Reviews from

in the past

You already know its fucking trash. Like every year.

They should release 2 different versions. One with just actual basketball, nothing else, just a sim and an arcade mode. And the other one with all the bullshit stat grinding micro-transactional pay to win and horrible cringe as fuck career story mode and all the other game modes they invented just to keep you grinding for a hundred hours until you get so sick of it you either quit the game and uninstall it in disgust or pay another $100 just to make the game actually playable.

Guess which one would sell more?


This is the first 2k I’ve played where I felt a big difference in the new release. All the new animations are amazing, the menus are much improved, mynba eras is back with a new era, they FIXED THE SHOT TIMING OF 23, the player creator is sorta refreshed, and mycareer is actually fun!

It still has the classic 2k game issues but I just do not really care. I enjoy playing this game and I am very satisfied with the changes they made this year!

it's actually extremely funny how much they nickel and dime park players so i have to support that somehow

my cousin is still getting filtered now by xbox niggas

El peor 2k que he jugado con diferencia, no hay market o sea le compras los jugadores a la máquina y encima si farmeas dinero te banean (porque literalmente es ilegal farmear en este juego) te obligan a que gastes dinero si quieres tener jugadores buenos. 2K es una empresa lamentable y en NBA 2k24 es un juego terrible.

Cada año hacen peor el juego, no tiene mercado y eso es horrible, onnline lleno de chusma defendiendo con CPU, modos de my team infumables, la ciudad lagosa.

What happened to the game i love?
The shooting is so baddddd man, you end up missing like 97% of jumpshots with the best shooters OAT unless you completely green it...

A animação do jogo é boa, o modo de carreira também mas a potabilidade, é terrível.
Perde todo o interesse em pouco minutos de jogo.
Como joguei com o meu filho foi bem divertido, mas quando eu joguei solo não foi uma boa experiência.

back on 2k for the first time since 20 i believe. only real addition is the wnba stuff which, against all odds and almost entirely by accident, happens to contain the game's best mode. The W honestly feels like a cheap slapped together rendition of mycareer, 2k's most unique and interesting mode by far, a lot of the time but nearly all the ways in which they've pared it down are actually enormous improvements. the gaudy open world is replaced by a handful of menus, the gameplay reduced to the only thing it does well ie simulating basketball, level progression and cosmetics aren't purchased but earned through playing the game normally...that last one is the biggest thing ofc. not only does your character start out at an 85 overall (or 75 if you prefer it) so it's viable to take online right away, you progress at a perfectly reasonable rate by simply playing the game which doesn't seem like a high bar to clear for this kind of rpg experience but alas, the men's version does not. there you have to spend around $100 just to get your guy to the point that it's remotely fun to play with online and from there you're probably never going to make it to 99 unless you have no other interests or commitments in your life not to mention how much you have to spend if you want to wear anything other than a brown shirt. it's absurd. i don't know how this player base puts up with it year after year. my paint beast hit 99 ovr with a full wardrobe full of ridiculous shit within a week or two of me just playing the game not even grinding or anything. it's kinda ridiculous that they show you everything you could have while continuing to keep the game's meatiest content behind such an absurd paywall. i guess they know most 2k players aren't even gonna bother looking in the wnba tab so they can get away with it. lucky for me i'm a fan of the 4x wnba champion minnesota lynx so i did look and i did find it and i've been having a great time. although i will say the weekly community goals are always met within the first day and i can find a full match basically 24/7 so maybe people have caught on. i do wish it gave you access to full character customization (the archetypes cover basically every playstyle you could want though) and the online modes should definitely be beefed up a bit (at least make 5v5 an option) but also if they put any more into it it'll likely mean gross monetization so maybe it should stay exactly as it is. my biggest gameplay complaints have more to do with the lack of basic ball knowledge in today's youth than anything but that falls outside the scope of this review

I got this to play franchise mode on Steam Deck and have had a lot of fun with it. It runs well on Steam Deck, which is commendable given most AAA sports games are not supported on Steam Deck (Madden and FC) or even available on Steam (MLB and NHL).

I've played a lot of basketball games, and from a gameplay perspective, this is as good as sim basketball has ever been. It feels polished and mechanically sound, with a good variety of difficulty modes and sliders to customize your experience. There is a bit of a learning curve, and the game could be more welcoming to new players.

I feel like the negativity the community has toward 2K's business practices and online modes has overshadowed what is actually a good offline single player basketball game, but I get it. Most of the criticism is fair in that regard. It depends what mode you are buying it for.

I don't understand how anyone enjoys this

No game makes me more angry than 2K. I have fun sometimes tho.

At least theres crossplay now but this game still garbage. I got this for free and I still feel robbed

In the past, you could always say, "There's a different cover athlete each year!" But I think this is, like, the 14th year in a row it's been one of three Lakers players?

And the game? It sucks. Sucks like LeBron's fake ass school and fake ass dives and fake ass intelligence and fake ass Celtics rivalry. If you wanna capture how fake, stupid, and simulated the NBA is IRL, play this, it actually kinda lines up.

I worked at a game store for years and whenever I bothered to ask someone WHY they like 2K, it always boils down to wanting to be able to play as themselves wearing $20,000 shoes and having a supportive white girlfriend.

We need next gen on PC but the game still delivers the basketball fix for me. I got my Rec, 1v1, MyNBA and mods.

Painfully mediocre. You can still have a lot of fun if you play the right modes or with friends, but a lot of issues especially for a “Next Gen” game. I wouldn’t pay 70$ normally for a game, this is worth at most 35$ to me.

It’s a decent 2k. I got bored of it after a few weeks but it was fun for a minute. I’ll go back and play park and rebuild teams when i’m bored sometimes.

This will be one of my shorter reviews.

2k took a step back in so many aspects. It is slower and feels more clunky than 2k23. But undeniably the worst thing in this game and the reason for such a low score is the shooting is sooooo bad! Like ass awful!

For 10 years, it's been a terrible series where the same game is re-released on the PC platform every year.

Multiple game breaking bugs. (70 dollars on release)
168 GB updates.
Pay to win, I mean seriously, I've played 100+ MyCareer games and my overall is still a 74 because I refuse to spend more money than the price of admission.
Bloated at 172 GB, bc 2K would rather sell eyes to advertisers vis a vis the city rather than selling video games to gamers.
Thankfully the story and quests are less intrusive, though the GOAT stuff is really tiring.

A lot of people are hating on this 2k. Is it perfect? No! Is it the best? Definitely not. But is it good? Yes! If you play MyTeam, expect a bad time, also you're wasting your money. The real value is in the manager and MyNBA modes. The best way to play is to add 6 teams to the NBA and control 1, 2, 6 of them. If you're playing a pay-to-win game mode and not paying, expect to lose. The game isn't rigged, you're stupid. Sorry...! The solo game modes are still good and the options are as expansive as a sports game can get. 2k still, is a good game.

O jogo é uma merda, mais desatualizado que a versão 2019 na minha plataforma PC/Steam, é um cuspe na cara do consumidor de PC mas infelizmente sou fã demais do jogo, por mais que haja muitos erros ainda é o melhor jogo de esporte do mercado ainda mais se a versão do PC recebesse a versão atualizada de PS5 e Xbox sei lá qual... Mesmo sendo uma versão totalmente capada toda interatividade, opção é mil vezes melhor que um fifa ou qualquer outro jogo de esporte... Depressão, tristeza e melancolia ser um apreciador de jogos de esporte, todos no mercado cagam na cabeça dos consumidores...

worst game i've spent over 300 hours playing