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Enormous spike in quality from the first 2 episodes. REALLY enjoyed this one. Eva Ushiromiya has already cemented herself as one of my favorite characters in fiction and I am deeply curious about a shit ton of new mysteries & unanswered questions. Seems like next ep will be Ange-focused which will be fun.

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Semi-espetacular. É muito bom o desenvolvimento da Beatrice, mesmo sendo descartado logo depois só que em partes. Aprofundamento de temas, e parece que daqui pra frente o desenvolvimento dos personagens só irá voar mais alto, promissor.

best episode so far by a wide margin

Episode 3 is where shit hits the fan and goes absolutely insane.
Contains the best and most interesting pick for umineko's mother of the week format.

Beato, yo más que una pregunta tengo un comentario

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I really enjoyed the final part, but Beatrice's revelation left me a little discouraged. But because of the Tea Party and the '?????', I believe that the next chapter will be incredible, mainly because of Battler's sister who was just introduced into the work (I already really liked her)

On the first twilight, rejoice at the greatest of all time.
On the second twilight, those who remain shall experience the hallmark of media.
On the third twilight, those who remain shall praise the zenith of the medium.
On the fourth twilight, experience the apogee of creativity.
On the fifth twilight, experience the vertex of invention.
On the sixth twilight, experience the pinnacle of innovation.
On the seventh twilight, experience the epic of epics.
On the eighth twilight, experience the legend among legends.
On the ninth twilight, the gold standard of storytelling shall revive, and no 'mid' shall be left.
On the tenth twilight, at Journey's end, you shall attain to the power of Peak Fiction, once and for the last time.

Peak Fiction shall praise the wise and bestow four treasures.
One shall be 'Goat'.
One shall be 'Raw'.
One shall be 'Kino'.
One shall be 'Fire'.

Sleep peacefully, my beloved media, Peak Fiction.

Wow that twist at the end of the chapter was amazing. This chapter was great at blurring the line between magic and reality really well. It was also nice to see the adults surviving for longer in this episode and see how all the parents work together. Even the witch's Epitaph was shown to be solved by both Eva and Rosa now I really want to find out the solution to it now knowing that the legend of the gold is real.

Edit: lowered from 5 to 4.5 because while I still really like episode 3 I think it's slightly worse than episode 1 but it is still way better than episode 2 and episode 4 is even better that I think it doesn't really hold up that well compared to that episode

(I might change the rating after I finish reading the entire VN)

Now we are talking, this where things gets really fucking good, still one of the best eps of umineko

Esse daqui já é bom pra krl, é onde realmente começa a ficar interessante e fica mt bom

Okay, we are doing fine... oh that's a nice plot... hey it's getting very good... why am i crying...? Ryukishi you really did it huh... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT???

As you can see i had almost every kind of emotion a human being can feel and i am at the episode 3. I was humiliated, i will destroy you Ryukishi, i will win this game!


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I still don't know what the fuck is going on

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I feel like this is when things really start coming together. It also might be my favorite section of the story overall. The idea of Beatrice trying to earn Battler's forgiveness for all the terrible things she did really resonated with me.

Of course, it's revealed to be a lie at the end, but I definitely think there was still a lot of truth to it. I believe in a later episode, it's even explicitly stated that Beatrice was being honest in most of those moments as well.

So the end really is kind of a fakeout, and this episode really illustrates the romantic turn their relationship will eventually take.

Also, a lot of the Ushiromiya family finally get some much needed development. Eva especially. I also actually started to like Krauss, who was maybe my least favorite character up to that point.

OK. THIS FINAL PART WAS PERFECT. I still have some issues about the middle of the episode(which I didn't like much) but the beginning and this end makes it very good!

Muito por causa da trama da reta final, teve uma melhora significativa e consequentemente deixou umineko melhor.

This series has taken over my life

lets fucking go beatrice nation!!!!!!


My man Ryukishi doesn't know how Hempel's ravens work!!! Someone show him a Venn diagram 📣📣📣📣📣

Lower 9 but this was exceptional. Taking everything that’s worked so far, and continuing to make it better. Incredibly entertaining and a lot of fun. Beatrice is almost certainly o r of my favorite antagonist, hopefully episode 4 lives up to this

losing my mind it's so good it's peak

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Bern is a big fan of the world’s slowest computers updating to 99% and then proceeding to brick forever before they finish.

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Starters, this was INSANE what a chapter, I was already blown away with Chapter 1 & 2 I thought they were really good, I was thinking it'd get better but it wouldn't ever get THIS good like I hoenstly lack words to descrive how I feel, I hoenstly felt every emotion reading this chapter so much crazy shit happens and it all works and makes sense and I love it all and just so much godd damm stuff happening here it's made me go crazy.

I'll try and write a proper rough review, but I mean all my reviews for the WTC games so far are more just me writing my rough thoughts with no real like analysis etc which I mean is fine by me, so expect more rambiling until I perish.

I don't even know where to start with my review here, I'll be honest the first few bit of the game kinda boored me, not much was happening the stuff with Battler and Beatrice was amazing but the actual stuff on the island just kinda felt really boaring and a retread of stuff we've already seen in Ch1 & 2 and with the actual Island I'd say it didn't get good until Eva found the treasure then stuff started to interest me. But the other story happening with Beatrice and Battler was really intersting me but I've got alot of thoughts about that so I guess I'll get there in a second. Anyway, despite focus on Eva at the start I was kinda iffy on her still, but as the plot has gone on here I started to like her more, might sound odd but seeing that she actually honestly cares and loves her family (immeadte, as in husband and George) but like it was nice to see that she actually cared, becasue on first impression and Ep1 I was kinda thinking that she would just hate them but it was nice to be proven wrong. I have zero theroies with Eva witch tbh, and if I'm being honest I have very few theories at this point, when reading Higurashi I was able to come up with a few theories that ultimatlley held some weight by the end, but in Umineko I've got nothing I'm still lost in terms of figuring shit out by myself... I guess Higurashi was just more based in reality and therefore easier to try and theorise, but like I don't know shit about witches, and like they have to be real theres no way they aren't right? like I know Battler closed his ears as Beato explained stuff and that suggests that maybe they aren't? but I don't knowww my brain melts but like they have to be, like there is no rational explanation for half the shit in this chapter. anyhow sidetracked, uhh island stuff was cool though boring at start got pretty hooked once the stories got interwined, brings up loads of questions that I don't have too much to say on right now, just overall crazy good, defintley made me like the main cast a whole lot more.

Now, Beato and Battler stuff is where it gets all crazy, after reading all this stuff I can't trust Beato ever again bro what the fuck was that!! I was fully in belief that she was trying to change, and I guess I still kinda too since I mean she seemed somewhat conflicted in the very end witth like the way her sprite was looking but like maybe that wasn't meant to mean anything?? idk maybe it was still a trick?? I have NOCLUUE, and in the ??? with Lankas(whatevertherestofhernameis) is like blackmailing/ forcing/ using / idk???? Beato to win and and like my brain can't take it it's all too much. It was so nice to see them getting along in the end theres so many cool moment s here and then it was all a lie? or like I have no clue, I don't even know what to feel. Like I suppose Beatos whole change maybe came about quite quickly? and like suggests she was faking? or like I just... I don't even know what's genuine or not at this point, Battlers got it rough man... I can only have full trust in him, and I really hope that him and Beatrice can like get along but I really doubt it now, it just aint happening, but I guess with how it was looking there couldn't of been any more games between the two of them if they got along properly? so it makes sense because they wern't just going to like remove Beato as the villain (?) like 3 episodes/games in. I apoligse for anyone who decicded to read this because this is such a mess but my mind is in pieces... I actually was tearing up near the end with the stuff with Beatrice and her changing and all that and then the ending just like destroyed me I was acutally like going crazy, but I mean my own fault for trusting R07 tbh.

I apoligse for this mess of a "review" but my brain is in pieces and the only cure is clearly to go read more Umineko I'm sure... but still this is honestly one of the most well written things I've read recentely, I am completley hooked one everything happening, like I just need to see how the stuff with Battler and Beatrice plays out. and just everything, so much stuff I didn't even mention here but honestly reading this made me foreget that there are 5 more episodes to read and like this episodes felt like it in itself could've been the finale. and as always gotta say the VA work done here is insanely good, everyone does such a great performance, like i'd be fine reading without it but holy shit it really increases the quality like it still would been a insanely good chapter without it but the VA work pushes into being even better somehow. Also music is insane here too! just a overall crazy good chapter that I'm not good enough at writing to say, and I missed out so much stuff I could've said etc, overall a crazy chapter with so many twists and turns and character growth and nongrowth because whatever the hell happend and the ending and I have gone insane because Umineko is actaully peak ficition, I can't believe the people were this right