Reviews from

in the past

Edea my beloved, rpg chulito (duerman a Airy)


it hit me at exactly the right time when i was a teen, i love the 3rd act climax and big reveals and shit, i love the job system and how all the characters have funny little outfits, i even love the repetitive story structure because of how it fucks with your head a little bit, its so goated man


the plot twist in this game goes fucking crazy

worth going to the same wind crystal or whatever 12368721362187 times over

love letter to final fantasy, does the brave/default mechanic much better than octopath. Classes are fun and characters are good

Otimo jogo, arte e musica massa, gameplay legal apesar de eu ter jogado mal o job guarda ropa

I absolutely adore this game, everything about it. Flying Fairy was a funny meme. I also pretend the last 20% doesn't exist

It speaks to the strength of this game that I still quite like it despite the second half which is frankly a slap in the face of the player.

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Amazing JRPG that should be remastered for current-gen platforms. The main cast of characters all have compelling motivations that make them enjoyable protagonists. The art direction is amazing and the 2D backgrounds are well done. I enjoyed the spin on classic turn-based games that the brave and default actions introduced, and then the class system was done very well as well and allowing a backup, mastered class allowed for combat to be very customizable and fun. My main downside is the repetitive nature that the time loop introduces, and then how the large-scale nature of the ending can feel like a departure from the beginning of the game.

Imagine you’re at a restaurant eating a nice dinner. It’s delicious, one of the best meals you’ve had in a while, and right when you finish, the chef comes out, bringing four more of the same dish you were eating and tells you you can’t leave until you eat all of it. That’s what Bravely Default is.
Bravely Default starts out as a great throwback JRPG with a unique battle system and fun characters, but then halfway through makes the ungodly decision to make you repeat the same 4 boss battles you already did 4 more times. If you don’t mind that level of repetition, you’ll have a great time. Otherwise, you shouldn’t bother.

This could have been one of the best JRPGs of the 2010s ... but it's not.
The second half of the game is so unnecessarily repetitive that it takes a lot away from the games otherwise great points. Audiovisually it's a very good game and the plot has some strong points.

Bello ma ha dei problemi troppo grossi

I have such a love hate relationship with this game, like my favourite jrpg I would never reccomend to anybody lmao.

It's peak except for the last third where the story is even more peak but the gameplay becomes a monotonous slog of refighting the same bosses over and over

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Respectfully disagree with most others on how the ending plays out, even though I appreciate the core complaint of repetition...I don't really mind it because it's a storytelling choice, for us to be part of the last few cycles in a grand scheme. We get some nice dialogue in the final few chapters that gives insight into what's going on in everyone's minds as they make the decision to press on through the worlds. (By contrast, Type-0 only makes you part of the very last cycle in another millions-of-years scheme, which is also a valid storytelling choice.)

I think Bravely Second is a step above in all aspects, but this is still one of my favorite JRPGs with top-tier combat, music, and writing.

This games OST is so fuckin good its made me cry. I felt really bad even saying I shelved this game because the job system in this game is insane and the characters are all so fucking awesome. I really need to pick this game up again because this is literally PEAK JRPG. REVO, the dude that made the attack on titan Season 1 opening made the OST for this game and he put his whole dick and ball and soul and heart into it

Made it to the part of the game where you have to re-do all the boss fights and fell the fuck off. The half-ass city building stuff hasn't aged well since you never get hits on StreetPass anymore. Pretty solid, mechanically speaking.

The game can be a bit grindy if you wanna swap your class comp, but the class system is really cool and customizable. Overall a really fun experience

A masterpiece of video game storytelling, trapped in handheld console hell, please square port it

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Comparándolo con su secuela, diría que a pesar de que los protagonistas y sus historias me gustan más en este, creo que el gameplay le faltó un poco de pulido, especialmente con el equilibrio entre trabajos. Overall diría que es decente y buen inicio de la saga.

This game was my life for a bit. If you're a fan of old school final fantasy this is a must play no question. Its a little cheesy at times but its part of the charm. Not to get too spoilery but to get the true ending it does get a little repetitive I will not lie.

This is a sad review. I started playing the game in 2014 and stopped a few times, on and off. In 2023 I decided to finish it for good and was pretty much invested.

It was very fun, a very engaging RPG with a serviceable story and a very fun combat system. The main draw for me was unlocking new jobs, but the combat was going so well that I started enjoying the main story.

The problem is after chapter 5 it became such a slog..beating the same bossess over and over again was a really bad design decision. In the end, I got through almost all of the game, but got softlocked (I skipped a lot of side quests on later chapters and was a bit underleveled) in one of the bosses and gave up.

Saw the ending on youtube and let this one go, for good now

Excellent gameplay, great OST even if some tracks are repeated a bit too much, love the artstyle, ok story until second half, but the second half is not very good.

Arcanist, Spiritmaster and Time Mage's ability that gives everyone 2 BP per turn is a broken combo and carries you through pretty much every major fight in the game.

I 100% this game because I am a filthy completionist but that is hours of my life I can never get back. I only gave this game 2 stars for the addictive gameplay and flavour text And the costumes with that 0.5 for Edea and Ringabel like RIP these two the best characters in the game trapped in a overly pretentious meta plot and boring ass party members

It's a shame future generations will never be able to purchase additional Sleep Points on the Nintendo eShop

One of my favorite traditional RPGs of all time. the brave and default features really add a new sense of depth to the system that wouldnt be possible otherwise. I totally get peoples gripes with the story; feeling like you are circling the drain a bit as the game comes to a close doesnt feel good, but it never bothered me as much as it bothered others. Praying for Bravely Default and Bravely Second to get ports at some point.

If the third act wasn't so tedious the game would be much better for it. The characters and writing are charming, and it has a lot of good ideas for gameplay I wish other turn-based RPGs would adapt such as fast combat and adjustable encounter rate and difficulty from the menu at any time. The padding in the late sections of the game are atrocious though, and only worth looking at fully for the challenges it offers to test how well you've mastered the game.

Review in progress:
It's not a good game. Most JRPGs are highly overrated, and this is no exception.

The story is generic and forgettable. All of the characters are annoying, shallow anime cliches. The chibi art style on the character models looks cheap and ugly. The dungeons all have bland layouts and puzzles. They genuinely feel AI-generated at times. Most of the soundtrack is mediocre and a lot of the songs are overplayed.

Random encounters are in this 2013 game. You can toggle the encounter rate, but that's a band-aid on a gaping wound. They shouldn't be here in the first place and heavily date the game.

The final section is the worst I've played in any game. It's a miserable slog and is the type of blatant padding the genre is notorious for.

The only thing Bravely Default has going for it is its above-average combat system, which has a good amount of depth. It isn't enough to save the game from being anything more than mediocre.

I really liked this game, the combat and class system was a lot of fun but the strange design choices in the final 20% of the game stopped it from being truly great.