Reviews from

in the past

Telltale Games’ struggles with managing projects and overextending their team is well-documented at this point, and playing this game after the Studio’s collapse, it’s easy to see where the team burned out and simply did what they needed to. TWD: Michonne tries to explore interesting psychological ground in one of the series’ most beloved characters, but it tries to stake all the weight on the fact that this is “Michonne,” even thought she really feels no different than any other Telltale game protagonist; in other words, she is at the center of this story only in name, until the very very end when I suddenly cared about her again (literally episode 3, chapter 6).

The game does surround Michonne with some interesting new characters, especially on the friendly side! While I found the main villain of this arc really insignificant and forgettable, the beautiful moments built with the First Nations family at the hear of the story made it enjoyable enough to finish.

My biggest gripe with this game is that it boasts all the worst moments of Telltale games, but none of the highs…. There are no life-changing decisions for major characters, there are no meaningful environmental puzzles, and the actual conflict between the good guys and the bad guys is rather meh.

If you’ve held off on playing this game for this long, you’re probably fine to keep it that way.

At least its better than a new frontier. But I didn't think this needed to be a game... cus u see Michonne come back and you can just imagine the cool pirate adventures she went on. Your imagination is cooler than any half assed dlc telltale could make in their rock bottom era. Having this game is kind of a double edged sword (lol). Cus yeah Michonne is cool but no matter what she has to be back in Alexandria on that boat to continue the story so you can't really do much. She wasn't even allowed to have her katana cus Ezekiel was holding onto it in one panel. But on the bright side I like some of the characters, the action sequences r pretty well done and the theme song and animation they got is so cool, just like the final season one. If they remaster the first two seasons all I'd want is for them to get a theme song like this and tfs.

A nice little diversion from TWDG canon. It's definitely not a lot to write home about, but it's good for what it is.

Atleast its based on the comics and not the shitty show

I was gonna skip this because I never watched the show or read the comics, and I don't really care to. But ngl it was pretty damn lit, great use of an evening. Just feels a tad inconclusive for those that don't care about the comics like me and the loading times seemed to fuck up during the final episode for some reason. Loved the flashbacks/hallucinations stuff and the action sequences in this because they made it really stand out from Telltale S1 and S2, it's a bit more cathartic I guess.

Dunno why there's so much seethe in the reviews here but I had a great time during the game's short run time and I only paid like a dollar for it anyway

This review contains spoilers

This is the worst walking dead game I've ever played. The Story is nothing special, you explore Michonne when she finds Randal and Norma's group, well saving 2 people from them, there are also moments when Michonne cuts back to her dead family when they were alive, and they are touching, but they don't really amount to anything but to show us how Michonne feels about losing her family, which the Comics already did, and there's one garbage moment when Michonne could have murdered Randal and Norma of the ship, and would have made it easier not have the rest of the conflict in this story happen, but don't and then the game got worse. The Characters are mostly bad, Michonne's crew are fine, and Randy and Norma are good threats, but Sam, Greg and the family are nearly all hateable. Sam and Greg send out a signal for help, but when you see them, they hold you at gunpoint thinking you're going to do bad things to them, are unreasonable, until she needs help escaping, but mentions that she still doesn't trust YOU, Paige a friend of the family see's you carry Sam in your arms, and she aims a warning shot at you and she and the father are mean to you when your clearly helping them, NOT THAT THEY DESERVE IT, and 1 kid also lashes out at you for helping him, bratty move there, there's also these horrid guards for Randal, 1 who's peaceful, but when he held a gun he nervous shot a character to death, another guard who wants you dead if you kill the first guard, despite the fact that they had every right to do so, and a stupid girl who defied her leader by killing 1 of their hostages against Norma's will and expected to not be suffer consequences for it, overall these characters suck. The Graphics are near enough the same as the other games before it. The gameplay's the same too. but with 3 episodes. Voice acting is as good as the last game to though, sounds too. The Music is not as good as the especially the theme, I don't like it, it's too blunter than previous entries and doesn't fit the tone of this world. Choices in this game are good though, even if some behaviors make it impossible for people to sanely pick certain ones. Walking dead Michonne is pointless and terrible, and I wish it stayed at pointless, but it didn't, so now i wish it stayed non-existent.

In retrospect this is extremely forgettable and comes off as a cash grab. But I was so into TWD around this time I wanted to play everything.

The Walking Dead: Michonne, a three episode gaming experience, is the most recent The Walking Dead edition from Telltale Games. It follows a similar structure as the previous titles, yet falls short of emulating their success primarily due being limited in time, depth, and character development.

Story: The story, although rather short, is compelling and interesting.
Music: As with the previous TWD TellTale games, the music creates an engrossing feeling of despair that is so integral to the series. And it seems, with this iteration, Telltale corrected the awkward audio level mixing (music, voices, SFX) that was often not properly leveled before.
Intro: The intro is reminiscent of a high-quality TV show, and generates a truly episodic feel.
Michonne: A deeper, closer look at one of the most interesting characters from both the comic and the show.

Short: The game, in total, across all three episodes, is incredibly short. To be fair, Telltale Games warns us of this ahead of time, to properly set expectations. Warning or not, the limited experience restricts the story from properly breathing, meaning that characters and storylines don't receive the detail, and thus, emotional connection, they deserve.
Limited Choices: The game is lacking any real sense of impactful choice, unlike the versions before it.
Animation issues: Some animations are rough around the edges and could benefit from some polish time.
No skipping: The inability to skip the teaser for “scenes from next time”, the “previously seen” edit/montage, and the end credits that follow each episode is a big let down. Consider that many players will experience all three episodes back-to-back, as I did, resulting in the edit for “next time” unnecessarily appearing when you are about to play the next episode. Whereas, compound that with that fact that “previously” is redundant, considering you literally just completed the last episode.

All in all, Michonne doesn't have the same gritty and dark feeling of previous iterations, which is mainly lacking due to the short experience that doesn't allow for true depth. The game really feels like it is about to take off right as it is ending.

This review contains spoilers

Michonne is an extremely interesting main character (with literally 0 knowledge about the comics), and the hallucinations are my favorite part of the game. At its core, this is a game about a mother trying to let go of her children because of the horrible circumstances they were put in (apocalypse). I still do not understand Michonne's character fully, though, because I haven't read the comics (nor watched the show). I still think this game is pretty neat, and the slow-motion action scenes are pretty awesome (shooting Norma was so satisfying).
This game does its job as being an enjoyable, 3-episode "DLC", even as just a cash grab.

Gostei da melhoria nos quick time events, simples mas legais. Acho que é aqui que começamos a ver a evolução no visual da franquia. ficando cada vez mais polida e mais HQ style. Esse "spin-off" é bem divertido e tem uma história bem legal e bem desenvolvida. Por um lado é bom a pequena quantidade de conteúdo, mas ao mesmo tempo dá um gostinho de "quero mais". Sendo algo que aparentemente não irá influenciar em nada no futuro da franquia, a nota fica um pouco mais baixa. Ótima qualidade e ótimas melhorias, mas acho que se tivesse só um pouquinho a mais, bem pouquinho a mais de conteúdo, a nota ficaria a par de seus antecessores.

Pretty underrrated. It's an engaging, short and badass michonne story. If you like Michonne there's no reason to dislike this.

Don't remember much but I think it was okay

The Walking Dead: Michonne é uma boa DLC. ( Talvez melhor do que 400 days, diga-se de passagem. )

Os gráficos do jogo mudaram um pouco se comparados a Season Two de The Walking Dead, mas continuam bons, na minha opinião.

A gameplay não tem tantas diferenças, só pequenas alterações, se comparado aos títulos anteriores da série.
Mas isso tornou o combate um pouco mais " dinâmico ", eu diria. Isso fez o jogo ter bem mais ação do que os outros títulos da série.

A trilha sonora é boa, principalmente a que toca na abertura. Sério, achei essa música muito boa.
A trilha sonora também combina com cada situação em que toca.

A história é boa, não é algo tão elaborado ou " grandioso " quanto os jogos anteriores.
Os diálogos continuam bons, e as escolhas que você precisa tomar também.
Uma coisa que eu gostei bastante foi o conflito interno da protagonista. Ela é assombrada por uma culpa, e isso é bem executado no jogo.

Os personagens também não são ruins, não tem nada de tão grandioso neles, mas eles são até que bons. Principalmente a protagonista, a Michonne. Para mim ela é um dos melhores personagens dessa DLC.

O final não chega ao nível do final da Season Two, e muito menos do final da Season One. Mas não é ruim, é satisfatório, é decente, e é melhor que o final da DLC 400 Days, eu diria.

Enfim, no geral, The Walking Dead: Michonne é um boa DLC. Ela pode não ser tão boa quanto a Season One ou a Season Two de The Walking Dead, mas não é por isso que ela é ruim.
É uma DLC curta, mas com vários momentos de ação, personagens que são até que bons, trilha sonora boa, etc...
Se você gostou dos jogos anteriores da série, vale a pena experimentar essa DLC, por mais que não agregue à história dos jogos anteriores, ainda é boa e vale a pena para quem curte os jogos de The Walking Dead da TellTale.

This is a great spin off for the original TWD games
It's about new characters and completely new story, but the characters and the story are really good
It's only 3 episodes and you don't spend as much time with the character as you do in original games, so they are not that connected to you, but still even in a shorter time they are really well written with pretty distinguishable personalities and ideas.
There is a couple of good choices and "holy shit" moments so the checks are passed.
The main protagonist is also very good, with interesting way of showing her dead children through the game. Nothing too special, but yet well done and leads to interesting ending.
Anyway, good game. If you want more TWD, this one is def recommended

twd but short,only 3 episodes. dialogues are more simple it's kinda bad. when you choose the sentence usually character directly says that sentence and doesn't continue.

This game offers a short, interesting diversion from the mainline games but can't say it's a must-play. It suffers from some of the performance and graphical issues of the previous games.

Mais do mesmo. Além das mecânicas não evoluírem comparadas aos jogos antigos, por ser uma DLC, esse game é relativamente curto, com pouca exploração dos novos personagens. O ponto alto da narrativa é os problemas da protagonista Michonne com ela mesma, sendo assombrada por uma "culpa". Apesar de ter uma boa trilha sonora, o jogo não oferece uma história tão completa e bem elaborada quanto os games anteriores da série.

É mais do mesmo. Porém o faz com q esse jogo fique abaixo dos outros jogos da série principal é sua falta de personagens cativantes.

Talvez esse jogo seja mais pra quem já tem algum background da Michonne.

Michonne is one of the most exciting characters in the comic book and television show of The Walking Dead, so seeing what Telltale had in store for her in a shorter mini-series of playable episodes seemed enticing. At first, I was pretty invested in the high-stakes scenario they throw her in. However, it quickly becomes more forgettable as it goes and too reliant on drawn-out flashbacks in the third episode. This really should've been better and it was around this time that Telltale games were starting to feel way too repetitive.

Telltale's Michonne DLC for the most part is a generic fare with its villains having very little nuance to them making them straight up evil and many side characters have very little development even when they're present during all three episodes (depending on your playthrough).

However, I feel as of Telltale's main goal was to introduce and develop Michonne into TWD universe and with that I think the game/add-on succeeds as it shows off Michonne doing what Michonne does best: being an absolute badass accompanied with some pretty great action sequences even if the QTEs can sometimes slow them down.

The add-on is also unafraid to get dark, violent, gruesome and gritty much more than the original game if I remember correctly. For me I see it as an embodiment of the survivors guilt Michonne has and how she is stuck in a perpetual cycle of violence, loss and tragedy whilst never getting killed herself. It shows how unrelenting the new world is particularly to Michonne.

Overall, Telltale's Michonne is a decent fare that for me was much better at getting me interested than 400 Days and it's short runtime for each episode means that the DLC never overstays its welcome. Plus it finally means I've gotten platinum for TWD: The Telltale Definitive Series.

pretty short and the ending is confusing. but it's fucking badass thats for sure. cool action scenes. michonne is cool asf. tho the characters besides michonne aren't that good.

Again, it's a shorter game so I won't rate it the highest. But it was good. Great, even. I really enjoyed it, completed it all in one sitting. Loved Michonne.

I might be a little biased considering Michonne is my favorite Walking Dead character, but I actually really liked this game. Nice little side story that explores her character nicely. The new characters weren’t very memorable, the only one I really liked was Pete.

Underrated, the fighting scenes were badass and the story wasn't bad like a lot of people say. Really enjoyed it, Michonne is a super interesting character, this game may or may not made me want to read the comic book lol

I don't know why but I loved this so much. Maybe cause Michonne was my favourite TWD character.