Reviews from

in the past

I can't help but always find myself drawn back to this game. Each playthrough is generally about an hour but the replay value is through the roof. Even when I play through with the same team, there's always some new and interest feeling challenge I find myself thrust into. An exciting take on the roguelike genre that has to be played to be believed.

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

He jugado 10 horas a Into the Breach y siento que he jugado mucho y poco a la vez. Y eso me encanta. Into the Breach es un auténtico juegazo que sabe innovar en un género del que no se puede sacar demasiada variedad (como yo creo que son los juegos tácticos por turnos). Y aparte saca muchísimo contenido que hace al juego larguísimo (no infinito como he leído a veces). Empecemos porque hay cosas de las que hablar.

Jugablemente, es una maravilla. En unos escenarios muy compactos divididos por casillas, con 3 mechs deberemos proteger el escenario de los vek (unos robots alienígenas que pretenden destruir la tierra). Los escenarios son ciertamente pequeños, pero al juego le basta para hacer una cantidad de interacciones, variables y situaciones increíble. Y es que todo en el juego está pensado. Da igual pase lo que pase. Y es que la estrategia y el pensar se recompensa muy bien. Para dominar el juego tienes que controlar muy bien los enemigos, lo que hacen, lo que hacen tus mechs, los pilotos, los estados del escenario, las misiones... Pensar en las acciones puede parecer simple cuando empiezas a jugar, pero a medida que avanzas, hay decisiones que pueden determinar runs enteras. Y a veces, tendrás que hacer lo que menos te apetezca o convenga simplemente para seguir avanzando. Pero en parte, el juego recompensa esa espontaneidad del poder perderlo todo en poco tiempo y saber aprovechar lo que tienes.

Y sí, en el aspecto de la variedad voy a reducirme porque además de ponerme como un loco a hablar sobre todo eso, sería spoilear un poco. Pero de lo que sí que quiero hablar es de la absurdamente gran cantidad de contenido que tiene. Para empezar, los mechs se dividen en grupos de 3 que puedes comprar con monedas. Las monedas se consiguen con los logros (cosa que me ha encantado y que les aporta un valor en el videojuego). Y el juego es también un rogue-lite, por lo que tienes que hacer runs y ver hasta dónde llegas. Hay 4 niveles de dificultad y no voy a decir más, pero creedme que hay mucho más contenido. El juego puede servir para llenar ratos muertos, ya que puedes guardar y salir en cualquier momento de la run. Pero es que engancha como pocos. Al desbloquear todas las islas, cada run se hace enteramente distinta y pueden salir cosas muy divertidas de cada una. Y aunque falles, te irás con la sensación de que has aprendido algo que no sabías.

Audiovisualmente, es un 10. El juego es precioso visualmente, tiene un pixel art espectacular y un estilo artístico futurista ambientado en guerra maravilloso. El diseño de los mechs, pilotos y veks es increíble y en general, es muy bonito. Y la OST me ha encantado. Los temas que tiene son muy buenos y encajan excelentemente bien con el juego y la situación.

Narrativamente, es donde menos se luce el juego. Pero es que ni le hace falta. Tiene unos personajes bastante carismáticos y aunque la historia es simple (una guerra contra aliens y robots lo tenemos bastante visto) se siente ciertamente diferente. Una de las cosas que más me ha gustado es que cuando empiezan y terminan los combates, los habitantes hablan y sueltan comentarios y hay algunos bastante divertidos.

EN conclusión, veréis que he escrito una reseña muy larga, pero además de dejarme mucha cosa, no dice lo bueno que es Into The Breach. Un juego de estrategia como pocos, que si te gusta el género y quieres algo que te tenga atento durante decenas o incluso cientos de horas, este juego es el tuyo. Y si no sabes si te gusta la estrategia, ponte en modo fácil y empieza con este juego, porque es un juegazo. Recomendadísimo

Este el el tipico juego que si le hicieran una pelicula seria una mierda de pelicula y la gente del juego se quejaria porque el juego es la polla. Y yo lo secundo.

Elijes casillas, te mueves, y disparas. Nada mas. Pero madre dia, si piensas mas en tu proximo movimiento que en el ajedrez.

There is something so amazing and beyond with this game.
And that is that it's the only fucking tactics game out there that tries to make things different in a very very important way by being based on management of positions instead of management of stalling or moving behind the other dude do kill it or playing a rock paper scissors game of typings that is rather lacking.
Love this, will forever love this and honestly fuck how stagnated the entire genre is.

The only strategy game I can play now

I don't play a lot of rogue likes but this one works for me. I still do get a little bored of the repetitive nature, but it's so satisfying to pull victory from the jaws of defeat in this game.

Very addictive rogue-style puzzle game. Don't go in expecting epic Mech or Kaiju combat, instead think of the matches as mini puzzles that require you to use the different unique abilities of your units to survive.

Amazing tactical game. Makes you feel stupid and smart at the same time, with nice variety from the many squads and upgrades.

The behaviour of the enemies is too unpredictable in my opinion. And the progress during a run is too washed out. I don’t feel progress by doing a reset (which is kind of the gimmick/selling point of the game)

Evangelion if Shinji wasn't a pussy

Another game that I wonder why I put as much time into it as I did, given how bad I was at it.
I like how the gameplay and flavor intersect re:time travel?

sucker for turn based, but boy do i suck at this

A game so well made it made me sick. My perfect hamster wheel of never ending gameplay.

My biggest issue in this game is that it's entirely possible to be put into no win situations that are outside of your control. I got to the final mission and lost one turn before I could win because a rock fell on my mech and there was literally nothing I could do about it. Really soured the game for me. I might be willing to go back and play it again but man that just killed it for me.

With how simplistic and punishing this game is structurally, It's the closest in a tactical RPG I've felt like i was playing glorified chess. If chess's your jam, this is that with aliens and randomized boards, so go crazy. I'm not a big chess guy, so my tactical RPGs need to be a bit more on the RPG side than on the tactical side. Still, when it's fun, it's fun.

A personal favorite game that is endlessly replayable.

locura de juego tactico, recomendable totalmente.
me costo mucho completar el juego pero una vez le agarras la onda es muy muy divertido el planear cada movimiento

Clase maestra de videojuego táctico. El que los enemigos te digan exactamente y con todo detalle qué harán cambia por completo toda la experiencia de juego a una que no ofrece otro videojuego.

Un petit roguelike de tactique bien sympathique ou faut réfléchir un minimum.

Fantastic gameplay, theming, everything just meshes together. Not much variety in environment for a roguelite, but the different mechs add a lot to the game's lifespan. Less punishing than it looks once you get the hang of it.

Um dos melhores jogos táticos que tem por aí. Muita mecânica interessante e com um baita game design pra acompanhar, aulas. Não achei o fator replay tão interessante, preferiria mais fases, mas tudo o que é bom dura pouco.

Man, I feel like an idiot :D Before picking up this game, I had no idea this was a roguelite. Yeah I know, how can you not know but I usually refrain from reading up too much on a game I'm even slightly interested in. I knew this was a grid-based tactical game with mechs including stellar pixel-art, great music and interesting worldbuilding.

Well, I was right.

What I didn't know was that Subset Games have created one of the most addicting and fun roguelites out there. They basically developed a game as complex as Chess (yeah yeah, let me exaggerate a little^^), put a post-apocalyptic, hyper-capitalist mecha spin on it and put everything into a super addicting game loop. If you're like me, you're gonna spend hours customizing your team, planning moves and figuring out the best strategies to reach your mission goals. The game is dangerous that way, it's a real time-sinker :D

It's a bit of a pity that the game has so little to offer in terms of story. Don't get me wrong, the writing is good when it comes to worldbuilding. It can be very on the nose but also has its subtle moments that I came to appreciate. However, the "plot" is barely existent and you don't really form any relationships to characters...which is probably for the better since they are all going to die anyway :D But anyway, I can't help but feel that there was potential for more in this regard. I see this game in my mind that uses the gameplay, art, and worldbuilding of Into the Breach but in a linear, more story-oriented game. This is not that game. It's still a banger though.

Tecnicamente bacana, impressionantemente desinteressante.

Joguei algumas partidas e o loop n me prendeu.

You know those games that you know are really great but you absolutely suck at playing? Yeah, this is one of those games for me.

Love love love the Netflix port of this game. Got proper hooked for a good wee while and can see myself returning in future.

The tactics are magnificent and every time you lose, it feels like it was your own fault. And it always is.

I don't think this game would have the staying power it has if there weren't so many team options to play with - they're all so interesting and (mostly) equally fun to play as. Shoutout to the one with the giant laser though, all-time MVP

I like how it keeps things relatively simpler than other strategy games. Only a few units on the ground for both you and the enemies, only a few attack options. The way the game emphasizes the importance of positioning not only for defense but also in how your units interact with the maps.
Its also a roguelite :)

This game can make you go from a divine god of knowledge to a monkey so hard in just two turns, it's crazy.