Reviews from

in the past

A fun and very addictive rogue like game that feels very challenging and rewarding. It's not however my kind of game so I got bored quite quickly. But it's quite good and fun nevertheless.

Addictive and hard. Good game to grind with friends.

Now this is how you make a rougelike!
When you lose, yeah it feels horrible to lose all of your progress, but thanks to the random level generation, you don't have to repeat "that part" which makes this game super replayable.

the only bad thing about this game is the sloth

I think the aim of the game is to get better so you can see more of the content, but given the game's borderline unfair difficulty sometimes, it's really hard to do that. Still, as an adventure lover, I really love going through these procedurally generated caves, and the gameplay is very solid.

Spelunky is possibly the best and worst experience I've had in my life. It is psychological torture as I get close to the end--to get to the end or unlock Hell, only to die by something I couldn't see coming by "terrible decisions" my brain says. You will start to doubt yourself in this hellish game, questioning every move you make to ask 'is this worth it' when you start to make those plays such as angering the shopkeeper or making a dangerous trek through enemies when you could've just bombed to the exit. When I kept dying, I always bickered to myself that I should've done [X], kept [Y], went to [Z], and so forth. I said so many 'should've' and 'could've' in my thoughts I was starting to think this game drove me crazy. The game itself is probably the best platformer I've played no doubt. The design in this game is fantastic for constant repeatability, if the generated levels and enemies weren't placed to be grueling. I hate the bats, the snakes, the yetis, the anubises, the mummies, and every enemy I could try to remember. Oh, and fuck the dark levels--god the dark levels. You might as well reset the game because you will have a high chance to die or throw away that item you kept so preciously close to you. There will always be risks and rewards, but very high risks that you must conquer with skill. Am I saying this game this bad? Absolutely not, Spelunky is a blast and has great game design. Is this game easy to pick up? No. There will be a lot of trial and error when encountering new levels and your platforming as well with your quick decision making decides if you're going to be alive. Every death left me either laughing or pissed. Do I recommend anyone this game? No, oh no way. Unless you're looking for a way to have your self esteem destroyed, don't play this unless you know what you're getting yourself into.

Hundreds and hundreds of hours. Amazing.

Spelunky is a staple of the roguelike genre, and is a must play for any fan. The biggest issue with the game is the fact that Spelunky has a very high skill floor, but the skill cap is not much higher. There isn't too much expression in the game, and if you beat it once you aren't far off from beating it again.

Not a fan of randomized platformers

Título aclamado, louvado, idolatrado, mas que não conseguiu mover uma palha da minha alma.

Minha experiência foi majoritariamente desinteressante e maçante. Mesmo com conceitos maravilhosos de design, foco na habilidade manual e no aprendizado de tentativa, erro e treino, a física, a mecânica e a estrutura do jogo não me agradaram ao ponto de continuar insistindo no loop.

Uma pena, mas como dizem "nem todo jogo é pra todo mundo".

A very well-made Rogue-like/Post-Rogue with style, charm, and great mechanics. It sometimes doesn't generate well, and the last world is pretty hard, but don't let that stop you.

Full Review:

If there's a better video game out there... I haven't played it.

a fun roguelike, but the aesthetic never really did it for me. feels kinda generic

Got through Yama on both PS4 and PC. I think there's only 2 'cheevos I'm missing.

Spelunky feels unique in that, whilst being a multiple floor dungeon run type of roguelike, it surpasses the average game of the genre by having a lot of variables in it (and i don't mean potion effects). There's different variants of levels, different types of levels you can access on each floor...SECRETS! The game is built on secrets! What seems at first to be maybe a simple but fun indiana jones simulator turns into a game that has a lot more depth than you first thought. The world of Spelunky is always interesting and dynamic and for that I have to give it a buttload of credit cus it's what makes this game timeless and replayable even 7 years after first playing it.

Not really my thing, but I can absolutely see why people see this as such an incredible game.

Pase de sufrir por la tensión que me generaba evitar morir en este infernal juego (y mentarle la madre a sus creadores cada vez que moría) a gozar las runs y reírme tras cada muerte por el disfrute que me producía.

Where do I start here...
Emergent game play mechanics come together to create a world that actively rube Goldberg's you into your own doom.
Secretive game play mechanics are hinted at and beg you to explore.
The deeper you get the deeper you want to go.
This game is just one of THE roguelikes. If you get frustrated easily, it's hard to recommend. Obviously I love this shit.

So, so frustrating. Not by bad game design, but it is frustrating. I got to the unlock of the second level, but it's such a tease because you really should have stuff from the previous levels. Will get back to this at one point.

Spelunky is an amazing game.
There's a lot of skill required to play it well and it feels amazing.
From a technical standpoint it was incredibly made.

Couldn't even get past the first zone with my sister but still had fun

Costa algo collerlle o toque ao principio pero a posibilidade de empezar directamente en niveles máis avanzados e o feito de que casi cada vez que xogas aprendes algo novo fai que enganche moito.