Reviews from

in the past

It's a shame future generations will never be able to purchase additional Sleep Points on the Nintendo eShop

One of my favorite traditional RPGs of all time. the brave and default features really add a new sense of depth to the system that wouldnt be possible otherwise. I totally get peoples gripes with the story; feeling like you are circling the drain a bit as the game comes to a close doesnt feel good, but it never bothered me as much as it bothered others. Praying for Bravely Default and Bravely Second to get ports at some point.

If the third act wasn't so tedious the game would be much better for it. The characters and writing are charming, and it has a lot of good ideas for gameplay I wish other turn-based RPGs would adapt such as fast combat and adjustable encounter rate and difficulty from the menu at any time. The padding in the late sections of the game are atrocious though, and only worth looking at fully for the challenges it offers to test how well you've mastered the game.

Review in progress:
It's not a good game. Most JRPGs are highly overrated, and this is no exception.

The story is generic and forgettable. All of the characters are annoying, shallow anime cliches. The chibi art style on the character models looks cheap and ugly. The dungeons all have bland layouts and puzzles. They genuinely feel AI-generated at times. Most of the soundtrack is mediocre and a lot of the songs are overplayed.

Random encounters are in this 2013 game. You can toggle the encounter rate, but that's a band-aid on a gaping wound. They shouldn't be here in the first place and heavily date the game.

The final section is the worst I've played in any game. It's a miserable slog and is the type of blatant padding the genre is notorious for.

The only thing Bravely Default has going for it is its above-average combat system, which has a good amount of depth. It isn't enough to save the game from being anything more than mediocre.

I really liked this game, the combat and class system was a lot of fun but the strange design choices in the final 20% of the game stopped it from being truly great.

I think I fell asleep playing this game at one point

you are everything to me and im sorry your sequels suck and you got replaced by octoFART traveler

I liked messing around with all the different jobs but you'll quickly find out that not all jobs are created equal. Spiritmaster, for example, just straight up breaks the game and makes you invincible. Also the game is very grindy, especially on hard difficulty. I did like the main characters (except Tiz) and many of the bosses were great characters as well.
I did enjoy my time with this game for the most part up untill a certain infamous point and then it got good again at the end.

Fun characters with a great story and good combat. A bit too easy to break, but it does seem to incentivize breaking it which is nice. Edea and Ringabel are stand outs in the cast, they are just so much fun both apart and when bouncing off each other. People will rip the last 4 chapters to shreds but I even found enjoyment in them equal to, and in some cases, greater than the early parts. Just an overall spectacular game

Enjoyed my time here. It was my first experience with a JRPG that modified the aspects I normally associate with it; alleviating the grind, allowing you to choose your rate of encounter, or set your choices for auto-battling. Helpful

Summoner's rainbow whale go BBRRRRRR

An idle game disguised as an RPG

This review contains spoilers

Bravely Default has a wonderful Jobs system to mix and match abilities while adding a fun bit of spice to the turn-based combat with the Brave and Defend system. But good god are the characters bland, the story dull, and that frakking twist...

The issue isn't the twist itself. Your Navi-like companion turning out to be the trapped evil that was defeated centuries ago is fine. Good even! And the little title change, while painfully forced, was a neat touch. But having to fight the crystal bosses SIX TIMES in order to get to The Final Battle is excessive and soul-draining. Really felt like the writers standing over my shoulder smugly complimenting themselves for such an idea, while the gameplay devs apologizing over my other shoulder like they were forced to drag this out from some higher up because he knew said writer.

Go play Radiant Historia instead. Or Etrian Odyssey IV. Or Stella Glow. Or The Alliance Alive.

This could have been one of the best JRPGs of the 2010s ... but it's not.
The second half of the game is so unnecessarily repetitive that it takes a lot away from the games otherwise great points. Audiovisually it's a very good game and the plot has some strong points.

Bello ma ha dei problemi troppo grossi

I have such a love hate relationship with this game, like my favourite jrpg I would never reccomend to anybody lmao.

It's peak except for the last third where the story is even more peak but the gameplay becomes a monotonous slog of refighting the same bosses over and over

This review contains spoilers

Respectfully disagree with most others on how the ending plays out, even though I appreciate the core complaint of repetition...I don't really mind it because it's a storytelling choice, for us to be part of the last few cycles in a grand scheme. We get some nice dialogue in the final few chapters that gives insight into what's going on in everyone's minds as they make the decision to press on through the worlds. (By contrast, Type-0 only makes you part of the very last cycle in another millions-of-years scheme, which is also a valid storytelling choice.)

I think Bravely Second is a step above in all aspects, but this is still one of my favorite JRPGs with top-tier combat, music, and writing.

Great game with the absolute worst final act that I have ever witnessed. If you like classic JRPGs with interesting narratives, strategic battles, satisfying progression, and beautiful music, you'll love the first 30 or so hours of this game. If you like completely having your time wasted, you'll love the final act.

eu não tava de jrpg na epoca, pretendo rejogar no futuro

One of the 3DS's all time greats, an incredibly easy to love cast all performed excellently with some of the best character writing in the genre.
On the gameplay front this game's Job System is nigh on untouchable, incredibly well balanced and brimming with options.
A must play for any JRPG fan.

Le jeu est une petite merveille en soi, mais qui a, par l'histoire qu'il raconte (et très bien racontée), un arc répétitif au possible un peu gavant, avouons-le.
Et pourtant artistiquement, que ce soit les graphismes ou la musique, le jeu est un petit joyau pour la console portable de Nintendo.
L'exploitation du StreetPass était parti intégrante du jeu, pour développer son petit village, et récupérer davantage de ressources.
Pro tip : avec le job Valkyrie sur vos personnages, il y avait manière de ne jamais être attaqué par un adversaire (mob comme boss).

Et oui son aspect répétitif à un point de l'histoire a découragé plus d'une personne, si bien que je conseillerais à ce moment-là de faire la fausse fin pour redynamiser un peu l'envie d'en découdre jusqu'à un final grandiose.

Clairement un de mes jeux coups de cœur, où j'ai pas vu passer les quelques 60/70h à le terminer. Et un des rares où je crois avoir tout fait (jusque dans les derniers jobs à obtenir).

early level check bosses get your game dropped.

Bravely Default is a JRPG with a super unique battle system. In battle you can stock up actions by using a defensive move called 'Default' mid battle to block attacks and store up 'Brave Points' to then use 'Brave' and unleash multiple different skills, items, or attacks all within a single turn depending on how many Brave Points you have.
As you progress and defeat bosses you will gain new classes or 'jobs' you can change your party members into to completely change how you strategize and go about battles.

The menu and battles screens can be navigated super fast with the snappy controls and helpful built in optimization that keeps things aware from being a chore. The game also has on the fly toggleable difficulty and the ability to disable enemy encounters if you want to back track without wasting time.

The gameplay is amazing, but its also carried by its music, voice acting, and characters. The music is consistently absolute bangers from the start to the end of the game. The final boss theme is one of the best I've ever heard. The voice acting ranges from just entertaining and funny to actually really impressive, it never got annoying and was enjoying to listen to throughout the whole game. The 4 main characters can be stubborn, annoying, and questionable at first in how they work together, however as it picks up and progresses they actually do grow and change in meaningful ways and its great to see how far they go. The villains and side characters are hilarious and amazing, with outlandish designs and voices that kept me wanting more of them.

The only real downside this game has (Besides for random encounters in general) is the horrible late game pacing. The gameplay pacing suddenly gets really weird later in the game and forces you to do a lot of the task you've already done over and over again countless times if you want to achieve the 'true ending' the game has. A lot of end game side quest also have little rewards or incentives unless you just want the challenge and the chance to interact with the characters and villians more. The story can also be questionable especially in the later half of the game as it becomes more convoluted with the pacing.

However for me the story, characters, voice acting, incredible music, and minute to minute gameplay kept me going even through the tedium (and entirely on hard mode) through all the side content and all the way to the true ending of the game. which felt like one of the craziest things I've ever accomplished in a game.

incroyable histoire et systemes

Un univers féerique, des combats stratégiquement géniaux, une histoire grandiose, des musiques envoûtantes, énormément de surprises. Ce jeu vidéo a touché la perfection dans mon cœur.

I will defend the twist. I defend it. It's good. I love it.

Almost 10 years later, I'm coming back to my childhood favorite game, and probably my favorite game of all time.

So many memories came back with just an hour in. I can't wait to explore what I've left off unfold and unexplored.