Reviews from

in the past

The realest of real shit I'm proud of you Capcom

I expected this to be awful but it actually kinda blew me away. One of the better games in the X series imo, a blast from start to finish. There's a lot of really cool level gimmicks, I love the combo system, the customization, how they made Axel not just feel like bad X, and I could go on. Really wish the series didn't end here, would love to see a return to this style someday.

Joguei a primeira fase. Odiei os gráficos, odiei o gameplay. Abandonei.

This review contains spoilers

This is the best game in the X series in terms of gameplay, but it is Sadly brought down by questionable "level DESIGN" (if you can even call it that) and useless boss weapons
But when it works IT WORKS
Voice acting and story recieve a huge step up from previous games(no more WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOR) and sigma isn't the final boss for once

hooooooooly shit this game is AWESOME i love it i love videogames

Ok gameplay but mediocre presentation and some annoying level design.

Brabíssimo, soube admnistrar bem as ótimas qualidades de megaman x, um alívio se comparado com os dois títulos anteriores.

I don't like this game like some do, but this game does give off hope for what could happen to Mega Man X. I hope X9 happens one day and continues from where X9 left off. But here I don't like some of the level design I hate the art style and the retry chips were the final straw for me. If you play on easy you can't fight the final boss and I hate that.

el nivel del gigabolt o war es una mierdaaaa

I don't know what happened, I went form feeling miserable while playing this game, to actually quite liking it towards the end. It may have been some form of Stockholm syndrome, but either way, it sure took a while for it to click with me. It doesn't live up to X1 or X4, but I still ended up with a deep appreciation for X8, even if it's quite flawed.

X8 has some die-hard fans, but it's hardly the incredible return to form that some make it out to be. It doesn't control nearly as well as the PS1 entries, and it's level design is easily some of the weakest in the entire series, filled with crappy gimmicks that greatly de-emphasise the movement based gameplay the X series is so well known for. No stage sinks as low as some of the worst in X6 and X7, but 90% of them are just mediocre. The interesting thing here is that X8 exhibits much more polish than those two. I can imagine how X6 could have been a great game had it not been so rushed, X8 seems to be as good as it could have been. It's simply had a good execution for poor concepts.

There are a lot of positives to X8, however. All three characters are very distinct and fun to use. There are also a ton of secret items scattered in all stages, and they all require you to use a specific character. The navigators help a great deal too, and give much needed personality to the cast.

Overall, it packs more variety than any other X game, and it has quite a bit of meat to sink your teeth into (I've heard some complain about Mega Man games being too short, so there you go). The combo system is kind of bare bones, but at least it makes stages more interesting when you try to go for a high score.

I will say, the game feels very lacking at the beginning. It takes a few upgrades and weapons for the game to get good, so I suspect that X8 is the kind of game that benefits from a New Game+, I'll have to find out some other time.

Above all I said, the most important thing about X8 is that it feels like it had a purpose of being made, the passion and love behind it shines bright beneath its flaws. It's easily the most unique X game for sure, and although it's quite divisive, anyone who likes the series would do good to check it out.

Highest highs in the series but the lows are worth burning down orphanages over

Meu primeiro Mega Man X, amei ele e ainda amo, ele tem o melhor controle da franquia e uma história foderosa

and then they salvaged the series, only to let it die again. sasuga capcom

The reason i bought XLC2, didnt regret

this one is a big step up from the last few games. some of the unique mechanics here (the combo system, mixing armor parts, Zero's weapons, Axl being in something besides X7) are really fun to work with.

the levels in this game are excessively gimmicky, however. the new currency and upgrade systems encourage you to replay the game a lot in order to collect everything and get better ranks, but it's hard to want to do so when the levels often don't let you play very naturally. if that makes any sense.

there are some other things i take issue with (collecting hidden items but then having to pay to use them for some reason, boss fights feeling slower because of the increased invincibility frames, etc.), but these are more negligible.

if this game had more standard levels, it would probably be the third-best, or even second-best, game in the X series. here's hoping X9 is just this but slightly better

HUGE step up from X5, X6 and X7, but that's not saying much. Stage design was generally alright (besides Central White and Dynasty, those sucked). Bosses were still pretty braindead with weaknesses.

Character switching was implemented pretty well; I found that I switched between Zero and X (my two characters of choice) way more than I thought I would. On that note, while I did feel like Zero was weaker than he was in the PS1 games, upgraded X felt pretty strong.

It's neat that the navigators are actually helpful this time around, first time in the series where I actually wanted to hear from them.

The chip system was pretty cool, but backtracking for items and upgrades was still a slog, and they really needed to take it easy with some of those metal prices.

Overall, X8 is the very definition of a weak 7/10; not much about it is offensively bad, but it is merely the bare minimum of what could be considered "good". I'd almost go as far as to say that it's positively soulless! The game definitely doesn't approach the level of quality that X1, X2, or X4 had, but it was fun nonetheless.

I feel like people are a little unfair to this game. It's not as good as the older X games, but it's still a good game. It did a good job salvaging the mess X7 left behind.

Top 3 da franquia X, pena que a porcaria da capcom abandonou.

A really lame theme park ride that occasionally stops by some rock-solid gameplay segments

After what felt like years of waiting, I finally got to play an amazing Mega Man X game! It's funny because this game draws from all the failures of X5-X7 and makes them work extremely well, not to mention the problems I had with Mega Man X games. You still have parts to collect, but for the most part any important items or upgrades can be bought as long as you have the money, and with the way the continue system works, it feels just different enough from the usual Mega Man fair. Oddly enough, this is the first Mega Man X game to feel like it actually has an identity, and I'm shocked how main extra unlockables there are in this game! If there is any Mega Man X you should play, it's this one.

contemplem o melhor megaman X (retry chips são idiotas)

Eu acredito que este é um dos jogos mais controversos da série MegaMan, muitos consideram ele como um dos melhores da série X, (eu incluso) e alguns só não conseguem gostar dele não importa o quanto tentem.
E eu entendo.
A migração dos gráficos pixel art lindos para um 3d datado de ps2 não agradou a maioria e também não me agradou.
(Não foi exatamente no x8 que essa migração aconteceu, mas do mesmo jeito)
Esse jogo pode até não ser bonito, mas eu garanto que você vai se divertir.
A história dele é muito boa para os padrões MegaMan X, e temos pela primeira vez um Final Boss que NÃO é o sigma!
MegaMan tava realmente precisando de um bom antagonista que não fosse substituido por sigma no final, e o Lumine cumpre bem esse papel, tendo uma das melhores boss battles de MegaMan inteiro.
Eu achei que faltou um pouco de desenvolvimento no Lumine uma vez que a gente vê ele no começo do jogo e outra no final, mas isso não impede ele de brilhar.

A Jogabilidade do jogo é a melhor de MegaMan X, tudo foi aperfeiçoado e está perfeitamente rápido e funcional.

Esse jogo tem sistemas de loja, armas novas, upgrades, armadura customizável, definitivamente o MegaMan X mais completo.

A trilha sonora de MegaMan X8 é minha segunda favorita em MegaMan X, só perdendo para MegaMan X6.

O level design do X8 é bom no geral, mas com algumas fases ruins, e quando são ruins são MUITO ruins, tem uma fase de perseguição 3D, aquela fase é pior do que todos os defeitos de todos os MegaMan juntos.
Em suma, é um ótimo jogo, vale muito apena e por mais que os gráficos não sejam a melhor coisa do mundo, você se acostuma uma hora e começa a se divertir de montão.

A stunning example of what an X series game should be. It steers a little away from being a Megaman game given the level gimmicks and more as an standard action platform shooter, but that's not a problem given the variety and easy to pick-up gameplay. Character flaws have been ironed out from X7, every character is equally as fantastic, plenty of post-game content, unique weapons, six characters total, a great soundtrack, fantastic 2.5D visuals, great bossfights that feel imposing and action-packed, an awesome boss weapon line-up, a great plot and an awesome final boss! Difficulty isn't near hard nor is it boringly easy, with challenging and precise segments. Plenty to explore, unlock, and lots of unique ways to play and replay the game. Awesome stage gimmicks, new armours that can be mixed and matched, and THREE exclusive post-game bonus character alts plus the operators makes Megaman X8 a timeless blast to enjoy and replay.

After the failed experiment that was X7, Capcom returned to 2D gameplay with Mega Man X8, now featuring X, Zero and Axl as playable characters. The game plays great, with X and Zero having their usual movesets and Axl's moveset being pretty fun. Level design is mostly good but for some reason they insist on adding awful gimmick stages that really ruin the pacing of the game.

Overall, a nice return to form for the series. If you own the X Legacy Collection 2 then this is one of the few games from it I recommend playing.

It's alright. Shame about the last 3 games.

Melhor jogo da série vocês são burros

Dito isso, amo como nenhuma dessas fases é repetitiva, todas parecem uma coisa nova e tu nunca fica cansade, a progressão das mecânicas das fases é muito bem feita (exceto aqueles blocos com espinho que se mexem na fase do Gravity Antonion), os coletáveis são muito divertidos de ir procurando, os metals finalmente te dão um motivo pra matar bichos e ter as diferenças opções de jogabilidade com X, Zero e AXL a qualquer momento é ótimo