Reviews from

in the past

It is like playing the original again, with new technology enabled and better controls.

lol the pc port has a page on here that's funny.
I played it on the strength of the novelty of the PC "port", but to make ta hot take this game hasn't aged insanely well. I found myself fighting with the camera a lot of the time, mario can act finnicky, and there's some wack stars, but really who cares? It's Mario 64. It was the first of it's time, and it feel pointless to complain about things from the game that basically laid the foundation of the entire genre. And it'd still be better than most of the 3D platformers that followed it for years.

The mere existence of this completely baffles me. I was left surprised by the level design, I didn't remember the stages to be this creative. Though, let's be honest here... getting all 120 stars is a complete pain in the ass, I'll never do that shit.

But even with the added bells and whistles, the age of the game shows. The camera is the funniest to me, it feels like, at times, the game is fighting with you. "No, you will NOT have better camera control here, fuck off"

The improved visuals/camera and 60fps gameplay keep this at the score I gave the game originally. The N64 original has definitely lost a few points.

I also want to point out that this lightyears ahead of Nintendo's official port in 3D All-Stars. Huh.

Fans do what nintendon't

Hats off to the guys who did this.

This is super impressive that one dude can make a better port than Nintendo can but I can't save so I might as well just play it on switch or my N64.

This is like Mario 64, but like better tbh

Criou um novo sub genero de jogos de plataforma e até hoje é um dos melhores(se não o melhor) dentre os lançados

this is such a good way to play mario 64 but i couldn't get mario to become low poly mario so this isn't the definitive version

Through the power of modding, most of the pet peeves (clunky controls, level boot-out, lack of playable characters) I’ve had with 64 can be mitigated. In addition to providing better visuals, this is the best way to play Mario 64, and it’s closer to what Nintendo should have done when making 3D all-stars.

Estou decepcionado com esse mario, joguei porque fui forçado a jogar esse jogo, os mapas são bunitinhos mas a gameplay do jogo é toda porca, meu deus, mario não consegue andar em linha reta e a camera do jogo é toda maluca.

The best way to play the game! Many mods and cheats are available to make the game a smoother experience for modern systems without sacrificing the games core design and mechanics. Like many here have said, this is what Nintendo should’ve released in the 3D AllStars collection.

The best way to experience the classic. While this game has aged in many aspects, the good more then makes up with it. Running through the open sandboxes and combining different moves to collect stars is a blast even to this day and anytime I start a playthrough I can't help but beat it in that sitting. A must play for any platformer fan

Muy divertido si lo juegas con el modificador de knockback y con amigos, una experiencia por la que todo el mundo deberia pasar al menos una vez

Shigeru Miyamoto, You Fucking legend How did you come up with this!?

Mario es versátil y Sonic la mama.

Fans do what Nintendon't. The definitive way to play the game.

Solo es mejor que el original por poco, solo es decente.

This is just better on the n64 controller. Play on that if u have the chance

Played with the Odyssey Mario's Moveset mod.

About to go do 100% with the mod and learn the speedrun. I'll probably have more to say as I spend more time with this, but for now I'm just so impressed that the convenience fixes of the PC port plus movement ripped from a completely different game can create such a compelling and complete experience. Honestly, it's significantly better than the original game even as every star becomes trivial with some fun cappy maneuvering.

i mean the port is good but the game is just alright.

i did a 16 star run and im happy to report that the game is the exact same on PC

its superb mario... but on the computer!!! how good is that?!?!

It's Mario 64 dude! Super happy to finally fill this gap and the game holds up really well. Once you get the hang of his slippiriness, moving Mario around is a joy and the levels are so tight despite having multiple paths and types of challenges. It's all about efficiency, and Nintendo nails it here. Mario Odyssey tried to go back to this style of level design but it has too many moons, too many gimmicks, too much perfunctory bullshit and rarely challenges you - Mario 64's challenges by contrast are nearly always just the right amount of demanding (the odd opaque mission description or secret star notwithstanding). I had a blast playing this game on-stream with people who grew up with it.

This fan-made PC port is highly customizable and rules. I was able to get a texture pack that stayed true to the original game's visuals but just crisped them up (something Nintendo bafflingly did not do on the Switch port) and also had full camera control. I'd recommend it! People who think Mario 64 is dated are wrong!

Ohne Frage ein Nintendo-Klassiker, ohne den es heute wohl keine 3D-Spiele in diesen Massen und der Qualität geben würde. An einigen Stellen echt bockschwer und mit viel Frustpotenzial, aber dennoch perfekt gelungen. Die nicht vollständig frei bewegbare Kamera macht allerdings in den unpassendsten Momenten einfach, was sie will. Das Design der Level/Welten, die vielen Gameplay-Abwechslungen sowie die Secrets definieren auch jetzt noch die meisten 3D-Jump-n-Runs.

Gespielte Fassung: Inoffizieller 3DS-Port (basierend auf dem PC-Port), der native Unterstützung für den 3D-Bildschirm der Konsole liefert. Ich würde sagen, dass das der definitive Weg ist, die unberührte Urversion zu spielen, solange man einen 3DS besitzt.

Same feelings I have as Ship of Harkinian, just a fantastic show of love for such a wonderful and revolutionary game.

Gold standard for source ports, tons of options, Render96 fucking rules. No reason to go back to any other version after this.

I played this with a mod that lets you play as Mega Man X.
8/10 better than playing Mega Man X7

Revivió la escena del moding del 64 y expandió el horizonte para crear cosas nuevas e interesantes con el juego base

Shout out to adderall for allowing me to focus on this game so hard I beat it in one sitting