Reviews from

in the past

One of the best Puyo games out there. Nothing too new mechanically but has a ton of charm.

really great puyo game and a sleeper n64 hit. sun puyos add just enough extra aggression to the formula without fundamentally changing how the game's played.

The third Puyo game, a cute little adventure with even more charm than Tsu. It primarily suffers from the Sun mechanic itself, which can randomly screw over your combos. But Arle's story music is fantastic.

I’m too busy drooling over Satan to even pay attention to the ga-awww, fuck I lost.

sun puyo are garbage puyo disguised as rewards

This is the most broken Puyo game and I love playing it because of that

Second game (following Oblivion) in my USPS Straight Losin' My Shit series. At least this time my neighbor actually returned it to me. On the other hand, USPS smashed the front of the jewel case in during transit. You win some you lose some.

Puyo Puyo Sun is the third mainline Puyo Puyo game, and probably the fastest paced entry I've ever played. I did a single run through the story mode, which of course is all in Japanese so I have nothing substantive to say about its story. Great looking sprites, though. The cutscenes are weird and very charming, even if I might not know what the hell is going on. I am also way into the Summertime aesthetic, and I'm kicking myself for playing this while it's rainy and dreary out, because it's a very strong contender for my list of Summah Games

As far as the gameplay, though, I kind of don't know what to make of Sun. The drop speed of Puyos does not change the further you progress, and I didn't observe my opponents playing more strategically over the course of the story mode either. The difficulty largely remained static, and I feel like a lot of matches were won through sheer dumb luck. Sometimes I'd find junk being dropped down in my well in the precise areas I needed to clear in order to execute combos, and junk accumulation happens very quickly, which meant that I rarely had the opportunity to run a match back. If you start to see junk Puyos at the top of your screen, you need to start clearing anything you can or you'll be swiftly buried. However, the reverse is also possible, and I had just as many matches where I executed what I thought to be a very minor combo only to have my opponent struggling at the top of their well maybe ten or fifteen seconds later. Most matches were done and over with in about 25-40 seconds, so if you're looking for a Puyo game with some really good exchanges between you and your opponent, this ain't it.

Or maybe it is, I don't know! It's sometimes hard to get a feel for all the nuances of a puzzle game without another human player to learn against. Considering the one friend I have around here who I could theoretically loop into playing a multiplayer Saturn game has such an aversion to Puyo he couldn't even beat the Chemical Plant boss in Sonic Mania and quit the game (which he paid full price for), it's unlikely to happen. Maybe I'll mess around in the menus at some point and see if I can't milk a little bit more out of this one, but as it stands, I think this lands pretty low on my ranking of Puyo Puyo games.

A historia desse jogo é tão simples, tão fofo e tão aleatória, eu amei isso.

Puyo Puyo Sun é um jogo simples, curto porem muito divertido, os visuais são muito fofos, a trilha sonora é boa e a gameplay mesmo sendo um pouco inferior ao Tsu ainda é excelente, só não recebe um 5 devido a nova mecânica dos puyo Solares que é um pouco quebrada.

i want that elephant killed clean shot

silly game with a weird sun mechanic i didn't really understood well.

Played through with an English translation patch. Goofy story and using the sun to unleash attacks is a bit fun, but sometimes you just get combo’d to unrecoverable hell.

catzos es un ecuatoriano resentido con el imperio español

i haven't played this game enough to give it a rating but the cutscenes are really funny and satan playing a ukelele did a detrimental amount of damage to my heterosexuality

It's not quite a breakthrough title like Puyo Puyo Tsu, but it's the game that made me fall in love with Puyo Puyo. Puyo Sun takes what works about the formula and enhances it with a hilarious narrative - Satan makes the sun big to get a sexy tan and win the affection of women, that's the plot - carried by immediately lovable characters getting on each other's last nerve. Often when I don't know what to play, I'll fall back on this game and play through Arle's campaign.

The new Sun Puyo is ultimately harmless if not a bit arbitrary, cluttering the perfection that is Puyo Tsu's gameplay design a little bit, but that's the only complaint I have and it's honestly not that big a deal.

my fav puyo game!!! the graphics r super cute and well made, the music is rlly good, and the story is rlly funny SATAN WANTED A TAN SO HE MADE THE SUN BIG XD

i SUCK at puyo puyo, but this game rules. thank u to the translators <3

definitely really charming lil puyo game but mechanically this one aint it fam. theres sun puyos that when popped drop a shitload of garbage on the other persons screen so that's just a little bit unbalanced. If you like your puyo with a little more flavor then give this a shot, but puyo purists are gonna be shakin their heads at this one something fierce. I do like the summertimey vibe though.

my favorite puyo game when it comes to visuals! sadly i have mixed feelings on the sun puyo mechanic, but overall i like this game a lot

This game is really hard.

Satan is so fuckin cute.

i have seen so many twitter avatars of Satan wearing a Hawaiian shirt from this game. I get it. Satan wearing a Hawaiian shirt is really cool.

My main experience with Puyo Puyo is Dr Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine – a game I couldn’t enjoy because of colourblind issues, so I was dreading playing this one. However, in the options, you can adjust the colours of the different Puyo, even going as far as completely greyscale and relying on the (a bit too minor when the game goes fast) different shapes completely.

With the options set to how I like them…I actually really enjoy Puyo Puyo. It’s geared towards a 1v1 setup, as creating sets of four will send bad beans to the opponent’s screen – but if you score combos, you’ll send a load at once. This creates a risk factor as you can try to set up elaborate combos (something I’m not good at) but wait too long, and your opponents will scupper your plans with some bad blocks.

The story mode has you battling lots of colourful characters as you get amusing little snippets before each match, with some nice animation. It’s all very silly, but also quite entertaining, with lots of unfortunate events happening to absolutely everyone. Of course, every problem in life can be solved by a Puyo Puyo battle.

There’s also a good amount of different modes. Puzzle Puyo is essentially a training mode, giving you a guide to help you set up combos, and you can then test out these skills in a mission mode, which gives you tasks but you have to figure it out yourself. There are also endless, tournament and versus modes, giving you plenty to deal with.

I have not played any later Puyo Puyo games so I don’t know how this compares, but I found this to be genuinely entertaining and it was a blast to play.

I'm not actually crazy about the Sun mechanic, since it seems to more heavily incentivize defensive play (quickly popping single chains adjacent to sun puyo, or in order to offset to trigger a sun puyo) as opposed to long chains. However, that still feels like more decisions to make than Fever (a mode which I once took umbrage with, but have since made my peace with), and it also never takes you to an entirely different board like Fever, so I can't fault it too much; it just requires a shift in thinking compared to PP2, more than you might assume at first.