Reviews from

in the past

it's fun but I don't have enough cocaine to properly enjoy it

Nicht meins.
Ein Roguelike, bei dem man ständig überall hängen bleibt und immer ja jeden Gang lang gehen muss, damit man jeden Goldbrocken mitnimmt um sich dann durch das unangenehme Menü zu wursten, ist eher ne Bestrafung als ein gutes Spiel.

i dont think roguelikes are for me but this is still fun

didn't get the hype, unfortunately

This game is so good i don't know what to say about it

Now imagine the most cancerous game made by the most cancerous people (finnish) the mindset of killing yourself makes you progress

i think most of my gripes with this game come from the fact that i'm god awful at it and have had trouble getting a decent grasp over how to handle the wand/spell system effectively. definitely hoping i'll be able to come back and give this game a higher rating in the future

veeeeeeeeeeeeeery interesting so far. might have to shelf for when i finish disco elysium

my childhood obsession with falling sand games meets my adult obsession with being the fucking wizard and you expect me to not think it's the greatest game anyone ever dared to make?

Sometimes this game is a REAL asshole, and I love it for that.

Very fun roguelike, nothing quite like having fully explosive worms-like landscapes and just making sure everything is on fire, exploded or full of horrid poison.

Why make things easy on yourself when you can make everything worse, this is the philosophy of a man who loves watching explosions more than actually playing the game safely.

This is going in 'shelved' but I'll definitely be firing it up every so often.

If you expect to win then you'll hate this game. Otherwise welcome to one of the best sandbox games on the market.

Actual wizard shit. Like not even the game mechanics, like how does one program this game

Referenciando uma review aqui no site que li antes de jogar..Se você "tem cocaina" o suficiente pra isso, é um jogo incrível. A gameplay em si é simples, você pode pular e levitar enquanto atira com varinhas e ocasionalmente chuta ou arremessa alguma coisa, mas existe tanta mas tanta variedade e complexidade na customização de varinhas que se você quiser nunca usará a mesma build. Algo que é legal de se comentar, mas não se aprofundar para evitar spoilers, é o fato de que tamanho do mundo / universo desse jogo é muito maior do que aquilo necessário para finalizá-lo pela primeira vez. Quanto mais você se aprofundar neste jogo, mais fascinante ele se torna. Acabou se tornando meu roguelite favorito

Fucking awesome
I only stopped playing because my gaming pc cannot handle the black magic going on here

It was in my wishlist for far too long, this game consumed my being. The wandcrafting and secrets contained in this game are wonderous, really has been a long time since I had nightly dreams of a game.

this game hard as shit but it's worth it because its possibly the most based game of all time

dificuldade desnecessária, mas brincar com a física do jogo é divertido.

This is exactly what being a wizard is like 4 stars.

o jogo é mt bom mas na epoca que peguei pra jogar eu tava jogando outras coisas e nao dei mt atençao pra ele. talvez um dia eu pegue pra jogar dnv

This game is hard. There is no getting around it, if you don't like getting wrecked by a game almost every time you play it, don't bother.

In fact, the game is so hard that I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of it's content. I can barely get past about 4/5 floors, hidden areas or zones before dying in a spectacular fashion.

The wands and their customisation is mind boggling, what everything does requires a PHD to understand and some of the game mechanics are hard to grasp. I'm certain this is a skill issue, and whilst it's praise worthy for how in-depth it is, its too hard to get your head around sometimes. Half a star off.

With that out of the way.... I think this game is underrated, partially due to its PC only release. I believe this game should be up there with The Binding Of Isaac as a highly revered game in the Rogue Like/Lite space. If it had a console release as well, im sure it would have the respect it deserves.

Words alone simply cannot do this game justice. However, to the best of my ability, it's probably the closest you're gonna get to being a legitimate wizard.

This is easily one of my favorite roguelikes ever and I'd be willing to call it the best (at least of its contemporaries). What makes me love it is just how much there really is, and just how much freedom the player actually has. The game is so much more than what it appears to be on the surface. You could write an entire essay on the wand crafting... and that would be just one of several essays you could write on this game!

Yes, it's fucking hard as hell -- this game is challenging in every sense of the word -- but if you're a patient person, it is 100% worth it.

Noita is probably the best roguelite ever made in my opinion. In a genre where games are often judged on their variety and replay value, Noita comes out on top every time. It's one thing to have a game built around chasing the heralded "god run" but fact of the matter is, a "god run" isn't godly forever. Once you've cracked the code and done it more than twice, you realize that, just like everything else at play, it's "just another run" that leaves you unsatisfied. That's the hallmark where usually you might find it time to give up on most roguelites, but Noita proposes a different idea. Extreme brutality and esoteric design go a long way in characterizing a different method. In Noita, the amount of variety at play comes from its sheer focus on simulation, details and secrets. No two runs will usually end the same and it's frequently possible to kill yourself solely from being curious about something, but that's okay, because it never was about winning.

Rather than sharing the "beat the arcade game" model and the "browse the wiki" model as separate elements, the two are fused. Death is entirely a learning experience and the bigger questions at hand while you play are less tied to survival (though that is a factor) and more about the limits of the simulation itself. While most of the game will see the simulated world and lively enemies beating you down in unique ways, the simple factor of getting that god-tier spell and thinking "wait, what if I do this that wasn't possible before?" leads to an entirely new facet of the game you never even knew existed beforehand, and that itself is a huge appeal. Discovery becomes so core to the experience that the "wiki game" element entirely dissolves as you open up a new avenue that is pure morbid curiosity manifested into an entire game, turning the knowledge you gain into the moment-to-moment gameplay with little to no downtime due to how many factors are constantly at play. All the most painful moments made worthwhile by the realization of "I'm probably gonna die doing this" and the comfort of "well, at least the runs don't take long in this game" bringing you back to skin yourself alive in an acid spell many a time.

It's great even if you play it like a normal roguelike (beat it 3 times). I don't think I have the patience to do the orb runs, but I love a ton of what this game did (I unlocked the greek letters and divide by spells though). The wandbuilding system and the spells are fun, the movement is great, and the pixel physics might be the best part

Great visuals, lots of replayabilty, fun enemies, and near endless combinations of weapons.