Reviews from

in the past

The culmination of ZUN's experience with the PC-98. And it really shows here.

"I have to train to perfect my skills? This fucking sucks. I hate this" - Reimu Hakurei (and also me)

good game. i liked the smt2 references lol.

The last Touhou for the PC-98, and it goes out with a well made game. Alice in Wonderland is my favorite track out of the entire 98 library.

Feels like an early build of EoSD in some regards funny enough. Still suffers from the standard 98 issues, but this is the last time they're there.

damn dude the music in this game is such a step up from the previous pc98 entries. so fuckin good

Messed up and died at the last boss, but I won't try another run, the game isn't that good, but I can see ZUN was improving, the patterns here are already better than the previous Touhous, but man... the colloring is terrible, bullet visibility is very bad at some stages and it almost gives me a headache(Stage 2 is the worst)

For the fifth game ZUN felt very comfortable and learnt a lot with the previous entries.

Mystic Square introduces two more characters to play as and tones down the difficulty so all of them can manage to beat it. Song production improved and the spells are interesting to go against.

amazing stages and bosses and playable mima 🙏
Definitely my favourite so far

se eu não tivesse a informação de que touhou já está no 19 eu estufaria o peito e diria que "o ZUN estava no ápice dele quando fez esse daqui" vindo do 4 que já é excelente demais o 5 chega com seus chefes 2 contra 1, a Alice e as fadas dela, ou até a Shinki com uma luta que demora uma era, cada padrãozinhos que elas pedem pra você desviar, tentar entender ou só jogar bomba mais elaborados e bonitos (as vezes caóticos) que nunca. não vejo a hora de jogar do 6 pra frente e agraciar mais ainda com as fases e diálogos engraçadinhos das garotas flertando umas com as outras.

The single best PC-98 Touhou game. Has 4 different playable characters, a crazy memorable cast of characters, and one of the best extra stages in the series. Also soundtrack bangs.

This game is probably the best out of the pc-98 releases, feeling much more like the typical windows game in difficulty.

Very fun, with good bosses and interesting spell cards. My biggest gripe with this game is stage 4. The visibility is really, really bad there in particular.

The ost is great, as always, and the music starts to get a lot more refined here than it was in previous entries. Not much bad to say about it!

Der Abschluss der PC98-Ära und leider kein sonderlich ruhmvoller.
Leider kann ich nur schwer benennen warum. Ich mag MS einfach nicht. Die erste Hälfte geht noch in Ordnung, nur ab der zweiten wird es kritisch.
Besonders Stage 4 will ich hier hervorheben: Ein hellblauer Stagehintergrund, mit dunkelblauen Gegnern, die hellblaue Geschosse feuern. Wunderbar, nicht war? Dazu ist das hier noch der erste Teil, in den sog. "Cheato-Laser" zum Einsatz kommen, die wohl ekelhafteste Art von Geschossen, die es in der Reihe gibt.

Kann man heute immer noch spielen, ist aber nicht so mein Favorite.

Final PC-98 entry... hahh

So, this is like the second best game of the PC-98 games of five! It introduces many fan favorites (most who don't come back..) and has a killer soundtrack and gameplay most up to date to how Touhou's modern era really plays.

sniffle Mima..

The last of ZUN's PC-98 collection. Definitely a worthwhile conclusion, goes back to Makai from the first game. Excellent music, that should come as no surprise. It's tougher than LLS, which is good. The final boss is great, and the extra is absolutely fantastic.

Só quero dizer que foi um sofrimento completar o jogo com tantas personagens.

Messed up a 1cc in my first playthrough because a certain fucker from this website streamed themselves drawing Jack Frost with a G-mod Physgun.

Definitely the best of the PC-98 installments, but it's not really a surprise. There are four characters to play as here, but I stick with either Marisa because she's my favorite or Reimu because she's a bit easier to play as. One thing i noticed here is it's pretty easy compared to the other ones I played so far, except maybe Lotus Land Story. I'd say those are good starts but also they're piss and shit to find nowadays :<


Culmination of all the tinkering and learning ZUN did through the PC-98 generation, still has the strengths of LLS while being more difficult, a great way to end the first era of Touhou

Best is always saved for last, this is the best PC-98 game. I've played it a lot, probably the most out of all the PC-98 games.

Mima will come back in Touhou 19 trust the plan

o mais recheadinho de coisa boa da era pc-98 e o que me fez perceber meu apreço muito forte pela estética dos touhous dessa época. jogar com a mima me fez ficar triste que essa é sua última aparição na franquia até agora. eu tenho genuíno ódio por aquela bala amarela longa teleguiada que a chefe final joga. é o único padrão de balas que eu não gostei. fora isso é um jogo bacana. talvez um dia eu complete ele sem continues.

eu tenho uma queda pela yuuka aliás.

I think people undermine just how cool the PC-98 era was. This was definitely the best game of the bunch, and Mima is cool and should be brought back one more time.

not super different from Touhou 4 but I liked having more characters to play as. still super fun, still really good though some bullets are criminally hard to see due to ZUN using a very fun combination of blue on blue.

since i'm thiiiis close to the Windows games and i'm dying to play them i'm not gonna try to 1cc this since it's much harder than 4, but i might get back to it eventually

Mima will be back for Touhou 20 i'm sure of it

I've seen hell... and it's not red... it's blue...

Seriously though, was ZUN going through something when he made this? Why are there so many goddamn blue projectiles that you can barely see against some of these backgrounds? Stage 2, while fairly easy, is bound to accelerate my already deteriorating vision on subsequent playthroughs. The game's overall quite a lot harder than the last one, and as such, despite coming off my recent high of 1cc-ing LLS, I have no desire to even attempt it here. I still had a fun time, as expected. Overall, this is a pleasant way to end the classic era on, even if it's not my favorite of this gen.