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in the past

Only took me a year of dipping in and out to beat this, I don't like that it requires you to hit the level cap to unlock the last mission but it's just more division. A nice time sink with some cool environment and art design, not much to offer beyond that.

I had a lot of fun playing this game with friends, but the endgame is very monotonous and the gear system is way too complicated than it needs to be. I am looking forward to The Division 3, however.

While no stranger to the Ubisoft Cut/Copy/Paste formula of these games. There is no denying the hours of fun possible when you approach the game entirely as co-op based adventure. Between several games in the Ghost Recon / Division franchise my partner and I must have gained hundreds of hours of enjoyment and memories as fan of the dying breed of couch co-op adventures. I often could not imagine remotely having or retaining interest in many of these tiles from a single player perspective however have gladly sunk weeks in as a duo from the offset.

The game itself is fun and easy to get to grips with, it does suffer from an over complex gear system with far far too may loot options with such minor stat difference you're never really sure what you should be wearing and tend to default to whatever makes your health or armour value go up the most. The base game does suffer from a lack of any real purposeful direction other than 'conquer and control' however the warlords of new york expansion takes on an entirely new format to the way it delivers the open world experience and one I found much more enjoyable despite it's relatively short length as an addon.

no idea why they named the expansion after one of the worst expansions ever made (warlords of draenor), kinda mid tbh, cool soundtrack and atmosphere but entire gameplay boils down to "shoot bad guys and capture a point to grind gear score in a dead game" after a while, wish they used the setting as an immersive mode breakpoint map or something, would've been cool

booted this shit up after three years for the hunk costume, lol

É bizarro como essa expansão consegue ser tão melhor que o jogo base. E não me entenda mal, eu gostei da gameplay desde o começo, mas a variedade das missões, boss fights e até atividades pelo mapa conseguem deixar o jogo bem melhor e divertido.

Só tem um grande ponto negativo: live service não é pra mim. Assim que acabou a história e liberou mais 3.547.999 coisas pra fazer na base, minha ansiedade já atacou e eu pensei: "é, pra mim deu dessa pitomba". E desinstalei. :)

This review contains spoilers

The Division 2: Warlords of New York: Year 5 Season 3 Vanguard I'm happy to say does not have a ball busting final mission with a crappy damage gate mechanic boss fight, instead we get some wacky writing revealing folks who you thought were dead in the base campaign actually faked their deaths.

I'm not sure I even want to keep this game installed at this point. on the other hand I do wonder what they're planning and kinda of want to see it.

Nice return to New York environment that expanded/continued the division experience, recommend expansion for fans of the series

NOTE: Only finished the main campaign at the time of this review

+ New York in the first game was a great environment so it was a nice to come back to it in a different climate this time
+ Enjoyed the main story line better than main game's campaign, helped to put a face to the main antagonist and bosses
+ Interesting level design and boss battles
+ New rogue SHD tech skills were a nice touch/addition

- Not as much area activities or other stuff to do compared to the main game (Washington DC)
- Layout of the New York settlement was weird/confusing

Buena expansión que ofrece el mapa del primer juego sin lo que lo hacía único, su invierno infinito, con una trama cortita pero directa al grano de derribar a cinco imbéciles únicos.

Ojalá el juego fuera un poco más allá (ignorando contenido de temporadas posterior que me he perdido porque llego tarde a todos los sitios y me ha dado un poco igual) y expandiera más la filosofía de Theo, el más destacable de los malos con un storytelling digno de Mysterio para decirte 'Hans, are we the baddies?'. Lástima que el juego en su bucle de grindeo no quiere aventurarse más allá. Hay una oportunidad única de salir de ser turbofacha haciendo preguntas a tu causa y se queda en que es una lástima que los malos hagan virus mortales. Y el plot twist final pues da un poco igual porque si sigues lo que ha pasado después el spoiler te lo comes.

Lo importante es que Warlords of New York, al igual que su juego principal, funciona como un tiro. Los tiros son divertidos, te dan nuevas herramientas, subes más de nivel y ofrece una nueva pasarela a una capa más profunda de grindeo para toda la experiencia. Dudo que me quede a hacerlo todo, pero me ha divertido y agradezco el viaje a Nueva York por 9 pavos, ha estado bien. Supongo que acabaré metiéndome en La Cumbre y las Raids mientras voy puliendo más contenido de la expansión.

Este juego va a ser mi ruina. Es el meme del Señor Burns diciendo ''No lo olvide: Está aquí para siempre.''

If you liked the Division 2, you will like this expansion. There aren't any major changes to the formula, but everything feels like it was improved. I actually felt semi-invested in the story, and the levels and boss fights felt like a step up from the already impressive base game. Theo Parnell's level (The Tombs) and boss fight were especially impressive--probably one of my favorite levels in a shooting game, if I'm being honest. I also enjoyed the final boss fight.
One thing that I especially noticed while playing this expansion is the nonlinearity of the Division's level design and gameplay compared to other third-person shooters. Let me explain. In a game like Nu-Raider or Gears of War, you pretty much proceed in a straight line, with enemies coming at you from in front. Occasionally, you or the enemies will flank, but for the most part, the game involves walking in a straight line and then ducking into cover. In The Division 2, the "arenas" in which you fight tend to be pretty wide-open, and the enemies flank aggressively. So you may start a fight on one side of the map, firing at enemies on the other side, and end the fight with your positions completely reverse. Apart from Metal Gear Solid V, I haven't seen any other third-person shooters with this kind of gameplay (I'm sure they exist). Anyway, I highly recommend getting the expansion along with the base game. Right now the complete edition or whatever goes for about 24 USD on sale, so you will get plenty of bang for your buck.

Muitas coisas a se fazer no jogo, não e para a nova geração, mais qualidade do jogo e boa.
Muitas coisas para serem feitas sempre.

Então vale a pena aderir.

An extra 10 hours and 10 levels for the Division experience. Post-hurricane New York is a complete beauty of a location to fight in and the variety of level design continues even to this standalone DLC.