Reviews from

in the past

A fun rhythm game that gets it's kicks being silly but loses me for not having any tracks that are bangers. Except, maybe, OH CANADA.

This was a fun experience. Surprised by the amount of effort that was put into this game. Looking at it you would expect this was made in like an hour, but the UI and options were actually pretty nice.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+- Gameplay;
It's a fun rhythm game to play once. Liked that the songs kept going till the end even when you were missing everything. Usually that's not the case for rhythm games.
Also it has somewhat of a story and reason to keep playing. Sadly it doesn't have enough songs as of now, so the variation is gone after a bit.

+ Music;
Fun songs you'll recognise without a doubt. The effect of the trombone only makes them better!

+ Graphics;
Extremely surprised by the UI and background while playing a song. Only ugly thing is the tromebone player, but that's on purpose without a doubt.

+- Story/Characters;
There isn't really a story to begin with, but was surprised they added unique characters to the game.

Yea it's a fun game to play in VC with some friends. Or if you find fart jokes funny, I'd recommend it as well.

It did make me laugh a bit but the joke wasn't worth the $15.

I don't actually think the rhythm game play is tenable. It's frantic but at least to me, precision felt impossible, which is not a pleasant sensation in a rhythm game.

I guess the joke's on me for ponying up for a meme game.

Nada nesse jogo atinge seu potencial:
-As seções de ritmo falham porque notas curtas são praticamente impossíveis de serem tocadas, o jogo só registra um "toque" caso o botão for pressionado por um tempo específico, e isso é muito difícil de ser alcançado, especialmente nas músicas mais rápidas.
-A forma como o "final verdadeiro" do jogo funciona é, às vezes, críptica, e em outras apenas chata, requerendo um monte de moedas in-game que só podem ser alcançadas depois de repetir cada música um monte de vezes.
-São apenas 24 músicas, nenhuma delas particularmente interessante, preferi as músicas clássicas que eu já conhecia por serem agradáveis, mas nem elas se destacam tanto no meio de um repertório tão limitado. Espero que haja suporte para mods no futuro.
-O humor não me cativou em momento algum, a narrativa toda parece ter sido desenvolvida com o mindset "escolhamos um animal aleatório e uma comida aleatória e repitamos comentários que envolvam estes até o fim do jogo".

Só que é divertidinho, achei um jogo de ritmo decente de se jogar, mesmo que com muitos problemas. Se fosse um clarinete em vez de um trombone talvez eu desse uma nota maior.

25 Charts, almost entirely consisting of royalty free music, occasionally with MLG horns slapped on top whilst PNGs fade in and out of transparency in the background. There are beatmania games on the game boy with song lists less sparse, and they even have Rydeen.

I get this is a meme game for kicks, but it's £12 and the joke will probably be old by the time you buy it, which is inevitably after your favourite streamer has butchered "lets all go to the ball game", and it just becomes increasingly annoying.

It's a shame because the music game portion at least has potential here. It's not good, but things like running out of breath, the wavy notes and the way it psuedo-mimics a trombone is cute. Truly, if it had any worthwhile content, it could maybe be the donkey konga of our day. Add 20 songs, increase the variety (some Jazz would have gone a really long way) and give each song 3 charts for various difficulty and it's a product that could at least entertain for a few hours.

Alas, Trombone Champ is as throwaway as they come. I just feel sorry for the steam support reps that have to process all the refund requests for this game.

It looks like an elaborate shitpost, and it is, but it's layers of shitposting over a genuinely well designed rhythm game. There's even documentation of in-depth mechanics for potential competitive play.

I really felt like I WAS a trombone.

A pretty great balance between really dumb joke and legitimately good rhythm game. Unfortunately there aren't enough songs to support all the things you need to do to actually beat the game so the last couple hours are grindy to the point where I finally just said fuck it and downloaded Cheat Engine. This is going to be a better game in a year when the new tracks have been added; for now, it's a great gag that overstays its welcome.

Funny little game, played for one hour and made my laugh a lot.

don't have anything to add to what people have already said here, but get custom charts they always carry rhythm games and if I were to account them into my rating this would be a high 7 and not hovering between 7 and 6. either way I ultimately think this is a pretty fun concept and game probably because I'm quite disconnected from the main like. big streamer base and so I end up liking it :) hoping the maingame gets improvements later too!

also I play the trumpet so uh actually everything I said is false this game SUCKS!!! should have been trumpet champ.

one more addition thank u to my gf for buying this for me you have made an awful mistake and I will now annoy you with buddy holly trombone champ forever

"It [this game] also contains minor jumpscares." do you mean the burger?? that flies at you at the end of Star Spangled Banner??

Charming! The DARK SOULS spoof stuff is great, and I love a bit of this type of mildly unsettling, screwing-with-the-player type business, especially from such an unexpected genre. The actual gameplay/charts/scoring are a touch undercooked and the grand finale is kind of pointless, but it's still a good time if you're into rhythm games. It's very satisfying when the music starts sounding legitimately good when you master the instrument. My biggest complaint might be that they didn't go silly enough with the song choices. The whole game should have been like the Old Gray Mare chart, lol

If you liked any rhythm games like Osu! or Clone Hero, then you might like this.

It has modding support too which is it also comes with custom charts.

The game costs in US like 13 dollars but lucky me, I paid 5 dollars for it.

And hey, if you ever wanted to play trombone, the game is yours.

This is the best game I have played in a long while. It's absurd and kept me laughing the entire time. Three cheers for toots and turds.

5⭐ just for how many "cried laughing" moments have been wrought from just handing someone new this game with no introduction or context

It has a lot of potential, great fun right out of the box. They could make a tool for players to make beatmaps ala OSU!

Since Steam reviews and the gaming press are just ceaselessly repeating the same already tired jokes and sharing videos of people playing the game poorly, allow me to offer a modicum of actual thought about this game.

Trombone Champ is a mechanically fine rhythm game. As every other reviewer feels the need to qualify it, yes, I too played trombone for a brief moment in time in juniour high band. The trombone sounds silly, its exacerbation of glissando especially so. Trombone Champ leans hard into the comedy of slide instruments, where being slightly off can make a recorder sound sophisticated in comparison. That's probably the only aspect in which the game's humour lands successfully. The gameplay itself works surprisingly well, kind of like an evolution of Wii Music's instruments which utilised the gyroscope. Hold the notes, slide as needed, it's nothing groundbreaking if you've played osu! or any rhythm game really. The controls defaulting to the mouse inversely matching pitch is novel but I turned it off quickly. There's a breath mechanic that literally does not come into play unless you play the game incorrectly.

And that's the gameplay! Everything else is separate from the actual meat of the game and its twenty-ish songs. The tracks available are fitting to the trombone but it means a predominance of pre-twentieth century tunes. I don't find that to be a problem, but part of me feels if there isn't a need to pay for licensing most of the music, there could be a hell of a lot more. As the tracks are usually accompanied by busy visuals, that would certainly prohibit a massive amount of content but when some of these amount to a static image with some fading pictures of beavers, that effort argument falls a little flat. The eyecandy is stellar at times, and I particularly love the use of old woodblock prints and magazine cartoons which are almost never seen in games. At times it's like playing John Tenniel's cartoons for Punch.

The rest of Trombone Champ is where I take umbrage. When you fill your Champ metre during a song, you hear airhorns. Some tracks have MLG frag video style effects, you get to see sunglasses on Mozart, your character has the same flat sausage-ish vibrant aesthetic as a Mount Your Friends or Human Fall Flat avatar, the way they move as you play has the vague physics silliness of QWOP or Surgeon Simulator. The collectible cards you can unpack come in a loot box style bag, emblazoned with faux-truths about trombonists all ending with how many hot dogs they can eat in one sitting. The loading screen 'tips' state similar falsehoods about things like the world record holder for most trombones owned has two whole trombones. There are baboons scattered about because baboons are funny? It all feels so temporally separated from the year it came out in, and the year it was announced. I guess comedy equals tragedy plus time but to me this just feels old and tired, maybe lacking enough separation for an ironic enjoyment. And it's a shame because its all superfluous! The game is fine without any of it. It's a misstep akin to The Stanley Parable Deluxe, it's like a Frog Fractions without the shock value. I hesitate to use the phrase 'flavour of the week' but I see no timeline where this is remembered, much less thought of fondly, in a few months. But who's to say, I mean, we all still love Goat Simulator and Fall Guys and I Am Bread and GIRP and What the Golf and Happy Wheels and...

i wish there was a mode to turn this into an actual functioning rhythm game where you didnt have to be some kind of wizard to play short notes correctly. i know its not the point, but a grid-based version with nice sounding notes would honestly make a pretty fun rhythm game. the dev plans to expand the game due to its success, but i'd be surprised if it manages to gain enough substance to turn into something worthwhile.

there will probably be a games done quick showcase for this.

honestly wish it was better as an actual rhythm game, it can be fun as one except when there's a bunch of impossible to hit small notes. still i had a fun time with it.



Playing a trombone slightly off tempo and largely out of tune remained funny for longer than I thought. Having the majority of tracks being public domain ditties really helped as you know what they're meant to sound like and really has more of an impact that getting licensed tracks or having a ton of made-for-the-game pieces

Unfortunately the games humour is a lot more hit and miss - things like the collectible card descriptions were fun but the turds in the menu (and sounds) got old pretty fast.

A funny little game with a goofy concept. Probably worth the play, but I think the game falls into the Gimmicky category too much to really really shine. I manage to S rank 9 songs, but the skill jump from there was just too much, and there really aren't a lot of songs so you do end up just repeating the same songs you've already mastered or are horrible at until you've met the requirements to finish. But! All in all I think the game does achieve what it sets out to do, so I can appreciate that.

me diverti TREMENDAMENTE por 8.8 horas

why are turds such an important part of the lore of this game?
fun and silly game, but it needs more songs

fun little game to play when you're bored

bastante engraçado, embora o glorioso caminho até o final seja um tanto repetitivo. umas 10 músicas a mais já fariam toda a diferença.

Really close to perfect! Unlocking the true ending is a bit of a grind, but it's definitely worth your time. I have yet to try any custom charts, but I imagine tooting along to through the fire and the flames makes the game better by orders of magnitude.

what if there were monkeys(!) and they said tromBONER and everyone ate hot dogs!!!!11! what if they played music........ badly!!

in the land of the meme game, comedy lives in exile.

I knew Holy Wow from their Icarus Proudbottom games, and I'm glad to see them survive the death of Flash. As a wacky comedy game, Trombone Champ fares alright - the central joke never gets old, but the rest of it often gets dated or juvenile - but what surprised me most was that it wasn't just a wacky comedy game. It's actually a really fun rhythm game underneath it all, and I can't wait to see what kinds of levels serious players will end up modding in.

i feel like a lot of silly goofy games fail to keep the attention past first looks, but this game really feels like a complete package that goes beyond the witty jokes and goofy aesthetics. it's even a decent and unique rhythm game to top it off. game is good