCUE)

I wanted to love this, but I couldn't, at least on PS2.
I love the core gameplay, the shooting and dodging feel good and it's fun, and the plot is amazing and well written.
Most of the levels find the perfect balance of challenge, making sure you fulfill the fantasy of the hard-boiled and unstoppable cop, while also not being too easy.
And then there's bad shit, like the blood mazes, or the lockspring (which I only found out you could turn off in the last 6th of the game), the bad performance, unclear level design, precise jumps, and narrow platforms (the high sensitivity works for this game, given the generous auto-aim and hitboxes, but good god walking a straight line is hard), and the terrible difficulty spikes.
I don't mind hard games, but I need either of two things: fast loading or a lot of progress between deaths.
This game has long load times, with unskippable cutscenes at times, and you can die so fast. I'd be alive for 30s before dying and it'd be so frustrating.
This is why I want to replay this on PC because you can just save whenever you want in that version, and that makes a lot more sense.
Most of Part 3 is way too hard. It kinda soured the experience up to that point that was really fun. I probably would have quit if I wasn't invested in the story, and at least the final chapter had the right amount of difficulty. Sucks that the ending is anti-climatic as shit.
I look forward to someday getting around to Max Payne 2, it looks better from what I've seen and has adaptive difficulty. I think I'll love that one as much as I loved this one before it decided to frustrate the hell outta me.

Sam Lake's stories work best when they earnestly embrace the genre they try to mimic ; and as such, this first version of Max Payne happens to be the most enjoyable. The level-design supports the goofs allowed by his bullet-time and the narrative tightens around him without choking his humour.

An unironic dive into Noir York.

Increíble Narrativa e increíbles tiroteos pero tiene una falta de pulido en cuanto al posicionamiento de Enemigos y el control al no dejarte activar Bullet time a menos que estés quieto, No poder disparar mientras disparas y... cadencia cuestionable de las armas.

My playthrough was pretty buggy and maybe it did influence my opinion on this game but the game kinda sucks to play. I never used bullet time and I usually was bored out of my mind while shooting goons. Besides the good voice acting and cool comic sequences I was not invested in this game at all. Maybe I don't like shooters all that much.

O primeiro jogo da Remedy. Sua história é um caos criativo interessante que junta onirismo, trauma e personagens exagerados em uma jornada de vingança pessoal. Sua gameplay contava com o inovador bullet time. Até seus gráficos bizarros tem um carisma inexplicável. Infelizmente, o level design dos últimos levels é frustrante e você vai se pegar salvando a cada passo. Ainda sim: TPS obrigatório. Joguem!

I haven't played any video games which involved shooting prior to Max Payne. You have no idea how much this one means to me.

Writing: 4/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 3/5
Voices & Sounds: 4/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 4/5

this game just fucking OOZES charm. it also plays surprisingly well for being one of the early 3ps games of the era

a little bit closer to heaven

The shooter that changed everything. Sadly I didn't get round to playing it until after I'd played every game it has inspired since. It is still a gripping ride and, my gosh, the dream sequences are great. After the success of The Warriors, Rockstar really need to do an adaptation of a David Lynch movie, Lost Highway anyone?

...A Game In Which Sam Lake Makes A Serious Case For Video Games As A Metaform

The game that made Bullet Time in games popular, and for good reason. One of my favorite shooters of all time, the mechanics are absolutely solid and it never stops being fun to blast enemies while managing your bullet time and painkillers. The story's presentation is also unique and the corny acting will keep you hooked as much as the gameplay.

the task of walking on a bloody rope is very difficult
the task of walking on a rope is very difficult

This review contains spoilers

Okay, so I’m newish to the world of video games. I started retro gaming/collecting about a year ago and this was the game that convinced me to do so.

The PS2 was probably not the greatest console to play a game like Max Payne on. But despite some of the clunky gameplay... this game is still responsible for getting me the world of gaming to begin with; and that says a lot to how good it is.

The music in this game is phenomenal. It’s simple. It’s gritty. It’s seeps with noir. It certainly sets the tone for the badass adventure you’re taking.

The story is pretty simple, a bit cliché at times, but still very engaging and entertaining non-the-less.

The bullet time is fantastic. Without the bullet time, this game would not be as memorable. The game is certainly iconic without it, but Max Payne likely wouldn’t have the legacy it has today without its bullet time.

The use of Pain pills is a nice way to regenerate health. I was always on the hunt.

The different environments kept the game interesting. I really loved being in the snowy city. So many great implementations of a gritty atmosphere.

I could go on and on about why I personally loved this game. But it isn’t perfect. Maybe it’s just the hardware, but god this game can be frustrating to play at times. Despite some of the technical limitations, I liked the challenge.

I will say that the story gets a little hokey at the end and a bit too cheesy and preposterous for its own good. For a game so grounded in its gritty tongue-in-cheek reality, it was bit hard to buy into the whole corporate conspiracy aspect of the game.

Regardless, it remained tonally consistent for the most part and it was a total blast.
(Also, the nightmare sequences were both infuriating and awesome).

Max Payne has aged like fine cheese. Though its attempts at intrigue and drama are more dorky now than they were back then, the game's crusty presentation has a charm that never ceases to make me smile. Ultimately the real meat of the game lies in its methodical, high-stakes shooting that's unique and consistently entertaining.