Reviews from

in the past

i liked this when i was a kid, but it's a lot funnier when you think of it in a fridge horror sorta way. like, you can inbreed pinatas and then feed the offspring their own parents. what the fuck man

holy shit this game is so good just the sequel really makes it so that the flaws of this one are shown a lot.

Almost my whole family was playing it

Se eu entendesse inglês na época que joguei esse jogo com certeza teria gostado muito mais, é aquele jogo que você sofre bullying por falar que joga mas que realmente é divertido o suficiente pra você não ligar.

i miss you viva pinata come back please

as a child i sobbed for hours when the worm i named after my mother was devoured by a fucking hedgehog

The art style is so cute, but I couldn't play it for more than 3 or hours before getting bored

Muzska siempre te recordaremos ;-;

I was almost too cool for this game. Almost.

Not as good as i remember it being when it first came out, lots of better farm sim games now but still has a nice charm to it.



"Feeling seedy? oh no not like Thaaaaat" can't believe that would play outloud from the tv when I was a kid and my parents did nothing

Fazenda de bicho peculiar

Fondle my fuckin titties and call me a Juicygoose man Viva Pinata still slaps so much ass

The fact that this came out in 2006 is insane to me. I know this phrase gets thrown around a lot but it holds up so well - especially visually, to the point where it could come out today and no one would bat an eyelid. It was - for its time one of the most gorgeous looking games ever made, and even playing it on Xbox Game Pass in 2022 with no FPS Boost functionality or visual upgrades whatsoever, it's still just so stunning. Nothing else that came out in 2006 can have looked this good, I'll bet my sculpted little ass on it.

This is a game that's filled with so much charm and colour and personality that it's absolutely no wonder that no one played it. Why do I say this? Because it was on Xbox 360, released very early into its lifespan in fact, and no one was buying an Xbox for stuff like this, the console's library and marketing had absolutely no appeal to the kinds of people who'd want to play Viva Pinata. The 360 was all about Halo and Gears Of War and shit like that. I guarantee you if this were on a Nintendo console (where it feels like it'd truly belong) people would remember this game so much more fondly - largely because they would have actually played it!

It's like Viva Pinata absorbed all the colour and fun out of every other Xbox Exclusive at the time, and going back and playing it in the age of Stardew Valley is particularly arresting because it's like the closest thing we ever got to a 3D Stardew Valley before Stardew Valley happened. Harvest Moon started shitting the bed around this time, there was no other farming/management game on this game's level, and it's so sad no one knows it.

I love this game; it has gorgeous visuals, an absolutely beautiful - serene orchestral soundtrack by Grant Kirkhope that sounds whisked straight out of the most idyllic Disney movies and a surprising amount of depth to its seemingly simple loop. It's such a calming and easy-to-enjoy game, I can't help but crack a smile every time the cutscene pops up introducing you to a new Pinata that you've attracted to your garden - they're so silly and loveable and their names are consistently so fucking stupid that you can't help but get on board. Macaraccoon! There! I said it! There's one called Macaraccoon!

My only gripe with the original Viva Pinata is how obtuse it can be. There's a lot of important things the game doesn't tell you, almost necessitating you look up online walkthroughs and run into some major progression roadblocks. The game as far as I can tell makes no effort to explain Fertilizer and how that works with promoting bonus growth in trees and other plants (which are often crucial to attracting new species) and stuff like the Pinata evolutions and Dragonache are so beyond cryptic that it often feels like Rare honestly expected you to use online walkthroughs.

Beyond that though, this game is near-perfection in its genre. It's so relaxing and adorable, there's nothing like sitting back after a hard day's work of digging and planting and building and just watching your garden in motion, observing all the animations and interactions your Pinatas have, listening to all their silly noises (shoutouts to the Doenut and Quackberry in particular) and watching them make use of the garden you've built. This is a criminally overlooked game that took a lot of your decisions and player freedom into account in regards to how you build your garden, and it's sad that it may never get the credit it deserves for paving the way for the Stardew Valleys of today.


despite the fact that its just an animal raising game, there is a lot of anxiety wrapped up in it for me because of those evil pinatas that would come try to kill your babies

I unironically love this game

Played it when I was really young. Played with someone on XBL who sent me nudes. I stopped playing it shortly after that.

Es hat kein wirkliches Ende und die Mechanik mit dem Dünger hätte man sich sparen können.. und das wars auch schon. Das sind alle Negativpunkte von einem Spiel, das absolut keine Anerkennung gefunden hat.
Soundtrack top, Artstyle super knuddelig, Spieldauer locker 40 Stunden aufwärts, Idee super originell.
Absolute Empfehlung auch aus heutiger Sicht.

This is one of my favorite life sims, and my favorite IP from rare since the microsoft acquisition. Everything was so damn cute, every time a new creature showed up, I was in awe. I did everything in this game.

I actually recently 100% this game. Glad to see it's on gamepass, but I wish it was on PC too.

i always joked about this game but when i actually played it was so good i actually regret not buying it sooner. wish they could bring back viva piñata

A fun unique farming simulator by Rare, that can be very cool raising your Piñata, however can get boring after a while, it's a game you have to play frequently if you want to really enjoy it, but can be a snore fest if you hate farming simulators/raising animals.

I loved playing this game as a kid despite how horrible the PC port was. I loved creating eco systems fro the piñatas and I'm pretty sure I gave myself a chocolate base anaphylactic shock because I loved pretending that the chocolate bars I ate came from the piñatas. I also watched the TV show waaay too much for my own good and got really angry when I learned some of the piñatas in the show were from the xbox exclusive game.
I once gifted a (pirated) copy of this game to a school friend and his parents told him to not interact with me because they tought I was gay for liking this colorful stuff instead of Diablo or racing games.
Overall, even if the gameplay is kinda shit on PC it's still a really charming experience with a lot of style and some really cool mechanics to experience and attract new piñatas, and even make them evolve or breed new kinds (the piñatas actually fuck ingame, you have cutscenes of them dancing with straight up porno music and some straight up start humping before flashing to black)

An easy going and good vibes... gardening game? It's nice to build out your garden and make it habitable for the Pinatas who want to live there. It's a good mellow easy going time, and it works well enough. I do think Pinatas are a bit too much of a hassle for their own good, I feel like they didn't quite nail the gameplay loop, but it's still a good enough time. A lot of the Pinatas are very cool! My favorite kind is the Quackberry.

Legitimately thought this game was fantastic but it’s been so long now, I need to replay it like soon

Didn't expect this when getting an xbox 360. Amazing game!


This is a game that I was never expecting to enjoy. I sunk too many hours into it and had an incredible garden.

Doubt it would hold up today, but probably a great introductory game to someone with little gaming experience who wants to craft their own little world full of animals.