Reviews from

in the past

RTS games were my favorite genre as a kid but they seem to have been basically abandoned by the game industry lately. I was excited about Tooth and Tail because it was an RTS, because it was an RTS that handles controller support very well, and especially because it's one of the only stories about anthropomorphic animals willing to bite the bullet on starvation and predation and build the profound brutality of real interspecies dynamics into its worldbuilding.

So I played far enough through T&T to get to play all four of its factions, and gave up shortly before the end. I enjoyed it well enough; the gameplay is unique, with a fast pace and challenges that feel fresh for the genre. The pixel art and dialogue between levels is far more than I expected to get, and it suggests a pretty deeply thought-out world. Lots of good flavor.

It's just that it feels like all of that should be in service of a coherent story that never really materializes. It's hard to follow what is even supposed to be happening across all the missions in a faction. That might not be a real problem if it weren't exacerbated by the sense that the levels vary in such a scattershot way. Each faction can use the same units and same playstyles as every other faction, given circumstances. Unique mission types mix things up sometimes but not in ways that have clear relationships with the broader story. My initial interest in the world and its compelling mix of ecology and historical aesthetic just felt totally unfulfilled.

It made me wish they had foregone the pixel art and just used the simple splash screens Age of Empires used to stitch its maps into a coherent narrative. The sense of progression in those campaigns seems much better in retrospect, even if the actual stories or level designs weren't anything special.

Its like the warring animal factions version of starcraft

Ein sehr versimpeltes RTS. Man kann im Pikminstil Leute zu sich rufen... und das war es auch schon.
Einheiten aufteilen ist nur minimal möglich, Ressourcen gibt es nur eine Sorte und die geht auch noch schnell zu neige.

Viele Missionen sind trial and error und dennoch gibt es keinen Restartbutton.

Das Spiel hat so ne simple Grafik und schafft es dennoch so dermaßen unübersichtlich zu sein.
Kann ich über die Klippe oder ist es diesmal kein Weg?

Manche Missionen sind echt cool, (unterstütze den Verbündeten, der dann die Drecksarbeit für dich macht)
andere sollen nur nerven oder ergeben echt keinen Sinn.

Ich hab von dem Spiel so viel gehört und gedacht, dass zumindest die Grundidee super ist, aber es im Grunde genommen minimalistisches Seilziehen im RTS-Format.

I haven't played the campaign yet but the multiplayer is really good

Прикольный мир, но очень хаотичный геймплей. Очень сильный snowball эффект, миссии короткие, карты сгенерированы рандомно, всё происходит быстро и хаотично. Почти прошёл кампанию, но как-то шото не то.

The worldbuilding makes me go insane

In the best way possible. Nobody is good in this universe, everyone wants to kill and eat each other.

Rough around the edges as far as gameplay and graphics goes, but the sound design and story is peak.

Really want to like the game, but the enemies come far too thick and fast even on normal, the controls and mechanics make it a complete headache to try and get through missions.

Probably a good time for some but i'll pass.

Pretty cool game story isn't very engaging though mainly the multiplayer lol

A rather dynamic RTS, with pretty aesthetics and good music, but ultimately simple mechanics, possibly so it could be easier to play with a gamepad.
Your general doubles as a cursor and the possible orders are limited in consequence, in particular it's impossible to move units precisely and hard to focus fire specific enemies. Despite this I believe the game is pretty good, albeit a bit pricey if you are only interested in the campaign.

This game suffers from the same issues the Halo Wars series suffers from. It was designed to be played with a controller which strips a lot of the dexterity you get from a keyboard and mouse. I give it 3 stars not because of this but rather due to the unsatisfying core gampley. It is certainly enjoyable for a time but easily falls apart and I struggled to complete the campaign let alone have the desire to regularly play the skirmish mode.

great game and its severely underrated great soundtrack too

i've never adored a war criminal quite like the quartermaster. keep committing war crimes in the name of peace queen

An impressive feat that lacks depth or at least a playerbase that makes it surface.