Reviews from

in the past

Weiss, you dumbass!

it's official, my 'appreciating video games as an art form' cherry has been popped, thanks to yoko taro.

resident evil remake layed the groundwork and he swooped in with the finish.

nier utilizes mechanics similar to resident evil even, at times, as part of it's vast toolbox of game modes that change for just long enough to make you appreciate once it's back to normal. wheter it be platform type stuff, puzzels, top down view battles, and even text based segments. that's ontop of the fact that every mission has an immense sense of weight to it. you care about the task at hand and are rewarded big time with fantastic cutscenes that had me tearing more than once, truly making you feel like you made an impact in the characters lives. in that world. that beautiful, complex world with a resolve that changes everything.

the squad we end up with becomes extended family. endlessly charismatic back and forths with plenty of emotion when storylines resolve. i won't spoil who the characters are, but damn did those fuckers grow on me during those 18 hours. english dub was pretty damn great i think. theres powerful elements of body positivity and mental health that are carefully set up and told through them as the story goes on.

being that i'm essentially new to 'proper' gaming, having played mostly casually up until now, i'm kind of spoiled with newer AAA fare, so my first impression of the world was that it was kind of barren and dated. HOWEVER, that quickly subsided thanks to the amazing level design. it actually made me nostalgic for an era of video games i wish i engaged more in, especially since the 2000's is my jam in every other aspect pop culture wise. it's not that i never played games as kid, i did, it's just that i didn't properly live in those worlds. hence my cherry has only now been popped. but yeah, what was i saying again..

loved the world design. everything in the semi open world setting is just close enough to each other that going back and forth remains fun. the final boss setting in particular was super rewarding to step into.

gameplay wise the regular baddies are pretty bland but make for fun enough hack n slash with a decent fighting system made up of swords and evolving magic abilities. bosses are all great.

music on point of course. the song that plays during emotional bits reminded me of the leftovers 😭

will hop back in to play the B story soon. probably gonna check out the drakengard games first because i absolutely must load up on the backstory now.

(my first game review!)


PS3 international version

Ending: A (17h42m10s - ps3 with ds4 controller)

lmao i watched this shit on youtube just so i could play automata

it wasn't even worth it, fuck you yoko taro you chump

If this game didn't drag so much towards the end, it would've been one of the greatest games ever made

took a while for it set in how much impact this had on me, only problems are the ost being largely forgettable besides a handful of truly perfect songs and niers character point sounding like it was muddied with the localization.

the party in this one definitely makes it my fav in the taroverse so far (havent played drak 3 yet). also hoping someone else had an "ah i see" moment when shades were crowding on those planks in the aerie, lining up to die to your hitting attack over and over and over and over and over. automata should have been less fun actually

Nier was truly the culmination of Drakengard's experiments. This fresco of gameplay and narrative ideas works best in the arrangement of styles as opposed to the value of each individual part. Firstly, its 3d-action gameplay framework is constantly meddled with by flashes of brief but intriguing creativity, injecting elements of platformer, puzzle, bullet-hell, horror, and even text-adventure into sections, dungeons and minigames that frequently change perspective. The combat system itself isn't particularly frustrating or repetitive, but its implementation (and the surrounding RPG aspects) is underwhelmingly basic, with the best displays reserved for their most Zelda-like of boss battles. Nier often stylistically channels the splendor of Team Ico's masterpieces: Ico's idea of subdued yet majestic post-apocalyptic areas - if heavily expanded, and Shadow of the Colossus' weakpoint-addled massive bosses and warped contexts on enemies, but the melodramatic flair is all theirs. Settings range from simple fields and villages to offbeat towns that straddle the border between childish fairytales, bizarre caricatures, and disturbing nightmares, each area boasting a distinct flavor while retaining some form of melancholic atmosphere tying them all together.

As usual - the narrative is easily the highlight, yet here it attains a strikingly personal, heartfelt degree of quality. Overarching themes of sacrifice, revenge, consequence, and tragedy permeate the work, but unlike Drakengard, there's at least a glimmer of hope buried underneath. Much like the giants of 90s JRPGs, character subplots explore and vivisect different themes while avoiding self-indulgence, and towering above all of those is Kainé - one of the greatest characters of the 2010s. The eclectic cast, fantastic soundtrack, surreal story moments, and refined multiple endings are all functional to a mesmerizing whole. Nier horribly fails when it comes to its trivial side quests, awful minigames, bland dungeon layouts, etc. And complaints regarding its graphic quality and performance are all valid. There's actually quite a bit that doesn't work, and there's a lot that shouldn't work, but what succeeds is pure magic.

Taro's magnum opus, one of the greatest games ever written.

After a replay for the first time in over 5 years this still holds up as my favorite game ever and is still worth playing (it actually ran way better than i remembered, maybe drakengard 3 just scared me that much that i thought both were like that).

I legitimately do not understand people who say this game is unplayable. Don't get me wrong it has its flaws (horrible balance needing you to stand around during boss fights so you don't one shot them and miss all the dialogue, needless repetition for C and D when all the new content is in the final 15 minutes) but people who act like this game is a disaster outside of its story and see this as completely invalidated by the remake either haven't played the game themselves and are just parroting the common take or have not played an actual 1 out of 10 dogshit game. Hate to come off super elitist and harsh but this game gets a worse rep than it deserves.

Despite its many imperfections, NieR Gestalt is a special gem that holds one of the most rich, engaging and captivating narratives of the past decade, with themes and ideas that make you think about the things humans do for the sake of their own beliefs. It has a wonderful charm that will stick with you far more than other, more competent games of its type.

What a $^*&ing drug trip this game was. A fantasy RPG that tricks you into playing every other genre, even shocking me with text adventure and space shooter components.

fun to watch, looks a nightmare to fucking play. let kaine wear a shirt though

King of Facade is the biggest bro on the planet.

Exploración del conflicto desde sus distintas perspectivas. Cómo creerte con legitimidad justifica acciones injustificables. Entre medio, empatía hacia sus personajes, todos ellos marginados y maltratados por la vida, los cuales siguen encontrando razones por las que seguir adelante.

A pesar de sus buenas intenciones, el juego falla para mi en la pobreza de su estilo. No consigo conectar con lo que propone, sus escenas emotivas no me emocionan, su mensaje se siente redundante. Y el mismo final D, que debería ser catalizador de la empatía desarrollada hacia el mejor personaje del juego, falla al proponer un sacrificio vacío.

Versión larga:

I was going to type up a huge 8 paragraph review on why this game is one of the greatest of all time, but most people don't want to read that so I'll just say that this game resonated with me more than Automata, but I also played this one first so maybe that has something to do with it. I can understand why so many were blown away by Automata having never experienced this masterpiece first. It is deep, profound, emotional, existential, realistic, immersive and one of my all time favorite games.

The characters are some of the most well written in all of video games, the voice acting is some of the best ever, the world is beautiful and fleshed out, the OST is one of the greatest things you will hear in your life and the gameplay while kinda janky is still incredibly unique and has a one-of-a-kind mix of genres. Please play it, you won't regret it. The only reason why I don't give this a 5/5 is simply because we live in a world where NieR Replicant 1.22 exists and all the enhancements that game has just sorta makes this one inferior in almost every way unfortunately. Still certainly worth a playthrough to experience the story from Father Nier's perspective though.

sometimes i think about the passage about kaine and her grandma and i get all teary-eyed and wistful. what a loving, human game. one of those rare pieces of media where talking about it makes everything jump out of me suddenly like a flood of warm memories. the resident evil bit? the diablo dungeon? the text adventure part? so so good. love the whole cast. such an empathetic work of art. i liked it : )

Chances are the remake will redeem this game in the eyes of the general public and I'm fine with that.

Story and music are just as good if not better than Automata, but at least Automata is much more playable.

ritually destroying all of my friend groups by insisting this game is better than automata in every way, yes, including that one

By the time NieR unveiled its textual adventure, I was already charmed by Yoko Taro's proposition and all that's left was the coup de grace.

the greatest OST combined with the only good sad dad game

One of Square Enix, and Yoko Taro's finest. The game has some of the best writing you'll ever find in games of it's time. The way all the main cast have tons of fun and interesting chemistry will only make the ending hit home even more. While some like to say the gameplay hasn't aged gracefully, I couldn't disagree more. Simple combat? Yes. But simplicity doesn't always mean bad. I highly recommend this game to anyone who is looking for an emotionally engaging experience.

After playing Automata I had to know what the first game was all about, and I wasn't disappointed. Sure, the game has many many flaws but it makes up for it in the story. There are so many genera's in this game that never make for a dull moment (except the walls of text in the lost forest). Love Weiss, he is legit my favorite character in the game and I have no idea why, he's a book. This game was an experience I'd never trade for anything in the world, and I can confidently say that I enjoy this game more than Automata

my favorite video game ost, story, and characters. I think gameplay is really clunky.

If it wasn't for the gameplay this would be the single best game Yokotaro has pulled out. Yes better than Automata

The only game I own that I have thrown up on.
(It's not related to contents, I was just having a bad day).
Looking forward to the remake to finally get through it.

El eterno juego pendiente, como me agencie una PS3 fui directo a por el. Una historia genial, personajes carismaticos a los que le cojes un cariño impresionante (aunque con dosis de cringe) y un combate mediocre. Y con 5 endings.

It's almost incredible that this game was made by Cavia Drakengard 1 flashbacks. Even tho the gameplay is a bit rusty (saying the least), it's world, story, characters are unique and incredible. Do yourself a favour and, if you don't want to play this one, get the remaster/remake? that Toylogic Inc is doing. You won't regret it.