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objectively speaking without getting into rowling’s bigoted and messed up views, this is one of the best games we have gotten of the wizarding world. i may be biased bc i grew up with these books and movies, but i can lost in the world of hogwarts. there is truly so much to explore, and it brings me a lot of joy.

it’s a typical open world RPG, and all of the wizarding world’s lore ties into these gameplay elements super well. the story is good enough to make you invested in a vast open world, but it’s no marvel. combat is extremely satisfying. lots of activities for you to do. it’s the standard of what hogwarts open world RPGs should be

i would honestly love a game where you are literally just a student where there is no grand adventure. you can only go to classes when it propels the story forward, and classes are only cutscenes. i want to play a game where i go to hogwarts and try to get good grades idk.

my criticisms lie in the bigoted views. instead of a goblin uprising, a dark wizard rebellion would have served the story much better.

otherwise, i really love this game. it’s a really solid open world rpg, and having it in the wizarding world makes it all the better for me

What I liked: The aesthetics/graphics are immaculate and they hold this game together. The story is pretty entertaining as well, and the combat/spellcasting was interesting, although tough for me to get the hang of as someone who's not great with complex combat. The room of requirement is also a fun way to inject some creativity which always scores points with me.

What I didn't like: I think what it comes down to is that I wanted this game to be something it's not. I wanted this to be a Hogwarts simulator with a story and it's just not a simulation game. Castle life and the NPCs feel incredibly lifeless. The students don't really talk to you unless they are part of a story line and you have no regular schedule, you don't eat, you don't have to sleep unless it's part of the story. I think what we all fell in love with about the Harry Potter franchise was the friendships and relationships within the castle and this game completely lacks that.

Oh man here we go. So, Hogwards Legacy is a game that needed to happen. And it happily fill the void of not having an open world, self-inserted RPG of the Harry potter word out there (for god’s sake, we had a real life themed park BEFORE a good and modern game of the franchise).
Besides the controversy surrounding the creator of the series, I made a point to judge it in a neutral light, so here we go.
The good: It’s a good Harry Potter game. For all of us that love the setting and want to know more about the wizard world, this game delivers just that. There are pages you collect that tells the story of the places you visit, and the experience of riding in a broom, seeing magic beings and casting spells is enough to make the experience immersive. I like the characters – the teachers, the villains, the students – none of them seems out of place, and you find yourself wanting to know more about their lore. Even with mentions of common surnames, it is obvious they are characters of their own. I also think the games does a good job in mixing puzzle solving and battling to solve quests. It also makes us experience every part of a Hogward’s student life, brewing potions and attending classes.
The neutral: The visuals could be better. The magic comes mainly because of our attachment to the franchise, not because the graphs are breathtaking. The main character also spooked me a lot and just looked off most of the time; the customization and gear options are just very mid. Some faces structures you choose at the beginning are poorly made, so you end up with few options of those already few given. The story is interesting, but not very dynamic- what makes the main storyline good are the characters. The potions and plant mechanics, for me, are so forgettable that I ended up not using it in the heat of battle unless I was against a very hard boss. The minigames add variety but making the inventory space locked behind them makes it a pain in the ass to go to town just to sell your gear all the time.
The bad: All right, the most obvious drawback of this game is how long it takes to unlock features. And I mean MAIN features of the game locked behind a 13 hours, only main quest, run. Early game exploration is hellish, making completion also hellish. Flying and Alohomora should have been introduced way before the 13hrs mark. Making the player not capable of interacting with their surrounding is a major flaw of any open world game. Most devs locks the most difficult stuff behind challenging enemies, distance or knowledge, making the immediate ambience always interactive. In a good RPG game you won’t have an interactive item placed in the 30 min mark of the game to only gain the solution of it 1/3 into the main questline. Besides Hogsmane and Hogwards other regions seem almost like sandboxy, not throughout thought of. This, again, is also a major flaw of open world games as you want to feel like every space is created with the intention of you being there (done beautifully in games like AC or even Genshin). It has the same 8 enemies and the same loots and the same look. The need for the Revellio spell gets so annoying and repetitive that you end up not using it even when it shows pages around- again, making a hell of completionists’s lifes. I’m 30 hours in and have given up on even thinking of getting all trophies.
About combat: its is not bad but it’s very clunky on PS4. Turning the wheel and pushing 3 buttoms to cast a spell is a major drawback. The stealth was introduced never to be used again for anything but missions. And, again, potions and plants don’t make that much of a difference. The game also gets repetitive, and I found myself getting a little tired of it. When the magic of OMG IT’S A HARRY POTTER GAME passes, you’re left with an RPG that seems hastily made that you would not have played for so long if it was of another franchise.

Uma das inteligências artificiais maus burras que eu já vi, parabéns.

Esteticamente 10/10, como juego, aburrido

Solid game. While the story’s uninteresting and it just gets boring after a while, the gameplay is a big save. This plays like a definitive Harry Potter game. The combat is excellent and you can effectively switch between spells. There’s a lot to keep you busy and Hogwarts looks amazing. Beautiful graphics too. I wish this game had a morality system because it feels like it doesn’t matter whether you’re kind or cruel towards others. My Tom Riddle playthrough felt undermining because of that. Your actions should have more consequences. I also wish you didn’t have a limited inventory. And I hope Quidditch appears in the sequel. Overall, it’s a game with fantastic gameplay, but mediocre storytelling. Definitely room for improvement.


universo bem feito, de resto e mediocre

I liked it but after sometime it gets a little bit boring i am planing to go back to playing later

After 10 hours you leave hogwarts
Thats when I left
its sooo generic

Sauvé par la license Harry Potter.

cool for HP fans, kinda mid as a game in itself (boring story and repetitive mechanics)


It's a 3D theme park loosely based on Harry Potter. Game design, writing, atmosphere, almost everything except the game space is wrong here.

The game in its core is a rehash of every open world mechanic and if not for the setting we all would probably drop it after a couple of hours in. The world building really saves this from a disaster and my millennial heart just can't help myself. Flying on a broom around Hogwarts is just too pure.

The story is too long, the collectibles are too varied and not much fun. The combat system is actually really well made from the start, but it's kinda ruined by omega boring enemies who are just repeated to death. Every dungeon is just so boringly similar, it's probably the worst part of the game.

But again, the world is just too fun for me not to engage with it. It is just enticing enough not to drop the game because of its other flaws.

And fuck JKR of course :)

o jogo é muito divertido, mas depois de um tempo as quests ficam mais esticadas doq devem

This is a wonderful adventure that's full of heart and filled with content that genuinely makes it feel like a game I would've lost my mind to play as a kid. However, its open world design and loot concept are super outdated.

AMO jogos que exploram o universo de coisa que eu amo, como o universo de harry potter. Eu tenho muita coisa pra falar desse jogo, mas simplesmente não vou.

The open-world Harry Potter/Wizarding World game I've dreamed of for years! The universe is captured brilliantly with the design, visuals, music, the tone and all around vibes. Both the wand combat and broom flying are a lot of fun!

behold my fancy clothes you pesky peasants in black robes

The game is good, 4/5. But the platinum trophy is a pain to get, too many useless collectibles. You don't feel motivated to complete everything, it was pure hatred that drove me to do it hahahaha."

1- O jogo é uma merda.
2- A Isidora estava certa.
3- Todas as side quests são uma piada, inclusive a do Sebastian, que consegue se tornar absolutamente ridícula bem no final, e era o único pingo de esperança que eu ainda tinha com o jogo.
4- Tudo isso aqui é simplesmente uma tentativa fajuta de replicar a experiência Harry Potter dos originais e dos livros, e nada além disso. Não existe alma.

Conclusão: é só um jogo bobão que não funciona em nenhum aspecto.

I really enjoyed it, loved exploring the wizard world but I do think it’s very repetitive a lot of the times and lacks a few things for me.

It's pretty good. Great music. Amazing world design. Nice scarves. But the story ain't much and the missions are kinda basic.

Si te gusta Harry Potter juégalo, las primeras horas muy buenas, la ambientación es una locura. Aunque se hace MUY pesado.
Misiones secundarias obligatorias, contenido secundario que roza el terrorismo...
Overall, no está mal, sobre todo si te gusta Harry Potter, pero muy mejorable.

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Ter jogado Hogwarts Legacy foi uma grande fonte de vergonha para mim por um tempo, porque eu realmente me diverti durante alguns momentos do jogo. Eu joguei pensando que ia ser uma merda, mas não foi tão ruim assim.

Eu não sinto essa vergonha devido à cascata de ódio que rolou em cima das pessoas que escolheram jogar o jogo (Que é uma situação complicada, e eu não sei o que pensar disso ainda), mas sim porque, sendo não-binário, eu senti que eu estava me traindo em sequer gostar de alguns aspectos do jogo.

Hoje, eu reconcilio essa vergonha pensando que; O jogo em si não é o problema. O jogo não é uma propaganda de ódio contra pessoas LGBT e eu não senti essa agressão dele. O problema é diretamente apoiar a fonte desse ódio (Joanne Kika na Rola...) e não pensar criticamente se comprar este jogo apoiaria financeiramente essa fonte.

Sobretudo, eu não devia ter medo de um jogo tão mid. Por mais que eu tenha me divertido em alguns momentos, esse jogo não me deu uma experiência memorável.
A narrativa da main quest é entediante, os personagens secundários são esquecíveis e pareciam ter mais conteúdo planejado rushado, e...
Eu não sei se isso é uma crítica ao sistema de magia da Joanne Rola ou só do jogo, mas algumas das magias poderiam ser integradas em uma só. Por que Confringo e Incendio são magias diferentes? Não daria pra misturar em só uma magia de fogo com dois modos ou sei lá?

Btw opinião bosta, mas eu não ligo para o Sebastian. Ele é um personagem interessante, mas o fato que minhas escolhas não tem consequências na quest dele me deixam desmotivada e irritada. Se as escolhas não fazem diferença, então por que me deram escolhas para início de conversa?

E eu não me lembro do que eu gostei, mas ééé eu tenho certeza que eu gostei de algo... Eu acho. Sei lá.