Reviews from

in the past

Cool premise for a Metroid game, having Samus genetically enhanced with DNA of the very enemies she's famous for fighting, having an infected version of her own suit hunting her down, and having Samus be put in a situation where she has to question her objective and superiors. It all comes at the cost of a lot of railroading, something Metroid as a series should be trying to stay away from. Thankfully, Samus' handling and movement is as good as it gets, and the game doesn't skimp on the difficulty.

The Fusion suit also grew on me, but only the default color scheme (Blue suit, yellow pockets, red helmet).

Super Metroid is my favorite game, and this is that game's direct sequel. Despite picking up shortly after Super, this game carries little of that game's DNA. The game opens with Samus's iconic Power Suit being corrupted, a tonesetter for how this game is going to go. Metroid Fusion follows in the footsteps of other great sequels by subverting the expectations of veterans who expected more of the same.

Fusion is a perfectly paced action adventure with horror elements that brings the 2D Metroid quadrilogy to a satisfying close. It's surprisingly wordy for a series that has been endlessly praised for it's subtle environmental storytelling, but what they go for here works. Fusion toys with the player's agency to develop an atmosphere that's down right frightening at points. Samus is being manipulated by the shadowy Galactic Federation and the claustrophobic nature of the Biological Space Lab, as you're being actively hunted by a parasitic recreation of Samus's Power Suit, all amplify this feeling. Roughly halfway through the game, the power goes out, and it's a sharp change from what came before. From there on Samus (and you, by extention) reclaims her agency, defying orders and carving her own path for the future, uncovering the truth of the research lab, the creation of the Metroids, and more. The story is a top notch conclusion to the 2D series thus far, and elegantly sets up Metroid 5. PLEASE, Nintendo.

The level design is top notch, the controls are tight as hell, presentation and music are as good as can possibly be on such limited hardware. Boss fights are the best in the series.

If you go in expecting another Super Metroid, you will be disappointed. This is not more Super Metroid in the same way that Metal Gear Solid 2 is not just "more Metal Gear Solid." I guess the devs knew they probably weren't going to surpass Super Metroid, so they didn't try. But they did something completely different, something beautiful and amazing.


This used to be my fav metroid until Samus Returns. My only problem is the constant dialogue this game throws at you near the start. Speed running this is so fun though. I can just pick it up and beat it in an hour, and I love when I can do that. Also an 0% of this game is so fun. I recommend everyone to try it out. It's hard though so beware.

Bad at being a conventional Metroid, good at being its own thing... and honestly why should you even bother to compete with Super Metroid.

It's more linear than most Metroids, but the increased emphasis on story makes for a nice atmosphere and some really tense moments.

Decent as a 2D action game, terrible as a Metroidvania.

This game ain't bad lemme tell ya. It ain't bad. Very hard.

Not really into the structure of this game. Has some cool ideas, but not how I prefer Metroid.

Cool game for what it does but doesnt hold a candle to super or zero mission

Great game despite sinning against every establishment Super Metroid innovated for the series.

This game's story and atmosphere are really good, and it controls great, but the enemy balance is all out of whack and the level design has a lot of serious issues.

Like Super Metroid but worse/better/ehhhhhhhhhhhh

Linear afff. Not a Metroid game. Still pretty decent once you get further into the game though

The most Alien of the Metroid games.

too linear for my tastes but still fun and good. music could really stand to be better tho

there's just so much about this game that gets under my skin. why does the opening last longer than childbirth? why does the game have to fucking lock you down into linearity in a fucken 2D exploration genre game? why do you get like 80 power bombs? why did you make a plot-focused metroid game oh my GOD. it's weird because i only ever think of negatives when i talk about and play this game but i still think it's enjoyable and competent. i just personally suffer from being unable to be small brained enough to ignore how much of an inferior metroid title it is.

Hey Adam, play neo ridley scream 10 hour loop

Not as bad as people say. My first Metroid game.

Empieza lento y si vienes del super es como "QUEJESTA MIERDA" pero cuando entiendes lo que pretende y ves que hay un proposito en sus constantes interrupciones mas alla de ser condescendiente es como "holy shit.."

Nothing will reach the heights of 'Super Metroid' so I actually appreciate that this game goes in a different direction. I didn't mind the moments when the game told you where to go or what to do, even though stuff like that is against what a Metroid game is. But I love how this game makes you feel dread and fear while not going into straight horror. This game is not the best representation of a Metroid game but I still considered it a solid title worth playing.

Better than Super Metroid. Fight Me.

personally one of my favorites, but not that great of a metroid game. best samus suit though

I like the structured nature of this to start, but there's never a moment where you just get to move about the station unimpeded until after you've cleared the game which is unfortunate. Also, why arbitrarily have item pickups you can only get once and then never be able to access the room again. Just frustrating for no reason knowing I can't get the 100% because I missed one missile expansion in the first half hour.
Also, excellent sprites as always.

underrated as fuck, honestly might be better than super if it was on snes instead of gba

Who knew Nintendo could make Survivor Horror?