Reviews from

in the past

I wanted to give this a higher score by the end, but unfortunately I think the first half kind of drags. I also think this chapter tries to do a bit too much all at once, which can make it feel kind of unfocused. Some of the stuff at the end matches the high peaks of the last chapter, but overall it lacks the same consistency as its predecessor.

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Ryukishi's writing style may have its flaws (i.e. fluff that could be trimmed on many, many, occasions) but damn if I don't feel what he's communicating

This reread has only got me closer to this vn, always been a favorite since I initially read it in 2019 but revisiting it has only hit home why it means so much to me. These characters mean the world to me, so accepting their highs as well as their lows come equally as naturally. One of the best parts about viewing this story, ep 2 in particular, from the lens of a reread is ruminating constantly on the nature of [the culprit] and their pain in relation to themself and the world around them, which has been immaculate. And of course, this goes for every other character as well; they aren't just pieces on a chessboard, they're all individual human beings with their own pasts, motivations, and experiences shaping the ultimate 'self' they are. Being able to feel and empathize first-hand is unlike anything I feel reexperiencing another series can offer.

In conclusion holy shit I'm not ready for episode 3 & 4 part 2

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rosa is the type of woman who would walk up to a customer service worker and yell at them to call the manager if they accidently gave maria an extra chicken strip

This one was boring as hell I am sorry

Overall a good followup to Episode 1. Couple bits in the beginning dragged once again. I'm 99% sure I know how a lot of the mysteries happened this chapter, in fact I kind of find it obvious? I think Battler as a protagonist is probably the best version of "audience surrogate" in a really cool and "meta" way, so to speak. Usually I feel very connected with his thought process, but this chapter is when I felt the most disconnect especially towards the end. Though I suppose it says something about how good the character writing for me to be yelling "No Battler! You idiot!" behind the screen. So far this is my least favorite chapter.

Definitivamente melhor que o primeiro e, pelo visto, terá uma recontextualização no futuro eps. Bem legal e manteve minha impressão que o jogo está produzindo algo bem divertido.

when i finished chapter 1 i wrote a long ass vent post complaining about all the problems i had with it which was a lot. im glad to say theyve almost all been remedied in chapter 2, and then some. probably the strongest 7 i can think of since i played disco elysium. despite it being pretty constantly engaging im still not totally mentally on board with the witch/magic stuff and i do still kinda feel like its set up for a payoff later down the line since so many big and important questions were left on the table by the time the credits rolled, but that seems par for the course for something with a question arc and an answer arc lol

simplesmente o mais fraco da franquia, não tem quase nada minimamente interessante e é maçante de acompanhar

i want beatrice to call me incompetent. also rereading this episode after reading all of umineko puts me in so much pain


Who Said It — Taylor Swift (😍😍😍) Or Beatrice (🤮🤮🤮)?

1 "Did I close my fist around something delicate? Did I shatter you?"

2 "Do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?"

3 “Past the curses and cries, beyond the terror in the nightfall"

4 “Now my eyes leak acid rain on the pillow where you used to lay your head"

5 “Life isn't how to survive the storm, it's about how to dance in the rain”

6 “Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together”

7 "I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones in a faith-forgotten land"

8 "Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow, tarnished but so grand"

9 "I wish to know the fatal flaw that makes you long to be magnificently cursed"

10 “Ushiromiya Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatler cackle cackle cackle cackle cackle"



1 Taylor Swift
2 Taylor Swift
3 Taylor Swift
4 Taylor Swift
5 Taylor Swift
6 Taylor Swift
7 Taylor Swift
8 Taylor Swift
9 Taylor Swift
10 Taylor Swift could have said that too we can’t say for sure (Devil's proof)

Number 1 female Spotify artist EVER.

Taylor could write Umineko but Ryukishi could never write Evermore.

“People haven't always been there for me but music always has.”
― Taylor Swift
👆👆👆👆 Such powerful words 😭

Swifties stay winning 💅💅💅💅 You mad little gay boi with the SHEEPS 🤣🤣 and WOLVES 🤣🤣 family ????

My diva is also taller (1.80 cm or 5 ft 11") than your stupid spaghetti (🍝?) smelling ass witch.

>calls herself golden witch
>can only manifest candy

>calls herself a "mere" pop artist
>also wrote the best country, country-pop and pop-rock albums of all time

Stay slayin queen, don't let this goofy ass spaghetti (🍝?) smelling ass witch take your throne.

Me when 黄金の影修正版 BEATRICE MELODY(ラック眼力)is playing: 🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴🥱😴
Me when Shake it Off is playing: 🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻🎵💃🏻


Episódio melhorou muita coisa do início ao fim, finalmente um aprofundamento entre vários personagens, os mistérios são Interessantes mas são meio fraquinhos

Joder habrá algún cap de este juego al que no le ponga 5 estrellas???

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damn beatrice really made battler her bitch in the end huh

absolutely incredible second half, but some of the pacing issues from the first episode are still present, albeit lesser, and the descriptions of violence present within have become unnecessarily gratuitous. I still adored so much else about it, like, again, the entire second half, and the feeling of confusion and unease i felt throughout All of this thing. I also really like how much focus it gave to characters who just.. didn't get anything in episode one, like Gohda, who is now one of my favorite guys of all time!! i love gohda. goatda

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Este segundo episodio ha empezado mucho más fuerte que el anterior capitulo, con un poco más de información empezamos una nueva partida de ajedrez de Battler contra Beatrice.

Al principio nos explican como Shannon gracias a Beatrice consigue tener una relación con George y a la vez por otro lado nos muestran como Jessica siente algo por Kanon pero él no es capaz de corresponderla por no ser humano y por último nos muestran los problemas de carácter de Rosa con su hija María hasta tal punto de pegarla pero que al poco se arrepiente como si una bruja la hubiera poseído.

Con esta información comienza la partida, los primeros en morir son casi todos los hijos de Kinzo, menos Rosa, y mueren de una forma bastante curiosa, digno de una peli de terror de Halloween con chuches y demás dentro de sus tripas como si fueran bolsas, lo curioso de esto es que parece una asesinato a puerta cerrada ya que la única llave que funciona en el sitio que murieron es una llave que estaba en una carta que le dio Beatrice a María.

Con esto se introduce un nuevo concepto y es que mientras ocurren estas cosas parece que Battler está observando todo y ahí empieza el duelo con Beatrice, ella para fastidiarle muchas de sus teorías introduce las frases en rojo, es decir, todo lo que diga Beatrice con letras en rojo es la verdad absoluta, pero Battler es muy inteligente y se da cuenta de que puede usarlo a su favor en otros momentos.

Dentro de todo esto parece y digo parece porque tengo mis dudas de que es real y que no en estos capítulos hasta que me asegure. Aparece una Beatrice humana y se hospeda en una habitación VIP al nivel de Kinzo.

Más tarde de eso ocurren más asesinatos y hay momentos que me hicieron temblar y hasta ponerme a llorar (Kanon I Love You)

El capitulo no termina muy bien, ya que con la parte final nos muestran como realmente Rosa si que quiere a su hija y se da cuenta de que es más valiosa ella que el propio oro y abre los ojos. Realmente a mi Rosa me caía muy mal en el anterior capitulo y ahora la empiezo a entender (aunque sin aprobar sus formas pero bueno, hay que ver la teoría de lo de la bruja a ver si es real o no)

Con todo esto decir que el capitulo es genial, no me he aburrido en casi ningún momento y sin duda cada vez va más para arriba esto

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when they revealed bernkastel was actually rika i screamed so hard i was gonna pass out

beatrice donde dejas la pipa cuando vas a mear

amazing after ep 8 recontext

Rosa mitando no fim do episodio foi otimo.

Still my favourite 2nd part to a story

espero que el actor de voz de kinzo beba mucha agua

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big fan of halloween

Arruma boa parte dos problemas do primeiro episódio com algumas das escritas genias que são marcas do Ryukishi, não darei spoiler, mas a resolução de um dos twilights é tão irônico que não pensaria em algo mais perfeito para uma obra como Umineko.
Em especial, adorei o embate metafisico do battler com a Beatrice e nunca mais irei olhar texto vermelho do msm jeito na minha vida
- You are incompetent!

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why didnt umineko battler just repeat "x is the murderer" in red for everyone on the island

my man ryukishi aprendio a jugar al ajedrez una tarde y se volvio loco

Another solid episode! I'm not sure if the highs were quite as high as the ones from Legend, but it was overall more consistently solid, introducing a lot of cool elements