Reviews from

in the past

While this was the first game I ever played and I am very biased, it's hard to deny the various flaws introduced in this game. Each character plays vastly differently with different objectives, but some stages are more tedious than others. The game is riddled with glitches and redundancy, but by far one of my favorite Sonic games to replay.

I want to like this game! I really do!

But it just feels so bad to play! Even Sonic, the most fun gameplay style here, isn't all that great. Not to mention the other characters, all uniformly worse and annoying.

It has a charming jankiness and it's incomprehensible storytelling is fun. But the core game is just bad.

I always get very nostalgic for the sunny stuff at the beginning of this one but it's a bit lame, isn't it?

This game just straight up sucks. Garbage hub world, slippery controls, boring as fuck levels, even more braindead bosses, man what a disaster of a game. Maybe it'd be enjoyable if I was the kind of person that found joy in mashing cubes into circular holes, but I'm not. Music is the one good thing about this trash heap though, but it's nowhere near good enough to redeem it.

Open Your Heart > Live & Learn

At the time when this game released I thought it was great. Going back now it's okay with the Chao garden being easily the best thing about it.

Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX look very different. Please use the dreamcast visuals in the header for this please :)

Lol I actually really liked it, wasn't expecting that. It's definitely super janky and full of imperfections, glitches and bad camera considering it's the first true 3D Sonic game but it's the fun kind of jank. I had a really good time with it, I liked the open areas to explore and just do Sonic stuff, it's really fun to do the Spin Dash and try to do some crazy jumps. I absolutely loved the soundtrack and the voice acting cracks me up, and so does the way the characters move their mouths to speak, it's hilariously terrible lol. Love the Chao stuff as well. While some of the stages had moments that had me asking what the fuck is happening, for the most part I really enjoyed the stages in this game, loved the Sky Deck one where the ship turns and stuff start to fall, it was really rad. Also the bosses I thought were really neat as well. And I don't know if it's just me but I felt like this game had a somewhat comfy feeling to it, it gave me vibes of late 90s videogames that I really feel kinda nostalgic about.
I dunno, I just really really really liked Sonic Adventure. It's such an easy game to just pick up and play. Had a really good time with it, and I'm looking forward to beating it with the other characters (minus Big), as well as to get all the emblems.

This game has been beaten to death. So much so that saying it’s been beaten to death is beaten to death. Anyways, I think Sonic’s playstyle is the best that Sonic’s ever played in 3D with explorative levels and mostly fluid controls. I don’t really care for the other playstyles since they’re super shallow, but they’re at least short. Big’s playstyle is insufferable though. Oh and the cutscenes are unskippable in the dreamcast version who thought this was a good idea anyways Sonic Adventure is pretty fun

Sonic Adventure is a very enjoyable game, despite it's inconsistent and dodgy nature. The game showcases some of the best Sonic 3D gameplay to date, it's aesthetically pleasing, and it has a rather nice narrative. But one must be careful to avoid glitches and jank while playing it, and not all the characters were created equal.

The OG. Sonic Adventure 1 is a really cool game. A bit rough sometimes, but there's a lot to love. The different stories are fun, the music is great, the voice acting is cheesy as hell and there is always a new reason to come back to it. Amy isn't very fun, but I get enjoyment out of all the other characters. The hub worlds are a bit lame, but all the levels are fantastic. It's a good, fun Sonic game that hits all the marks it should. Enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.

It was an ambitious game for the time i'll give it that, playing it now hmmmmmmmm

Great overall game is bogged down by an unintuitive hub system and, fishing for some reason. Glorious voice performances though.

I love my favorite jank platformer but for reasons that can questionable because some guy watched a game grumps and/or projared video

Many have said this game hasn't aged well, and I would agree. That said, it's still pretty fun to play, despite its often frustrating level design and gameplay mechanics.

One of sonic's best 3d games, controls like a dream and the stages are fun as hell to go through.

Its good, problems are it being a bit dated, and the open area segments feeling a bit to big, and some levels are unfun

Pretty good game, to be honest. Coming back to it after a couple years, I enjoyed it quite a bit- more than I thought I would.

Not once did I run into any glitches or major camera issues. For the most part, I thought the characters controlled just fine. Now, that doesn't mean the game has aged perfectly, not by any means. I just think that, overall, Sonic Adventure has aged about as well as other major franchises from that era (I'm talkin' Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, for example). It's actually pretty surprising how well Sonic Team managed to transition Sonic from 2D into an ambitious 3D experience.

Sonic's developers have always had to make a game that focuses on going fast not have incredibly short levels and last a total of 4 hours. Usually, the way they tackle this is by making you reply the same levels for better ranks, as other characters, to find collectibles... Sonic Adventure decides to give you multiple campaigns focusing on each respective character's gameplay gimmick. No doubt about it, Sonic's campaign was the one I enjoyed the most. Like I had stated before, I think Sonic Team did a surprisingly great job translating Sonic's traditional 2D gameplay into a 3D environment. Sonic goes fast, but I rarely found myself struggling to control him. Usually because the developers were kind enough to add walls or railings to keep you from falling off when doing sharp turns and speedy segments. Plus, building up speed with your the B button and using the homing attack feels nice.

For all the good things I have to say about Sonic's campaign, I do think the rest aren't that strong. Tails was also fun but it's pretty much Sonic's levels just easier because you can fly. Knuckles' levels were simple enough that looking for all the emerald pieces didn't take too long so his campaign wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Gamma's levels were shockingly easy and short (which isn't automatically a bad thing but there isn't much to it, really). I'd say Amy's was the other campaign that I thought had more meat on its bones. And then there's Big the Cat. This is how I went about it: I looked up a single guide on how to reel in fish. I gave it a quick read and went down to business. Probably beat his campaign in one sitting. Honestly? It wasn't tedious or anything. Emphasis on 'or anything'. That's the problem, it was kinda boring. Maybe I'm just not a fan of fishing mini-games much less those that are required to unlock the final level.

At the end of the day, Sonic was still the best character to play as. But I didn't dislike any of the others. I appreciate how they decided to switch things up instead of doing what games like the Advance trilogy do and having you play the same levels over and over again just with different characters (that control similarly anyways). That being said, the hub world was a little annoying to traverse at times. Really, it's just that I would get lost and had to find the glowing orb that told me where to go. Not the worst hub world ever, but I can't say I cared for it all too much.

What makes this game shine, though, is the story. Sure, the voice acting is off and the cutscene direction is awkward most of the time, but that's what gives it its charm. Not to mention the fact that it gives Sonic and the rest of the cast their own personalities in a way that just wasn't done in the 2D entries. Heck, it defines these characters for the next 20 years. There's also the introduction of humans and weird plot-lines with experiments and the authorities. Sonic Team took some real risks and made bold choices with regards to the story, and I think it paid off. Among those being the beautiful decision to compose hard rock themes for Sonic to jam to. I gotta hand it to 'em.

Overall, I had fun. I can say with confidence that Sonic did not have a rough transition into 3D. That's not to say this game aged well, I don't think it did in a lot of areas. But, to be honest, most games from this era suffer the same kinds of issues. Sonic Adventure is nonetheless a fun adventure, with charming presentation, and gameplay that's fun at best, okay at worst.

overrated amk bunun nesi güzel neyini beğeniyorlar hala anlamıyorum

One of the most lovably goofy games I've ever played. Yes, it's janky in places, the cutscenes are so bad they're hilarious, the camera can get in your way and yes Big the Cat is a stupid idea (although his section can be over in less than half an hour), but there's a lot of fun ambition and experimentation in the level design that pays off with how strong Sonic's core control feels

The best 3D Sonic Game's. Period. If you don't get this game. You Don't Get Game's.

Sonic Adventure is early 3D cheesiness incarnate and i absolutely love it because of that.

Not the most polished 3D platformer out there, but it's fun as hell.