Reviews from

in the past

My favorite video game of all time. My golden standard for comparing RPGs.

Getting to the true ending left me with such a sour taste, so it's only in retrospect I can remember and understand how this game is widely considered a JRPG gem. A beautiful game with a masterful OST. Combat and job class systems that shine within the genre.

Bravely Default, does however, slowly become a chore as you progress, with difficulty spikes and repetitive gameplay/plotline. If I could completely look past how the latter half of the game made me feel, I know for sure I would have much more appreciation for this game as a whole.

Class system is fun to mess around with; you can get some busted ability combinations. The last quarter of the game drags but the ending is worth it.

Depois de anos, finalmente consegui jogar até o final
A gameplay é absurdamente divertida
O enredo é muito bom, até que ele resolve jogar tudo no lixo na segunda metade, a repetição nos últimos capítulos é extremamente chata
Ainda assim, um bom jogo

The start of one of my favourite franchises. A solid JRPG with a lovable cast and a good worldbuilding. Played it with the english dub and gotta say, its pretty decent, which is weird.

After chapter 4 it's gets bad than good

BOF mi rpg por turnos fav. La mecánica del Brave/Deafult está super chula, el estilo artístico precioso, y la historia es sencilla pero con giros muy wapos.

ai generated ass name bruh what is this

Was thoroughly engaged in this...up until a certain point where it just became an outright slog. Great job system and combat, but I just couldn't get past the tedium.

It's impossible to predict what games give you comfort in what ways. I thought I almost died this week, and on the other side of that, I can't help but think of my time with Bravely Default.

I devoured this game at a time where it felt like my life was ending. My 3DS activity log showed that I played it in chunks averaging 8+ hours a session. To say that I thoroughly replaced reality with this game is an understatement.

I needed to find meaning and beauty in the world, and in Bravely Default, I found enough to tide me over. The repetitive nature of filling out the bestiary, maxing out every job class, even the repetitive nature of the game itself. When it reused bosses, I didn't blink an eye. I dutifully went through the long way of beating this game without a single critical thought, of any of the ways that I could have cleverly ended the game sooner. I needed that structure. I needed to not think about the freeform mess of reality around it.

When you need to find beauty in something, you do. I think Bravely Default still has one of the best soundtracks of all time. When I first heard the theme of the Land of Radiant Flowers, I almost cried. Obviously I was in a vulnerable state of mind, and now I don't think its one of the strongest tracks in the game. But I think about that experience a lot.

There were jokes I laughed at in this game that are objectively lame. I took screenshots on MiiVerse to save for posterity (lol) that I failed to remember the significance of within a month.

But that has to speak to something in the strengths of this game that I could use it as the refuge I needed it to be.

I remember very little about what it was like to play this game, because for a long time I needed to forget everything about that period of my life. Including this game. But like the experience I was trying to avoid, Bravely Default became a part of me. I still say "grgrgrgr" in real life the way Edea does. I have had Victory's Chime as my default ringtone for over a decade at this point and forget where it came from.

I'd like to think that was a form of healing. That I used that vulnerability to slot in the potential for something beautiful when I was at a low point full of pain. Maybe Bravely Default was a vapid thing to latch onto, but it was harmless. And at that time, as evaluated by my future current self, it was exactly what I needed. Or, now it has to be what I needed. Because I still got so much beauty out of it.

On its own merits, Bravely Default is an S-tier soundtrack on a mediocre game. Solidly B-rank, hard to recommend playing much more than recommending listening to the soundtrack.

But maybe the real lesson I needed to learn, or the lesson I taught myself through Bravely Default, was finding how to love something imperfect when it felt like the world would not love an imperfect me.

Great until... a certain point.

I Bravely Defaulted... on my ability to finish this game

huh. love the ost to death, the game is just okay though. story kinda blows. gameplay is good

First half of this game is pure magic especially blind. The brave combat system is gold being able to do nearly anything you want if you are willing to gamble it. Unlocking classes and having your characters evolve their party roles over time as you unlock skills on different classes on different guys at different times constantly mixes up the experience. After you "beat the game the first time it does slow down a bit with very few late game classes but its remedied by being able to skip 90% of the game each subsequent loop. Still should have toned the loops required for the true ending down by 2 maybe 3.

Edea my beloved, rpg chulito (duerman a Airy)

Incredible JRPG.
Great characters, great story with mind-blowing plot twists and an AMAZING OST.

Bravely default is such a odd experience for me.

If I have to compare it to something, it would be a ride to a weirdly balanced to a rollercoaster.
The first half of the ride is a pretty standard, but still thrilling and able to entertain you and make you feel so many emotions, even better than other types of similar titles.
Then the second half of the ride starts and.... it can big a slug-fest, that forces you to repeat some parts of the ride over and over again with little to none changes.

But if you endure... you reach the climax, the final part... the the final section of Bravely Default is one of the most incredible endings of a game that I ever scene, that not only it's able to suppress, scare, thrill and pump you at the same time, but also manages to fully and smartly use the console it was built for to its limits (lso it has one the best final boss theme ever created).

Bravely default was initially designed to bring back the charm and passion for classic Square Enix jrpgs in an era when these where towards extinction... and it absolutely nailed it.

It does have some big flaws, but if you are a fan of this genre... check it out. It is totally worth it.

I want to get into this game but I just couldn't.

Bland characters, terrible voice acting, and a story even worse buoyed by a somewhat intriguing battle mechanic in an otherwise run-of-the-mill JRPG. Bravely Default might sport some gorgeous backdrops and a healthy challenge, but under this thin veil lies little more.

El sistema de endeudar turnos es muy interesante, y he visto vídeos donde la gente le saca provecho con mucha facilidad.
Sin embargo, a mí no se me ocurren esas estrategias por mi cuenta, así que sufrí un poco con varios jefes y combates opcionales.
La trama está curiosa, mas no le perdono que, por seguir el sentido común, desbloquease antes de tiempo el final secreto "malo", y luego tener que aguantar varios capítulos de los protas siendo papanatas hasta llegar al final verdadero. Me dio rabia.
Sigue siendo un muy buen juego.

Es mi jrpg favorito, me encanta el estilo artístico de los escenarios dibujados a mano y los personajes en 3D bien integrados, los trabajos inspirados en Final Fantasy y su sistema de niveles, junto con la mecanica brave y Default hacen el combate muy entretenido y abierto a estrategias según tu estilo de juego. La opción de multiplicar los encuentros contra enemigos por 0, 1 y 2 hacen que el leveleo y el avance del juego sean muy cómodos. La historia y los personajes son increibles, todo está perfectamente escrito.

I play it sometimes and I find its systems to be pretty cool.

Yes I know that having to do the same thing over and over again can turn people off but this hit when I began drinking in college and seeing the world change slightly from iteration to iteration was amazing. Also the job system was fun to experiment with and the perks from maxing a job out you were encouraged to master all the jobs with every character making the perfect team

This could've been the greatest JRPG of all time if the fairy didn't have to fly.

La música y el apartado artistico son hermosos, la historia es buena, aunque el último tercio es algo tedioso.

The loop stuff is so terrible that it led me to put the game down for three years and basically not finish it til I was in senior year of high school. However this was a real formative game for my appreciation of turn based RPGs. Also I'm a slut for a game with a good class system

Great game, but the end game was unforgivable.

This games OST is so fuckin good its made me cry. I felt really bad even saying I shelved this game because the job system in this game is insane and the characters are all so fucking awesome. I really need to pick this game up again because this is literally PEAK JRPG. REVO, the dude that made the attack on titan Season 1 opening made the OST for this game and he put his whole dick and ball and soul and heart into it