Reviews from

in the past

Planning to fully play and I actually will :^). the story mode is good. Also might buy on switch

A gorgeously animated and gratuitously satisfying 2D fighting game which sets the gold standard for indies in the genre, due in no small part to its excellent rollback netcode via GGPO.

i love playing this game. the aesthetics, the movement, animation, a lot of things actually. I do have problems with some designs like filia who looks like THAT and is underaged for some reason. while i love this game, i cannot look at it the same way ever again from what has happened. also fuck you mike z.

It's easy to crap on MikeZ but it sucks knowing that he held back this game not only from content but just some QoL.

It's a game that's carried by its amazing artstyle, detail and online but gameplay wise feels kinda dated and basically harder for newcomers to enjoy or just people wanting to get back into the game. It's basically bad MvC2 and it kinda needs a second chance in like a retooling of the game.

Also why aren't your defensive options in the tutorial? Why are they hidden in the game that you only find out by watching videos. Also online newcomers is fantastic but the worst matchmaking of any modern FG

Yamane-san on the board, get yo' 'Vania fix
Hot and balanced out the gate, fuck yo' HD mix
You want them aerial raves, but you want them with chicks?
(Three on three with the ladies, a menage-a-six?)
Dat free ratio booty, custom assists
Too much animation, butt be shittin' bricks
Need dat Mahvel hype, but without all the dicks?


decent fighter with a ton of love and effort put into its art but mike z's a scumbag im gonna kick that guy's butt into orbit

Amazing hand drawn artstyle and great music aswell, while it isn't my favorite fighting game, it was definitely worth the money and time.

Probably my favourite fighting game and the only one I've felt a real obsession with. There was a time when I would go to my best friend's a lot and we would do a bunch of sets pretty much every evening that were super fun! Now this game has muscle memoried into my hands! It won't escape! It's part of my DNA! Help me!

an incredibly well-made fighting game with a bunch of grimy shit that you can pull off or get hit by other players with. too bad 90% of the character designs are bad

Incredibly fun, one of my all time favorites!

i do not like tag fighters and horny character design

Peacock has a reference to Silent Night, Deadly Night 2

ultimate way to play skullgirls which is already a pretty good game itself
pretty good and complete if you are getting into fgs

I wish I was good at fighting games so I could appreciate this game for more than just the porn.

This game is good I guess ANYWAYS FUCK MIKE Z I hope Lab Zero's employees can get better work

This game, you probably heard of from 3 sources: Seeing it as a sudden main game at the online evo lineup, at recommendation lists in fighting game communities - or at twitter due to the discussion regarding the Lab Zero breakup.

Either way, this game has gotten REALLY popular in such a short window of time. So, naturally as a fighting game (newb-ish) fan, I decided to pick up the game and give it a try on my switch.

The game has indeed a lot of things going for it: a very interesting and varied cast, both in play style and personality, a more elaborate (yet not excellent by any means) and accessible tutorial and great-looking visuals and smooth gameplay.

However, my biggest struggle with this game that, as passionate as this project is, it does not have anything original or charming that makes it really stand out of other games from its genre: single player mode? very basic and straightforward, like always (lol). tutorial? still can feel messy at times, and undervalues the application of the mechanics it teaches. The visuals? while smooth, do not introduce any groundbreaking use or any level of style not seen in other games like Guilty Gear and MvC.
Even the team based-gameplay is heavily based on the Capcom vs. games, although expands it slightly with giving multiple options for team sizes, each with their pros and cons.

Tl;dr : fun game, does some things well, but lacks the charm and creativity you'd expect to see in an indie fighting game, ultimately not offering anything new to the genre.

good game! wish it was playable with a keyboard

Eu nunca tenho paciencia pra fazer o mod historia mas direto nos chama os cara pra apostar em jogo de luta com mulheres gostosas.

dude this tutorial is so fucking good

Playing as Valentine feels real damn good, like I am always on a combo spree

Fanservice puro, y una jugabilidad demasiado básica y fácil. Buen diseño de personajes.

probably my favorite fighting game