Reviews from

in the past

everything after this was just downhill for telltale

It's basically just five 2+ hour long Homestarrunner cartoons, which are all great. The only issue is you can no longer obtain this legally anymore, and also The Cheat look weird in 3D

Did you just ask me to sever my leg?

I wish this game didn't suck

Playing this 15 years after release (and 20 years after Homestar Runner's zeitgeist years) was a nice rush of nostalgia at first. Thirty minutes in though I couldn't shake the feeling that this would've been soooo much better in the Wolf Among Us gameplay style instead of the o.g. Sam & Max style.

Decided that-- good early aughts feelies or no-- I didn't really wanna play this right now.

p.s. snake boxer V is weirdly compelling tho
p.p.s. the art style is spot on too

I adore Homestar Runner so this game is 100% up my street. Puzzles are also simple (and funny) enough for my idiot brain to manage. Probably my favourite point 'n' click.

Your enjoyment of this game is definitely gonna depend at least somewhat on how familiar you are with the source material. I'm VERY familiar with it so naturally I loved this when it came out. But even if you don't get every single reference, I feel like there's still a lot of hilarious jokes and funny dialogue that even newcomers can appreciate.

Some of the puzzles are cryptic as hell, though. Especially the last puzzle of Episode 2. Never wanna do that one again.

big fan of Homestar Runner, wish this game was on sale or remade because this is a telltale classic to me, i've played this series several times and i can't really tell what my favorite episode of it is, anyone who hasn't watched any homestar runner content or dosen't understand it would probably not like this though.

A funny game that's a bit of a slog during the first two episodes. Episode 1 has some issues with getting 100% completion due to the requirement of talking to specific characters at very precise moments in the game. If you miss a chance, you have to start the game over. Episode 2 has an atrocious mini game at the end of the game. Episodes 3 thru 5 suffer from some pretty cryptic puzzles like all the episodes, but they're more straightforward than the first two.

The PC version has no shortcut keys, you manually have to access the map and inventory by clicking on the icons, unlike the Wii version which you can use the plus and minus buttons to access those menus saving you a couple of steps.

Aside from that, the game plays like a long Homestar Runner cartoon. I'm a bit biased because I love the series.

The only game (that me knows of) where interrupting NPC dialogue is a canon mechanic (without yelling at them with a finger pointy anime person)

Unfortunately I only ever got the first couple episodes on WiiWare so I'll never be able to get all of them and finish this now that the eShop is closed :(

I love Homestar Runner and Strong Bad, and the humor is very on point. I could see if you're not a fan though this game being very confusing or annoying. Also, this game crashes a lot. Multiple times on PC and Wii the game would either hard freeze or softlock me out of using something important like the menu to quit. So I would only really go in if your a fan.

Not that a non-fan would be digging up a decade old point and click to play suddenly.

I loved this thing so much more than I thought I was going to

Letting the Brothers Chaps write this themselves was a stroke of genius on their part, and you can tell these guys know the adventure game genre inside and out

There was a bit of clunkiness here and there (that Risk-style minigame near the end, for one), but, dammit, I love it to pieces; honestly might be my personal favorite thing Telltale has put out

Homestar Runner will forever be a glimmer of light in this hell world.

this game got me into homestar runner as a kid and i think it's pretty amazing

peak telltale games

strong bad humor is great. all 5 games are gems of the homestar runner era, must play/watch if you're a fan.

Homestar Runner's brand of humor doesn't work for everyone, but boy does it work for me

all the homestar you can handle. Paradise!

Was a big Homestar Runner fan, so I liked playing through these games and looked forward to every new episode when they came out. Maybe I should play these again.

Each episode feels like a 2-3 hour long SBEmail, which sounds like it shouldn't work but is actually excellent. If you like H*R at all you should totally pick this up.

Great if you're a fan of Homestar Runner. I imagine non-fans would be confused by a lot of the jokes. The puzzles also get a bit obtuse at times.

Woefully underappreciated, colourful, happy point-and-click adventure game fun with really small stakes. It makes me sad it's been delisted. God, I miss this era of Telltale (Mark Darin, Chuck Jordan, Mike Stemmle, etc.)

Homestar Runner has achieved Muppet status, in which I can't help but perceive the dumb animal characters as real people. There's a distinct difference between meeting Frank Oz and meeting Fozzy Bear, and there's also a distinct difference between meeting Matt Chapman and Strong Bad. Homestar Runner is unfiltered joy and this game is no exception.

Honestly might be my favorite licensed game of all time. (I'm so sorry DuckTales Remastered)