Reviews from

in the past

damn i remembered this being better

ah, o mundo perdido dos jogos licenciados de super nintendo, como é belo...

em tempos já longínquos me lembro de ligar o ps2, enfiar aquele cd que acabei de limpar com detergente, e ver bootar o snes station. passava horas testando os jogos. mas lembro especificamente da DELICIOSA sensação quando tocava a musiquinha da logo da capcom. os caras só faziam bangers, era impressionante.

a trilha sonora desse jogo é uma das melhores merdas já feitas em 16 bits. fora que, vc sabia que o designer disso é o SHINJI MIKAMI???? pois é, maluquice. mas tudo nessa geração não fazia sentido, afinal, como um jogo do Aladdin pode ir tão duro?

i could never get past the first couple of levels

Apparently Shinji Mikami designed this. Go figure, because what we have here is a very competently put together platformer.

It's much, much better than the Genesis version, which I've found to be too messy and chaotic. The SNES version removes the sword, and is in comparison a casual and short romp that anyone could master in less than a handful of tries. I think in Capcom's attempt to decrease the difficulty from "90's hard" to "managable for kids", they incidentally created a difficulty that sits around the middle for today's standards. It asks you to prove your reflexes, but never gets too overwhelming in doing so.

Is it special? As good as Mario? Maybe not. You'll probably play it once and forget about it. But as far as licensed Disney games went, Aladdin here proves that Capcom had a talented team of developers that knew exactly how to handle these IP's, and delivered a mechanically simple yet refined experience that does all it needed to just... be pretty fun. It's just fun. It's fun. Fun.

A surprisingly acrobatic game. The level design was almost always great, and it was obvious that everything was made for a specific purpose in mind. Though I do feel like there could've been a bit more enemy variety.


Legal, mas prefiro a versão do Genesis.

Que joguinho divertido! Gameplay dele é bem simples, mas eu diria que bem divertida e fluída, a trilha sonora é bem legal também, e o tema da logo da Capcom torna tudo melhor ainda.
Com certeza é um dos clássicos absolutos tanto da Disney quanto da Capcom pro SNES.

Aquele pano que ele segura para planar acaba com a experiência do jogo.

the lava level with the flying carpet is the only real challenge, but controlling aladdin and chucking apples is at least worth a look. Certainly better than the Lion King game

Esse sim é um jogo da Disney digno de menção. Arte linda, músicas lindas e dificuldade justa (tirando a fase do tapete voador na caverna). Um clássico do SNES.

Extremely short, but satisfying platformer that does the bare minimum of telling the story of the film, while adding some extra bits for the sake of having more stages and bosses. Aladdin feels a bit slippery at times, especially if you hold the run button down the entire time like me, but it feels just right where you can blast through the stages with your platforming skills, like I try to.

I wish there was a bit more variety, but it's still pretty good as it is, and the music is especially charming. It was a little golden period of Japanese devs working on Western IPs and making some dope ass games out of them.

I feel like this gets too much flack from people who thought it was gonna be like the Genesis version, but that being said it is a bit too easy and short. Otherwise it's a nicely crafted little platformer, typical of most Capcom/Disney games

its short and easy, but far superior to its genesis equivalent with such fluid controls complimented by its level design that keeps you moving. it could use more bosses, but for what it is, its a decent time

It's short, easy, and doesn't reinvent itself beyond the basic platformer formula. But it doesn't need to either. The mechanics are solid and the runthrough of levels feels good. It's a very nice comfort game with a catchy ost and awesome sprites which you most likely can clock in less than 2 hours.

This is better then the Genesis version

Better level design than the Genesis version but doesn't look as epic and they take away your sword.

I think this is an alright licensed game. I liked the environments and they felt like they were ripped straight from the movie. I thought the music was pretty neat as well as the platforming sections. It was just pretty fun.

With the exception of Yoshi's Island, this may be the best platformer of the 16-bit era. Swinging, rebounding, ledge-grabbing – Aladdin manages to put the overrated Super Mario World to shame with his acrobatics and sure-footing. The wild 'Genie's Lamp' level pre-figures the inventive OCTAHEDRON with ever-evolving obstacles that shake up the move-set. Unfortunately, the game's second half bogs down in the repetitive pyramid and palace stages, bottoming out with a lackluster final encounter with Jafar.

A Great example of Licensed Video Games done right. Easily a "Diamond in the Rough"

so fucking fun and I wish it was longer, never played the genesis version

christ i wanna beat this some day

Genesis Aladdin fans are huffing some serious copium. Make no mistake, this is the superior Aladdin platformer. This game proves Mikami has always been the GOAT.

Always a nice, quick treat of a platformer to play.

Don't listen to the dweebs who says the Mega Drive version is better, the SNES version was made by Capcom and it is a great game on its own, with focus on platforming instead of bland combat.

Divertidísimo e imprescindible. Adapta la película a la perfección, es fiel, divertido y visualmente precioso. Personalmente, el mejor juego de la película.
Jugado en consola Anbernic.

It used to be considered short and easy by then, it also used to be unfairly compared to the Genesis games that looked and moved better, but overall I feel like the superior video game, the one that is meant to be played, is this one. The other one? A fantastic attraction that probably sold lots of consoles based on its looks, but not a great game to play.

Disney's Aladdin on the SNES - an above averages platformer that actually felt like a child could beat with after some practice.

I mean. Not that I ever beat this as a child. But I COULD HAVE. I SWEAR

Capcom delivers the best Aladdin game of 4th gen. A fun short romp that's friendly to newcomers to the platforming genre. The music is also great here.