Reviews from

in the past

worst in the series, but as a standalone game its not that bad

Mi primer dark souls, si no fuera por eso seguramente sería una mierda, pero la nostalgia me puede.

the community tanking this game's reputation by suggesting that everyone play a version that makes the level and encounter design infinitely worse makes me so upset. surpasses the original in every way for me personally, whether that's in the world, bosses, or even characters you meet along your journey. please don't fucking play scholar though that shit made me hate this game for the longest time. and also just because miyazaki wasn't the director doesn't mean the game is automatically bad lol, souls doesnt start and end with him in the director's chair as the end all be all, and dark souls 2 is proof of that.


after i abandon this shit i am playing it again (not SOTFS) and its pretty damn good as a mage, i was with a dex build because someone told me it was op, it may be, but god it's ASS with me, but as a mage? this game is fucking awesome to play, its a solid 7/10.

Best first three bosses and I just can’t anymore. I’ll play it if they ever make a remake and make it normal.

This game is actually kinda good!

Extremely good game as long as you're willing to let go of your expectations and enjoy the game on its own merits.

I'm really impressed how dense the game feels: each area seems to have its own gimmick that is never doubled up on, pretty much every weapon category & build idea feel viable, you're constantly getting killed by a completely new kind of trap or encounter idea. Combat is very deliberate (aka 'the animations are slow', but there is a lot of snap-decisionmaking involved in each fight, so I found the pace perfect) and the game encourages swapping between multiple weapons depending on the fight, which I really enjoyed.

The game puts a lot of trust in the player, and if you can meet that trust, it's a very rewarding experience throughout the entire thing.

I dropped this after 6 hours playtime, lvl 17. Back in 2015 I didn't have the patience for this franchise. I should play the remastered version some day.

I can see why people like this game so much but damn dude this just does Not Feel Like Dark Souls to me :(

It's a fine game but man do I not ever find myself wanting to continue it

Es increible todo el hate que he visto al juego durante años y al final termino siendo casi un Dark Souls 1.5 para mi, no es mejor que DS1 (ni que Demons Souls) en mi opinion pero es muy parecido, lo cual no es malo ya que son juegazos jaja

Los bosses son un poco peores que el DS1 y ningun nivel alcanza el level design de la primera mitad de DS1 jiji pero es un juego muy bueno de todas formas :)

Not gonna lie, I quit this game because skill issue. Also the camera controls sucked. Elden Ring was fun though, so maybe I'd do better the second time around lmao.

>Walk into any room in this game
>20+ enemies ready to butt gank you
>Thank you Tanimura very cool

still better than demon souls

My favorite in the series. Plenty of things people criticize and I can definitely see and agree with some points, I think the game as a whole is just so incredibly fun and I really love the lore for this entry.

has some genuinely intesting things to say towards the end but its majroity handwavy , works as a piece of art if u dont care about gaming as a medium and prefer reading about it

its very obvious that the creators of this game hated souls and wanted to fix it while also solely relying on the momentum of the previous

nah this ain't fromsoft's worst it's valorant

Severely overhated. Extremely fun game with a lot of interesting weapons and the most build variety the series would ever see until Elden Ring.

I hate to say it, has a lot of stuff I like and less stuff that I hate from Dark Souls one


O pessoal não entende porra nenhuma de videogames.

joder vaya basura de juego

For what I enjoyed about Dark Souls 1, what a disappointing sequel! The troubled development really shows in the pacing and world design of the game, both feel so messy. Some areas have some particularly bad enemy placement like Iron Keep and Shrine of Amana. There's a ton of bosses but they really range in quality.

I like Majula as a hub area, and the general gameplay is still fun. But I neither view the game interesting nor an improvement compared to DS1.

Unfairly maligned. It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, and it has really fantastic PvP.

It's very jank and a bit less polished than other souls games but I still enjoy my time here.