Reviews from

in the past

thinking abt this from the 2014 goty event.. while i appreciate recent fromsoft to various extents, I think this is their last work to really capture my imagination, for all sorts of reasons. (Not to say that their post-DS2 games don't have great moments of their own, but that's a matter for another time). I think the main reason is DS2 feels like the the turning point for their focus more towards a very specific sort of action which interests me less overall.

Dark Souls 2 is honestly a little fucked up! But that's what makes it good. There's more levels than there should be, stuff is stitched together nonsensically..

The game keeps going on for like 10-20 hours more than you'd expect with the dragon islands world, the shrine of amana, etc... each area feels like this dense zone that the creators wanted to share, even if it didn't perfectly fit. It kind of has this texture of madness to it and theming that feel so video gamey but manage to work as a coherent and memorizable world. idk. It honestly has that energy of those sprawling wild adventure platformers (think ecco, kid chameleon, dragon slayer 4..), that feeling of 'why NOT add a sick dark green poison cave with gigantic impossible to see giants'). But it's all kept so densely knit, just wild little idea after idea.

The thing is though, when I do pick it up it feels really hard to get into. I have a lot less patience for the whole 'die and run back and slowly try again' thing since i've already done that a lot in the past. i should just make a cheese build or play with save states or something

they made the jump sound effect a whoosh ass sfx.
Two Thumbs down!! >:P

Tried playing roght after DS1, did NOT hit the same

on pouvait se passer de certaines choses voila

My least favorite of the souls games, it has potential but it is just not a good product

Has some good ideas and is a pretty good game but it does not surpass the epicness of the first Dark Souls.

Sluggish and a bit clunky, everything feels heavy. It's like Dark Souls 1 had a dream about trying to run up the stairs, and in the dream you know you like, can't move very fast.

Overall, The DLC goes hard.

Game is pretty tight, I come back to this game once, still discovering little things in the game that make the game. Of all the things people say about this game that make people hate it, my main gripe is the unstoppable, the hardest boss, the unskippable credits after a run.

Out of all the formsoft games DS2 has the best NewGame+ with all the extra content and spells that you can get every new NG+

90% of people who ever criticized this game played the wrong game and i think thats really funny tbh

Everyone who says Dark Souls II is bad or whatever is having a skill issue, I personally love having fun in a video game.

que exista la emerald herald anula toda crítica negativa al juego

Always thought it was an alright game and would probably give it 3 out of 5 stars.

After playing it again some years later adding an extra layer of challenge I have a newfound appreciation for its mechanics and animations, which are undoubtedly different from the other games of the series, giving it a bad reputation when compared to the other games of the series.

Still, I would say to give it a try with an open heart and don`t expect it to be as good as the ones you`ve played before. On the other hand if you don`t like the other games from the series you might even like this one.

As controversial as this entry is, it's not as bad as people say it is. Trust me. Due to this game being made on an engine attempting to recreate the feel of the original dark souls, it will feel VERY different if you are coming from any other souls game. But it's still a great game. I found myself falling in love with the fact that a lot of the previous gameplay limitations from the dark souls series are lifted here. good gayme :)

an incredibly magical experience with combat that takes proper advantage of the unique things the souls series brings to the table. it is underrated. i love dual wielding greatswords

man this reminds me of that game, Dark Souls

Amazing Video game. The vibes in Majula are absolutely unmatched. The changed art style through me off at first but the Bosses were fun and the overarching story is absolutely fucking brilliant. Amazing game.

o jogo tem uma vibe muito boa, a ambientação, trilha sonora e gráficos pegam muito forte, criando um sentimento de nostalgia brabo
mas no geral é o com menos qualidade mesmo, os inimigos são meio esquecíveis, chefes medíocres, gameplay meio esquisita, mas brabo

furthest i ever made it in a dark souls game but i couldnt finish it ( i got to some big fleight of stairs i had to go up)

Despite everything, it's still a souls game : )

Dark Souls II me proporcionou uma sensação semelhante à de The Witcher 2: ideias
muito interessantes, porém, executadas de maneira ineficiente. Ao comparar
imediatamente, percebo que Dark Souls II também apresenta um visual
desagradável, com um filtro que me parece um tanto sujo. Pode-se até argumentar
que o jogo tenta transmitir uma sensação de vazio ou morte, mas isso não ocorre; o
jogo simplesmente é feio, e acredito que essa seja mais uma desculpa do que outra

Outro ponto fraco em Dark Souls II é o seu sistema de combate. Quando joguei Dark
Souls: Remastered, senti que era uma jogabilidade bastante lenta, porém,
extremamente eficaz. No entanto, ao experimentar Dark Souls II, deparei-me com
um sistema de combate terrível. É um combate extremamente lento e com falhas
notáveis. O personagem tem um delay bizarro para se movimentar, e o sistema de
rolamento do jogo é problemático. É frustrante perceber que você precisa upar
resistência apenas para tornar o rolamento do personagem minimamente utilizável,
o que pode custar várias horas de gameplay e te deixar irritado.

Em relação aos chefes, acho que são pouquíssimos os que são verdadeiramente
divertidos e causam a sensação satisfatória que vencer uma batalha na franquia
Dark Souls costuma proporcionar. Especificamente, o Matador de dragões, A
Pecadora Perdida, Najka, a Escorpiã e o Cavaleiro do Espelho são os que me
proporcionaram esse sentimento satisfatório de ganhar uma batalha, fora isso temos
lutas medianas e algumas terríveis.

O único ponto em que Dark Souls II não erra é a sua história. Felizmente, nesse quesito,
a From Software costuma não errar e sabe muito bem como fazê-la. Como sempre,
é uma narrativa indireta, que pode ser compreendida de diversas maneiras. Da
forma como a interpretei, achei muito bem construída e instigante, a ponto de
certamente vai te levar a pesquisar mais sobre ela no YouTube.

Quanto à trilha sonora, acredito que acerta muito bem na atmosfera que deseja
criar durante os combates contra os seus inimigos. No entanto, quando a
comparamos com as trilhas sonoras de seu antecessor e sucessor, ela fica
consideravelmente aquém. Como mencionei, as músicas são boas, mas não têm o
mesmo impacto memorável que as trilhas dos outros jogos da série.

Almost impossible to describe how bad it fells to go through this game.

Esse jogo nao merece todo hate que tem, ele 'e bom sim, so a hitbox que 'e um pouco zuada mas da pra relevar

With around 5 hours into the game, I can definitely understand where most the criticisms are coming from. That being said, I’m still having a pretty good time exploring and fighting enemies. Only thing that really has been annoying me is when they spawn 284583 enemies on you in a random area.

Não importa e os chefes desse jogo sejam piores que o do primeiro jogo, que o wordbuilding e level desing sejam muito piores que o primeiro.

Eu vou sempre te amar.

stupid and unbalanced in all aspects. had a pretty good time