Reviews from

in the past

im the kinda guy to actually be an octopus in disguise

Novel, but a bit too frustrating.

Overcome alien racism

Imagine QWOP but in 3D and vastly more arms and legs. One of the most frustating-funny games I've played.

i don't like wacky physics games but this one doesn't make me want to rip my spine out so it's the best wacky physics game imo

dont fuck with me if youve never did with octodad

Kinda wish it was longer to be honest. Got it done in just under 2 hours and it felt kinda flat by the end. Gameplay is still great, level design is fun, just kinda felt a bit ehh by the end.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is the kind of indie game that you'll never see any traditional developer releasing. It's a game that pokes fun at yourself.

Before delving into the gameplay, I need to explain the plot of the story. It's nothing particularly special, but it will surely elicit some laughs. You play as an octopus who has a normal family that remains oblivious to his true identity. Consequently, you find yourself in ordinary situations, needing to conceal your non-human nature.

The standout feature of this game is its gameplay. You manipulate each tentacle of the octopus to interact with items and even walk, all while attempting to mimic human behavior. It's worth mentioning the intentionally challenging physics, which can make even the simplest tasks a real struggle. However, bear in mind that these difficulties are by design, and that's precisely what makes this game exceptionally unique.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch definitely won't be one of the best games of your life. It offers a short yet amusing experience. I recommend it if you're seeking something completely different from anything else.

A spongebob video game prequel based on a previous life of squidward tentacles

Had so much charm to it. Controls were really something else, but the game was designed well around it.

This was my first game on steam and the reason I got the platform in the first place.

Just a goofy game, very "meh". Was fun for a bit in couch-coop, but it gets old very quickly.

When this came out I was still in school and my dad would send me £5 every friday into my bank account and one day I spent it on this game and I beat it in like 2 hours and was very annoyed. In retrospect though it's a cute game.

Genuinely an amazing game. A very sweet story with super entertaining game play! I would love if it got a sequel but it got an amazing story done in 1 game and is great as is! Genuinely would play it again it’s SUCH a great game!

I played this game when it came out and I was like 10 and the boat level was insanely hard (I think they patched it later) and I think it made me cry

I absolutely decimated that guy at air hockey.

Only reason it's not a 5 is because of the hen tie

I look back on the 80 hours I've spent on this game fondly. It might sound corny but this game was kind of important to me not going insane. (Also, yes, I did complete the game in one day--in just shy of an hour. I really, really like Octodad.)

A nostalgic blast from the past. Yet I never finished it before this playthrough. The game has a comfy feeling to it and it's short, sweet, and fun.
Final score: 8/10

blurb of it was pretty good I guess

A fun 3D platform/"puzzle" game. Puzzle is in quotes here because while simple, the mechanics of Octodad himself lend some fun challenges to the puzzles.

Is nobody gonna talk about how the kids look normal or how the wife didn't know she was making love to an Octopus??

Fun little game with a fun little gimmick

The best of the "your character controls bad" games because they actually tried to tie it into a clever and funny story. You actually care about Octodad and his family which is ridiculous.