Reviews from

in the past

Cuando era chiquito era entretenido jugarlo, pero ahora es aburrido; más que nada porque no me gusta la temática gangster.

Well.. trick shot at least feels like something?

Una galería de tiros, sencillo y ya.

Just a decent NES Zapper game but I prefer Duck Hunt

It's okay, as far as 1984 lightgun standards go. You may not get much out of it nowadays though, other than satisfying your historial curiosity. One funny thing that kept happening is me constantly accidentally shooting the cops, because with their grin and the way they hold the baton, I kept mistaking them for the bad guys. Maybe that says more about me than the game's design, but it kept happening!

I played this emulated on my Steam Deck with touch controls. Wouldn't let me say ACAB, but it's different enough from Duck Hunt that it has a reason to exist.

I liked the can shooting mini-game.
Not much to this besides being one of the light gun filler games.

Achava bom porém é apenas isso.voce joga por 10 minutos e ja cansa

There’s something wrong with my game. I keep shooting the police but they’re taking away points from me

About as standard of a shooting range game as they get.

Finally got to play this on original hardware! It's pretty fun but doesn't last too long. I can see myself replaying this for the trick shot mode, it was quite challenging and precise when sitting away from the TV.
In contrast, Game A was boring. You shoot one or two guys and have to wait for new ones to come on screen. Game B was alright, I liked the side scrolling environment compared to Game A because the gang members were in various places instead of a straight line.
Pretty short experience, good amount of potential replay value. If you can play this with a zapper instead of emulation, it's pretty fun!

Pretty cool that you can shoot at pictures on the TV with a fake gun and they get shot! The third mode is really hard.

It's just an 8-bit shooting gallery. You shoot thugs in a range, at a city in a gun shop, you shoot the police, a woman, and a professor if you are feeling evil today, and you shoot some cans into holes. As someone who goes to shooting galleries IRL, lemme tell you, it is EXACTLY like this.

Game #78

Not unpleasant, the title offers three different modes, all of which have their own interest. While Duck Hunt focuses on precision, Hogan's tests reflexes, whether in a stationary or moving situation or with divided attention. Although the game remains fairly static, it clearly fulfils its role as a trainer.

duck hunt but in the ol west

This is a fun light gun game that I think is a little bit better than Duck Hunt. You have to shoot gangsters and avoid hitting civilians, and you'll get mad at yourself when you become trigger-happy. There's also a mode where you shoot cans onto a platform on the left side of the screen before they fall. (Duck Hunt's neutral B special in Smash Bros. 4 is based on this)