Reviews from

in the past

Fun I think it gets too much hate. I got every bolt in this game because I'm cool.

Fuck it, I'll defend megaman 8. I like that they try to fuck with the formula, and it looks amazing. the robot master design is fun, and a lot of the stage design is pretty good, the best in a while for the series. The soccer ball is goofy and fun, and it's nice to see them take any sort of risk with the series.

That being said.......the on rails driving segments are awfule. JUMP JUMP SLIDE haunts my nightmares.

he's a little confused but he got the spirit

i dont really understand the hate for this game think its solid it can be frustrating at times but all classic megaman games kinda are i

by far the worst game of the classic series. pretty much everything in this game is worse than 7. the music is the worst in the series. legendarily bad voice-acting that didn't need to exist in the first place. but worst of all, the robotmasters in this just kinda fucking suck. all of them.

Why'd they make him run like that?? 😭

Estéticamente falando é uma obra prima sem igual.

The game is one of the weakest classic megaman entries by quite a lot, tengu man and clown man have very fun stages and design but beyond those 2 the game falls apart pretty hard.
The difficulty is nothing to write home about as health and weapon refills rain on you with some not-so-clever level design that can feel unfair or plain.
I wouldn't recommend people to play this game if they haven't but I also wouldn't recommend against it, it's just extremely mid.

Electrical Communication is a banger

It’s pretty damn fun!
Not flawless (the awful sliding sections being a big part of that) but probably the best the Mega Man formula has been so far
The music and spritework is also top notch as well

Foi meu primeiro jogo da Franquia Mega Man, é muito bom ele, da uma nostalgia desgraçada só de lembrar.

There are some meanies out there saying this game is bad. Don't listen to them! Sure, it has issues, some pretty big, but there's tons to love. For one, I don't think there's a more charming looking Mega Man game than this. The soundtrack is also one of the most unique in the series, it's not as energetic as the NES games, but it's so mellow. It goes hand in hand with the visuals.
The special weapons are very good, and the level design actually takes advantage of them this time.
I guess its biggest issue is that it doesn't feel as tight as the NES games, but hey, neither does Mega Man 7 and people love that game.

No entiendo el odio al juego enserio, tanto te joden cinematicas que podes sacar con oprimir un boton?
los niveles son variados y eso que repiten tematicas pero tienen mecanicas muy unicas en un juego de megaman, los graficos son los mejores en un juego de mega man, las armas son bien utiles, los jefes geniales (menos por el primero de los niveles de wily) pero bueno quizas es porque es mi juego favorito de la franquicia y se la re chupo pero si merece una oportunidad nose dejen llevar por webadas que exageran como las voces o el mal "gameplay" cuando este lo pule increiblemente

I like it a lot, it looks gorgeous and is shat on just cuz le bad voice acting xxDDD

i will always have an unreasonably large soft spot for this game. the OST is very good, the level design is visually creative and (for the most part) fun to play. it's also fucking piss easy and you can break the game over your knee if you know what you're doing. or even if you don't.

Hating this game is a bad meme

Except for aqua man he can suck my dick

Fuck the snowboarding sections (good game doeffrfr)

my favorite of the PS era Megaman games. honestly it had enough to be my favorite over 5 and 7, but Wily Stage 1 exists which means no one is allowed to be happy. Kick a ball into the square peg, forehead.

It’s a solid game, too bad the acting is laughable.

Why does Mega Man sound like he has a vagina?

pretty underappreciated, a bit on the slow side but the chill music and fantastic sprite work are awesome. however when i get to the wily castle snowboard section i cannot control myself

Why do people hate this game again? No, "because it's bad" is not a valid answer.

I had a fun time with the game, even if some moments tested my patience.

Despite some levels being too long, and Wily Stage I, Mega Man 8 is a pretty nice game. It isn’t as good as some of the other games in the series but it certainly isn’t terrible. Everything is quite doable and in the end it’s a fun ride, and only remembered perhaps by its terrible voice acting.

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I feel as if 8 was kinda underrated, especially since so many people were left soured by 7. Not much to say here except the same I said for 6. Great stages, weapons, and music. Honestly one of the more brutal Wily Castle's in my opinion, as well.


Came into this game with low expectations and not gonna lie, I sorta dug this game. It was pretty fun.

Art here was pretty good albeit a bit too colorful for my taste and the music here might be my favorite in the series so far especially with Aqua Man's stage and the stage select. The gameplay is definitely different here with the focus on gimmicks for some of the stages and they are hit or miss for me here. I would definitely say the stages are longer and albeit a bit easier with continues in each stage even if you run out of lives. Only thing to counteract this is that there are no more tanks other than using Rush to summon items when you need it once.

I think the game at its worst is Wily 1 where it takes the snowboarding segment from the Frost Man stage and made it extremely difficult. I also wasn't too fond of Astro Man's stage with the platforms and the overall design of the stages itself. The voice acting here is the most infamous part of this game and I didn't even mind it that much since it just oozes 90's anime dub charm to me.

It's definitely different from the other Mega Man games but it's still a solid experience that gets a lot more flak than I think it deserves. The voice acting does make it a product of its time in one way or another sadly.

Probably one of my favourite Mega Man games so far, Mega Man 8 has got to be my favourite sprite style for the series and I wish Mega Man 9 and 10 kept this style.
The upgrades that Mega Man can buy now are useful and it’s nice having a simple plot with cutscenes. (Even though the English Dub is laughably bad).

JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE. Everything about this game was unmemorable/boring outside the hilarious cutscenes.

Megaman muito bom, fazia até speedruns.