Reviews from

in the past

Don't know who made a game about an Octopus pretending to be a human, but I'm not complaining.

Awww yes, a funny YouTuber game from 2014 that's still fun, take notes Goat Simulator.

I tried to speedrun this just because of how silly it looks lol

Infravalorado cuento infantil en formato videojuego sobre las dificultades de vivir ocultando un defecto o complejo a los demás. Batallar con el movimiento del pulpo protagonista para realizar hasta la tarea más mundana (caminar, mover y depositar objetos, etc.) sin levantar sospechas es la forma que tiene el juego de ponernos en la piel de quien sufre hasta en la situación menos pensada por hacerse ver como los demás. Miedo al rechazo y querer encajar, básicamente. Y, como no podía ser de otro modo, la puesta en escena elegida es la clásica familia prototípica-ideal americana, el culmen de la pretendida normalidad y el bienestar.

Mediante su separación del movimiento en distintas extremidades y el objetivo de no ser detectado, Octodad enmaraña toda situación (la tarea más nimia se vuelve un desastre, el paseo más corto una odisea) y saca risas de cada acción llevada a cabo, reformulando los arquetípicos minijuegos y tareas videojueguiles por el camino. Y el colmo lo ponen los grititos del pulpo y las pieles de plátano esparcidas por el suelo. Imposible no reírse.

Al final, se descubre el pastel y la familia acepta al padre tal y como es. Esto no es spoiler, no había otro final posible para esta comedia de corazón de oro.

Very fun game to play with friends! The gameplay and narrative are both hilarious.

The perfect airplane game. It's heartwarming and fun. It has purposely difficult controls without it being too hard. I just wish the game was longer! Still need to play bugsnax!

funky little game. i woulf say 10/10 but it wouldnt sound satire . overall a good game to play when ur extremely bored

este juego fue una experiencia, aunque no se si una buena o una mala

2014 was a dark year for me, and Octodad plastered a smile on my face that lasted for days. I still use the theme song to cheer myself up.

The ending is so cute, not much replayability but resulted in me and my siblings pretending to be an octopus at random moments and what more do you want?


played this with some friends and its quite an enjoyable game honestly, i assumed it wouldve aged badly as "funny youtuber physics goat simulator" but its pretty great

CO-OP is so fun in this game. Never played it solo so idk how well it plays there but you have to try it CO-OP.

Pretty fun and challenging puzzle platformer, definitely worth it!

this game is alright! a fun jaunt!

This games shtick is it's near impossible control scheme.
It takes considerable getting used to, for sure.
Outside of this, it's all right but nothing too amazing.

I expected this to be a stupid gimmick game like Goat Simulator, but the controls are a perfect blend of unruly and challenging, yet entirely functional. And the writing is really funny. A solid indie gem, I'm glad it became as successful as it did.

This was the first game I played on PS4, not much to say really other than it’s fun and will give you a good laugh.