Reviews from

in the past

An all-timer for me. But the blaring timer and the sudden, blunt crashes when you're not big enough serve as some rough edges that harsh an otherwise joyful experience

the only bad thing about it is the overstimulation that gives you a headache

If you turn off your brain it's really cozy. If you turn it on it's really horrifying.

Weird ass game that's a lot of fun with poppin music while simultaneously giving kid-me eternal nightmares over the King

it's mind numbing in a good way, impossible to not have a good time playing this

na na na na na na na na na katamari damacyy

This game rocks man. Just straight fun. If you wanna blast through it, or if you wanna get into the high score aspect, there's a lot of potential. I will say that my one drawback with this game is that if you really want to get into the high scoring there is a kind of skill ceiling - at some point it's a copy monkey situation where you need to memorize if you want to get the highest score possible. But as a casual game, or a game where you and your friend take turns trying to beat each other's times and sizes without taking it to seriously, it's hard to beat.

Lots of the environments are pretty similar which kind of works out in this case because the game's progression is about getting bigger. You go from one room, to the whole house, to the neighborhood, and so on - just sort of zooming out. It's cool!

One final detail... I like being able to play as the cousins. Nice detail!

Katamari might be the funniest game. Not the funniest comedy script attached to a game, but the funniest game in the sense of the playing experience. Aesthetically perfect pure distilled joy in video gaming entertainment form. Dare I say "goated"

i'm not exaggerating when i say this but this game might genuinely have revived my love for video games

i had never heard about this game in my life, i merely googled "good ps2 games" and found this in a video and i saw about 3 seconds and was like "what is this about even" and i didn't look it further, i just downloaded it and booted i up

at first i was lost. everything was confusing. but once i started playing it i got really into it

the controls are a bit ... hm. i get what it's going for, it just never sank in for me, it did enough for me to play it but it just didn't ever feel good to me

other than that? absolutely lovely game, something very calming about kidnapping children and hearing people scream as i roll them up

i think i finished it? at least i filled up the constellations and finsihed all the stars and moon. i kinda sucked at doing all of it but it IS Done.

it was surprisingly short, it took me like 5 hours to finish this and i'm glad it did, it did feel like the game had showed me everything and now i can just boot it up again to replay parts if i feel like it. there's no stress or pressure to keep playing, since i have this annoying urge to play a game quickly so i can finish it. with no real sidecontent or distractions, i just have a very linear path to follow and simple goals to meet. i like that.

the visuals are really pretty (i play without any upscaling with a soft crt filter) and the music is always so good, from the level songs to the catchy theme to the weird off putting cutscenes and character designs, love the aesthetic of this game

the trailer for the rogue prince of persia came out and i watched it yesterday, leading me to me watching the entire triple i showcase, and i was surprised at how much of it was attractive to me. i usually do not enjoy indie games, i'm a realism over fun kinda person, but this really did change my mind on games for the better i think, i can appreciate so much more about different types of games now.

thank you katamari damacy, i'll get around to playing more of this series in the future at some point but for now i think i'l go replay a few levels and then venture into more games i couldn't otherwise have thought of playing

Pure unadulterated fun. Katamari Damacy is charming, purely novel, and aggressively quirky. Also my introduction to Shibuya-kei.

this is so peak its more of an art piece instead of a video game and i love that it's so beautiful.

the music is peak btw.

Go on prince, roll me into the katamari, I've accepted my fate.

i mean idk maybe the best IP ever made. best soundtrack, concept, gameplay, writing. but the timed levels are dealbreakers!!!!!!!!!!!!

this game is soooooo good. fun to play and relax with. turn my brain off and roll. the music is good too. some absolute bops in here. would recommend 100%. it’s awesome.

Controls are a little jank, but the concept is brilliant. So simple too! I love introducing people to the game, it always intrigues! Lovely soundtrack as well.

Perfeito. Aleatorio e silly do jeito que eu gosto. Que bagulho bom.

Chega a ser difícil descrever em palavras o que esse jogo me fez sentir. Dopamina no máximo enquanto tava jogando, umas das experiências mais divertidas que eu já tive jogando algo, acompanhado de umas das melhores OSTs já feitas.

Meu novo confort game.

Mas que bola grande você tem em!

A trilha sonora é (quase) melhor que o jogo.

Nota 7

Love defined, refined, and rolled up in a wad of wonder. Inexplicable.

Katamari Damacy might be the pinnacle of video games. It is all things that are complex while also being extremely simple.

Thanks to Sony, early 2000s analog controls are phenomenal, and Katamari Damacy is atop of the mountain of them. I haven’t enjoyed controls in a game this much since the first Ape Escape (for real this time.) A plethora of moves you can pull off all at the movement of two sticks, immaculate.

An unbelievably, beautifully sounding game. From the text sound effects to the final credits song, there is no piece of music in this game that wasn’t crafted with love. Intimate love. Straight up sex to the ears brother.

Probably the funniest story in any game, rivaled by only Undertale, with a heartwarming message to wrap things up at the end. After every level you complete you're interrupted by cutscenes of a family talking about outer space slowly being pieced back together, by you. The young girl constantly says, “Oh! I feel it! I feel the cosmos!” and it’s both the cutest and funniest thing ever. I love it. I just love it.

The king has some of the best dialogue in gaming history, too. Namco should hold their fists high in celebration of what I think might be the best game ever made.

There’s so much to say about this game, but I want you to go play it yourself. Let this review be a guide into another dimension of gaming. Writing this review made my eyes water, because you just don’t play games like this anymore. Games aren’t made with the same kind of passion and creativity, and it’s really something to behold.

During my play through, my PS2 crashed at “Make a Star 7” and I hadn’t saved since the first level. So I immediately went back and did all that shit again, no hesitation, and enjoyed every second of it. If that’s not enough to get a perfect score, then I don’t know what is. 10/10.

The Katamari collective collects all, roll em up

Katamari has always been very fun, but honestly, the first game feels a bit underwhelming compared to later games in the series (note that I played We Love Katamari and Katamari Forever before this game). Less variation in stages and just less of everything overall, still, I did enjoy it and it was fun to see how it all started!

the epitome of SOUL in video games

One of the most shining examples of video games as an art form. Happy 20th!

King of the Universe: ahh my stupid ass son. Get your gay ass on earth and roll shit up for 20 minutes. OK. I hate you the best song ever produced for a video game starts to play