Reviews from

in the past

Not as strong as the other Arkham games in the series but still a good game.

Why did the Scary crowbar gas all of Gotham? Is he smelly?

Tanks still work well even though it feels out of left field.

But it's still the best Arkham game, gameplay wise.

Ainda vou jogar de novo

Quando eu comecei a jogar isso meu console deu problema e desde então eu não tinha pego pra jogar de novo, ovu comprar no pc pra ver qual a brisa mas todos os jogos da época me chamam atenção

Outra sequência bem competente, continua os acertos dos antecessores e agora não só te permite usar o batmóvel(por mais que tenham extrapolado um pouco), mas também andar por toda Gotham, sistema de luta refinadíssimo, além dos extras.

Not nearly as mediocre as I remember it. In fact, Arkham Knight is a pretty decent conclusion to the Arkham-trilogy. The issues people had with it on release still ring true, especially compared to the previous games. Do I miss the Metroidvania-style of exploration? Sure. But in a vacuum it’s a solid action adventure.

The game has a severe case of Ubisoftitis (hey, it was the 2010s’; we just have to deal with it) and the map could’ve been shrunken down quite a bit. All the (optional) watchtowers, roadblocks and what have you get old fast. And Many hanging plot threads from previous games also get dealt with pretty haphazardly and as a result some side missions are underwhelming and, frankly, quite boring.

The largest problem I had with the game was the controls. But that was probably on account of me replaying the whole trilogy back-to-back. As Knight has the added Batmotank as a mode of transportation, the layout has shifted somewhat which takes some getting used to.

There’s also the fact that the timing, and hit detection of the free flow-combat is a little bit… off? What was perfectly imbedded in my muscle memory at the end of the last game suddenly feels a little bit stiff; as if Batman’s years of crime fighting have finally catched up with him (which works thematically with the story, I guess).

However I guess I’m in the minority here, but I enjoyed the AR-challenges and Riddler-shenanigans quite a bit. They’re a blast.

Building combo streaks and finding specific ways to take out henchmen and goons on the challange maps have been single most fun I’ve had with the Arkham-games. Knight has the added variety of races and tank battles which is a welcome change of pace.

I'm not entirely a fan of how often the Batmobile is used in this game, but I also think the hatred for it is a little overblown. This game still looks great to this day. The marketing for this game was pretty funny because they were insisting the identity of the Red Hood would be super shocking... and it turned out he was exactly who everyone thought he would be from minute 1.

só para avisar que eu joguei no PC e achei bom tbm nó não fiz o ng+ mas vou fazer.

Great combat, a little bit extra towards bat-mobile more but still entirely fun (Except the riddler challenges)

This review contains spoilers

+ Joker’s inclusion and the emphasis on psychological horror.
+ Still one of the best looking games ever made. The rain covered, neon tinged, meticulously detailed Gotham and fantastic character animations and designs still are high bar setters.
+ Voice acting.
+ The Arkham combat style has been perfected.
+ Plenty of bonus content (challenge maps, race tracks, DLC etc.), as well as plenty of side quests in game…
+ Batmobile feels like a beast to drive…

- By far the weakest boss battles of the franchise.
- The Arkham Knight & Scarecrow’s dialogue schtick’s can become repetitive and a tad grating.
- …substantial chunk of the side missions feel like filler.
- …is overused in certain sequences and grappling is still the way to travel.

Arkham Knight is the pinnacle of the bloated AAA open-world design. A beautifully crafted world with an astonishing level of detail that rivals the Gotham of the Tim Burton's movies that has not a single meaningful moment. A real exercise in futility.

Ubisoft might get the most shit for this but Rocksteady truly beat them at their own game here. Not even them would be sadistic enough to hide over 200 pointless collectibles behind so many stupid puzzles.

I can't even say if I enjoyed myself while playing this. Part of me had fun gliding, the other wanted to throw the controller at the screen every time I had to listen to one of the villains talk.

This game is a textbook on how to NOT write villains. Not once I thought they were menacing or dangerous, most of the times I just wanted them to shut up. And Joker is the worst example of this, he shouldn't even have been in this game. Feels almost like they were afraid the game wouldn't work without him, so they just threw up the flimsiest excuse for him to be in it and gave Mark Hamill a compilation of all the worst lines of dialogue he would have on his career until The Last Jedi.

Anyway, Batman is a shitty superhero, when are they releasing a decent Hellboy game? I should have just played the Blacksad game instead.

This is pretty good but the batmobile is absolutely dreadful and whoever is responsible for shoe-horning that thing into every damn thing you do needs to be sent to the gulag.

If this game had the same dialogue structure as Ballad of the N Word, it would be a 10/10

Finalmente terminei. Gostei, mas as vezes achei meio chata a gameplay do Batmol

In my gaming career, Batman has always been one of my favorite most awaited games, so much so this was the first time I preordered a title in my life.
I'm a long-time fan of the series, knee-deep into comics and movies, and could not wait for the latest and final installment after years of, as a kid, having to wait for the prices to drop.
Sadly, as it's common knowledge, this was one of the worst launches in gaming has ever seen and one of the most infamous. The game was poorly optimized, had to be taken off of Steam, and came back months later with little to no difference.

One of the biggest issues was the scope of the game, in Unreal Engine 3, with a studio that didn't have the ability nor manpower to optimize it. A game that almost a decade later remains one of the most stunning games ever made!
If you read this in 2024, "Iron Galaxy", hasn't improved at all[] and is the name that we PC gamers dread when seeing who has Sony employed for a said PC port.
It got so bad that Naughty Dog had to get involved in optimizing the PC version of TLOU1 anyway...[]
What really helped this game is that, with time, the hardware had become so good that when I finally came back to it, it performed really well regardless.

Ignoring that, the game is a wonderful open world that builds over the foundation of Arkham Knight City and Origin, while trying to add some more detective stuff for the World's Greatest Detective. It still is not at the level of Asylum sadly, making looking for clues more or less like in The Witcher 3, but still better than in previous games.
A new addition is also the car for mobility, with full map destructive capabilities, on a much bigger map. Driving the Batmobile in Goatham City completely fulfills the dreams of a Batman fan, as if grappling hook and gliding were not enough.
Everything, from collectibles to side missions is an upgrade compared to the other titles with a lot more depth to them, having more interesting objectives, bosses, and storylines.
The combat system is more complex and fun, yet still not as technically difficult as Asylum, but fun nonetheless!

The story is wonderful and is a great ending to the series, especially including the DLCs that add enough new content to the game that I'd strongly suggest them to get the full experience.

Overall, this is a beautiful game that I strongly suggest, especially when after all this time it still holds this well on all fronts!
But sadly, history can't be erased and PC ports should not rely on hardware becoming so unbearably stronger that it cuts through bad work, and sadly the publisher clearly hasn't learned their lessons years later when looking at Gotham Knights[].


There is no other game like this.

sigh ok... this game is very weird for me. I do think it's a really good game, even in spite of the overuse of the batmobile. But what really kills game for me is it's completion requirement, completing all of the side missions is one thing bur having to collect all the Riddler trophies is PAINFUL.

Apesar de apresentar o melhor gameplay da franquia, Arkham Knight sofre com a "ubisoftzição" dos jogos mundo aberto, onde a quantidade é priorizada acima da qualidade. A história também sofre problemas, onde as missões secundárias e vilões secundários apresentam impacto maior que sua trama principal.

i do not want to hear the riddler's pretentious nerdy voice ever again, if i do i might kill myself

apesar de ter mt missão q precisa do batcarro, mas achei o jogo foda

lindo demais, sendo o primeiro jogo do batman que eu joguei eu amei e recentemente zerei de novo e ainda acho muito bom, a dublagem, o carro (sim eu gosto do carro), o combate e a historia nao pecam em muita coisa. Recomendo para quem é um morcego

terminei mas quero platinar! então vou jogar ainda

Interesting Story Gameplay Everything

i love batman hes so epic and cool

Unfortunately, it didn't surpass its predecessor, but overall, it also doesn't fall short much. Graphics that are still the pinnacle of the industry, incredible gameplay, and a very competent story and characters; it's almost perfect, it just lacks a bit more of Batman.

El manejo del Batmovil rarillo

es mejor que el anterior en casi todo lo único en lo que flaquea es en los bosses el resto 10/10