Reviews from

in the past

A really great game that doesn't get enough love.

This is a pretty good step up from the first Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, as it has lots of unique mechanics and the world is big and open. On the downside, the levels are really short for my liking, and a lot of the seemingly new and innovative ideas in this game are sort of taken from Jak and Sonic Adventure and so on. Still a fun game though

I actually didn't like it as much as the first.

A much longer and more polished game than the original Ty. A big issue with it is the mission system. There's no differential between main missions and side missions which leaves most of the game as filler with the few main missions/boss fights there are.

rang combat feels a lot more fun this time around but man most of this game felt like minigames and escort missions rather than platforming

See my Ty The Tasmanian Tiger 1 review for my important insight regarding the entire Ty The Tasmanian series

definitely worse than the first game but still peak nostalgia

This game starts off with a lot of promise. You can definitely see the increase in budget from the first game, however you quickly realise that this isn't just a straight sequel to Ty 1, it's a different type of game.

The best way to describe the change is that's like going from Jak and Daxter to Jak 2 (I.e a collectathon platformer to an open world mission based game), which isn't necessarily a bad thing, in fact I like Jak 2 more than Jak 1 however Ty 2 doesn't execute this transition well.

It plays exactly like the first game while not actually giving the tools to adapt to its new structure, making the game very tedious.

While in it's open world, Ty 2 has all the Australian charm the first game had, however it quickly loses that charm in the linear levels this game now has, as opposed to open levels from the first game due to the fact that there is a bigger open world.

The first game is still my favourite, however Ty 2 is an okay follow up with some missed potential.

I'm glad I enjoyed this game as a child, without becoming a furry.

I think it was the over the top nature of Ty 2 that won me over. It has some absurd moments in dialogue that really set the tone for a more light hearted adventure.

Thankfully the game also has an improved camera and some solid mission variety. It juggles a few too many mechanics that can feel a bit undercooked. But taken as a whole it all adds to a goofy time that I vastly enjoyed over the first one.

same review as ty 1 it's ok

i played this game for hours as a kid, one of my favourite platformers

Not as good as the previous Ty game in my opinion but it definitely stands as a great sequel. I loved the soundtrack and the characters aswell of course. it might've gotten me burned out quickly from time to time but it's still a great game. Love Ty.

Poor Ty. You had a decent run that lasted about 7 minutes. That first commercial is still pretty funny

The sequel has much more interesting boss designs, story and boomerangs (which is the main tool you use in the Ty franchise). However, due to making it feel more open world with driving a car, the themes of the levels ends up feeling very monotonous, with most of the levels almost looking exactly the same. Despite it, still a fun game.

Remember it not being as good as the original. Was still pretty good though for the time as a kid.

One of my favourites of all time.

3D platformer developers just love flooding their games with things that control worse then the normal platforming challenges

This game is an old gem from my childhood that I have fond memories of. The introduction blew my mind because it showcased a variety of gameplay. The rest of the game took eternity to complete because I had no clue where to go. It was overall a fun experience where little of it felt confusing. Playing it again at an older age now makes the objectives clearer.

The gameplay and the story is scattered throughout a segmented open world requiring a lot of traveling. As mentioned previously this game contains a lot of variety in terms of gameplay. Majority of this is fun while some portions could be excluded.

Attempting to take off the nostalgia there is still a fun and interesting game present, but it may be a mixed bag.

This is very nostalgic, as it was one of three games I played on loop when I was young.