Reviews from

in the past

Had a blast playing this before getting United, one of the best time-attack racers.

favorite parts was downloading custom cars, racing the same track over and over again, and loading all replays at the same time

One of the ultimate childhood game

more like trackmania nations FOREVER

The peak of "Alright class, your computer class is done. You can play on the computer before the bell rings" games
If you haven't raced against everyone in your class, you haven't played TMNF proper

Super good light weight online racing game, especially for the price of free! The single player content is pretty good, but where the game really shines is hanging out on online servers. Making runs on tracks whilst dozens of other racers are also doing the same is super neat, especially with the robust amount of custom content the community has made, which can have a ton of goofy charm to it. I will always remember the Obi-Wan Action Cam.

Incredibly fun linear racer. Wish more games like this

i was super addicted to this game for several months and it accidentally became one of my most played games on steam oops. there are SO many custom tracks, like you'll never run out of tracks to play in this game! it's insanely addictive.

Marked the start of my pc era on Steam

Gameplay - 10
Trilha Sonora - 8
Gráficos - 9
História/Campanha - 8

Nota - 8.75

Please download this game. It’s absolutely free on steam, and well worth your time. I also got it working on Deck pretty easily.

Don’t the the score fool you, this is one of the greatest racing games of all time. The only reason I have this score lower is because it is more of a demo for Trackmania United Forever and “only” has ~65 tracks, which means you’ll still have several hours of racing in front of you. An incredibly addictive time trial racing game with tracks that will become seared in your mind, Trackmania Nations Forever is the ultimate “one more run” game. The driving feels good, the physics are wild and fun, the visuals hold up and are beautiful in their simplicity, and the soundtrack is incredibly catchy. I’m gonna be playing this consistently until trackmania United forever goes on sale (good thing progress carries over), and more people should give this a shot

ingenting e bedre enn å grinde tid for å slå jonas sin bare for han til å slå den 20 min etter på

Had a lot of fun with that one back in the days.

top 600 in ireland. not to brag but i kind of get bitches

Für mich die Peak Trackmania Zeit. Es gab große Communities, viele volle Server und unzählige richtig gute Levels.
Trackmanias seitdem konnten diese Begeisterung für mich nicht mehr so gut einfangen, obwohl sich das Gameplay nie verschlechtert hat.

A solid driving game but the freezone restrictions are frustrating if you want to do more than five maps in a row

comunidade incrivel, otimo jogo pra speedruns e puta merda que daora, consegue atrair todo tipo de publico

The title of the game fits because this game won’t die.

I still can’t believe this game released in 2008. I know there was a graphics update, but it looks so fucking good. One of the greatest racing games of all time. I don’t play it anymore though.

There's like 30 of these games and theyre all kind of the same and I still have never figured out which ones are which and why, but I think this one was cool, that's all I remember.

learning this game's tech is so fun

transformative, one of the few online games i can get sucked into for hours where i really have no issues with it, able to utilize speed in a 3d space especially in ways I hope the next sonic takes from

See, based on the promotions and boxart you'd assume this is just a regular old F1 racing game, and you'd be wrong. Trackmania is a fucking insane arcade racer with barely any regard to the way cars and physics actually function and that makes it one of the most, if not the most fun racing game I've ever played.
It's literally free so you don't lose anything by giving itr a try.

Imagine almost breaking your desk over racing cars.

First Trackmania game and im not disappointed. This is a game where you can easily sink 10000 hours into. Sadly I won't commit to it, but this is an amazing title.

played this a lot as a kid was never able to finish it
came back to it as an adult it was still hard
but honestly, this game is a cakewalk compared to Trackmania turbo