Reviews from

in the past

Не успевает надоесть за не столь долгий геймплей, однако не сказал бы, что выделяется чем-то на фоне конкурентов. Порекомендовал бы тем, кто хочет пройти вдвоём за пару вечерков игру не задумываясь

Fun fact: The game director said that originally the story would happen in New Orleans instead of Mexico.

peguei esse jogo no pass do xbox e nunca ri tanto com minha bff, por causa do guardian e seu bastão kkkkkkkkkk

muuuito divertido, mas tem alguns bugs, nada que te impeça de se divertir

Une tentative honorable sur deux jeux de faire autre chose de Lara Croft en twin stick shooter, dans un esprit encore plus pulp rappelant les comics de la série. Il n’en ressort malheureusement pas de grande fulgurance ni de scène clé. Des jeux largement oubliables

A delightful little hybrid of twin-stick shooting with platforming and physics-based puzzle mechanics. Moderate replayability, too, thanks to the varied challenge objectives accompanying each level. Until roughly halfway through, I would have docked some points for the interminable stuttering (a serious problem for a game where timing is important) but I resolved the issue by changing Anisotropic Filtering - a low-impact option in any other game - to a lower setting.

A very fun spinoff game that still feels a bit like the tomb raider we all know and love

Fun as a coop game wouldnt play it solo

Eu adoro os puzzles e dinâmicas, é bem divertido e ótimo de jogar em co-op.

Eu joguei isso.... é meio legal

much like the prequel its decent

It's pretty decent for what it is. The puzzles require some thought and are sometimes pretty inventive with the mechanics, the combat can get challenging with large numbers of resilient enemies and some good boss battles and the game looks pretty good for an isometric puzzle platformer hybrid. There are a fair few cons though.

The weird camera angle and the weird way Lara sticks to some environmental objects make platforming a chore. It's not easy to see where she will land and there's almost no control of her when she's in the air which made me fall off the level many times. The physics make some of the puzzles and optional challenges extremely tedious to complete due to the unpredictable nature of the objects' movement. There are a few good boss battles with the final boss being the best and most memorable but some of the others are very poor and require next to no thought or pose no challenge at all. Some of the collectibles are placed in very stupid locations which makes me think they ran out of ideas early on. The game is also incredibly short taking me only about 4.5 hours to beat (I farmed the game for cards for 2 hours where I didn't play the game at all). There's some challenges and some hidden collectibles but I didn't find any of the rewards worth it and the levels themselves aren't exactly inspired or amazing to make me want to replay them. I've not played co-op which may be a separate experience on its own but I'm not sure.

Recommended on a sale if you have a few hours to kill on a puzzle platformer and you're attached to the Lara Croft name.

Este juego sorprende para bien, ya que ofrece, por primera vez, algo diferente de los juegos de Lara Croft. Su jugabilidad es más dinámica y divertida, aunque esta misma tiene carencias ya que se siente poco pulida, sintiéndose en ciertos puntos torpe y poco responsiva. Su diseño de niveles lo hacen grato de jugar a pesar de sus contras.

Tomb Raider’s come back with Legend gave fans hope that Lara was not dead, but after the success of Underworld Crystal Dynamics decided to do something different with a top-down adventure game and everyone was skeptical. The game’s story is probably the weakest part of you and an Aztec named Totec trying to beat an evil Aztec guy…yeah real interesting.

Despite that, the combat is awesome with a dual stick shooter type gameplay. You can switch weapons on the fly from four presets and killing wave after wave is fun. Each enemy type is pretty unique with some shooting magic spells, some explode with deadly gas, some are huge and can crush you, and some are even fast and come in high numbers. There is a huge weapon selection from assault rifles, to spears, to grenade launchers and each weapon is well balanced and has its uses even in puzzles.

This, of course, has always been Tomb Raider‘s strongest point which is the puzzle department. You can use spears to get to higher ledges, use the grenade launcher and bounce it around corners to flip switches, destroys barriers etc. You can use your grapple to hang down ledges, and pushing giant boulders around can even be used as a powerful weapon! It’s great how everything in the game has more than one use and really makes you think and gives you a broad range of things to do. The puzzles can range from switch puzzles to combat puzzles, or even a whole level being one great puzzle.

The game also has lots of ways to come back and do well in levels. There is a point system and you acquire them from killing enemies, collecting gems, and you get rewarded relics for completing challenges. Relics can be equipped to boost your stats such as weapon power, health, speed, or range. These will really turn the tide in battle, and there are quite a bit to collect and it’s a good incentive to really do the challenges. However, some challenges are almost impossible and don’t seem like they were planned out too well.

The game looks amazing and Lara is as sexy as ever and is voiced by the same person who’s been doing it since Legend. The game is full of thrills just like the bigger games and is just so much fun and not one section ever feels the same. Each level is crafted perfectly and everything is balanced just right. Another incentive for players who couldn’t get the hang of other TR games should pick up GoL because of its ease of perspective and good controls. This is one of the best XBLA games to come out in the Xbox’s history and should not be passed up. It even has a good price!

I think it's a pretty fun co op game, but who wants to be the aztec guy over Lara?

I’ve completed Lara Croft on the PS3 before and had a wonderful time back then. I decided to play it on PC again since it can be gotten for cheap often and I was looking for a co-op game. It holds up mighty well and the PC version is excellent on top of it.

The game is an action adventure with lots of fighting, puzzles, collectibles and various challenges you can complete. The fights are fun with lots of different enemies. The puzzles are great, just enough to make you think for a bit sometimes but they’re well integrated in the game and they’re often optional for the collectibles. The collectibles are weapons, artifacts and relics you equip or upgrades that offer permanent stat boosts. There are 14 stages with some short ones dedicated to boss battles. The entire game is fully playable in co-op and online. You can create private matches and invite friends no problem. Progress is saved for both sides.

I don’t know of many better examples if you’re looking for a good co-op game that can be completed within 12 hours (doing everything). The levels are well designed with good pacing and engaging gameplay all the way through. The game looks decent for a spin off and certainly impressive for an older game. As mentioned, the performance on PC is good and it looks great in 1440p. The achievements are fun and doable. The majority you will get naturally but the last one requires you to complete all the challenges and find every collectible. This is fair, the game even informs you once you’ve reached a spot where you can complete a challenge which is really nice. I wish more games did this.

In terms of flaws, I’m nitpicking for a bit but they’re still worth mentioning. Some rare challenges are silly and have no business in the game. There are a few rare bugs but they’re very minor for the most part. The game also has 3 DLC content packs that seem overpriced for what you get out of them. Luckily they’re not needed, Lara Croft feels like a complete experience and there are no DLC exclusive achievements.

My review is basically giving my blessing to get the game in case someone is still on the fence about it somehow. It focuses on its strengths efficiently and effectively. You know what you’re getting out of it just by looking at it.

An old school puzzle adventure that is a blast to play, especially if you play the co-op mode with a friend. The puzzles are engaging and well crafted, the combat`s fun and there`s a lot of weapon variety for you to spice it up the gameplay. A quick and fun experience, especially if you play alongside friends.

+ Xbox Series X Retrocompatible

I am going to be honest: This game is only good with a friend. Playing this alone turns out to be a bit boring, in my opinion. It has a few bugs just like its sequel, but it is still playable. In co-op mode, you can play as Totec or Lara Croft.

It's a fun co-op game, but I wouldn't recommend playing single player.
Not required material for anyone trying to catch up on the Tomb Raider franchise.

Not a bad game to play with someone in co op, never played it solo but I think the experience would not be as good in solo.

Если играть в коопе, то нормально. В соло - совсем скучно.

izometrik olması açının oynatılamaması yer yer deli etmişti ama ablamla oynadığım için keyifliydi. totec best man

This is one where I feel like I should go back and revisit with a friend someday to give it a fair shake. At the time, NOBODY wanted this. "This isn't Lara Croft!!!"
I tried playing with my sister and we got bored and put it down.

Inoffensive Tomb Rader branded isometric game. Unless you're a die hard Lara fan, skip this.

an absolute blast playing co-op with a friend, and bonus points for the bizarre inclusion of a Kane & Lynch character pack with voice acting in the cutscenes and everything?? truly a great time

Lara Croft has been through a lot since her original debut in 1996. Starring in a dozen games, changing developers and even having several movies made does tend to change a person, and her adventure in The Guardian of Light is certainly different. These changes were definitely a positive though, making Guardian of Light a fun little game thanks to it's clever co-op mechanics and fresh perspective.

This time around Lara's tomb raiding finds her in the Yucatan Peninsula searching for a legendary artifact known as the mirror of smoke. Little does Lara know however that the mirror seals away Xolotl, the keeper of darkness. Upon Xoltol's release, Toltec, a stone statue also comes to life, he is an ancient Mayan warrior sealed away to watch over the mirror and keep Xolotl imprisoned. Together Lara and Toltec must track Xolotl down before he plunges the world into darkness. Just another day for Lara Croft really.

The level design is pretty good during their adventure. There is plenty of atmosphere and variation in a mixture of outside and inside environments with ruins, giant spiders and traps a plenty for Lara and Toltec to navigate in their quest to stop him. The visuals themselves are surprisingly good for the time I feel with excellent textures and enemy animations.

Exploration really is key in Guardian of Light to make any progress. Though there are weapons that can be found and permanently kept even on replaying levels. The vast majority of equipment and character upgrades are gained through challenges which really gives this game extra legs. There are speed attacks to finish levels in certain amount of time or perhaps a challenge to collect all 10 red skulls hidden in a level to unlock a new weapon. There are a few variations depending on the level.

Four weapons can be equipped at any time that can be switched between on the fly using the D-pad. All of which share an ammo bar except pistols which can be upgraded along with Lara's health. These weapons can be changed around at any time from the in game menu as there are a lot to choose from including shotguns, assault rifles, flame throwers and rocket launchers. All of which have various stats and ammo consumption. There is also the option to equip artifacts and relics found throughout the game which either affect Lara or Toltec"s base stats to varying degrees or alter their special ability they achieve if they kill a certain amount of enemies without dying such as a speed boost, bigger bomb range or more bullet damage.

While the combat is a key point to Guardian of Light and is incredibly fun, it is the mixture of combat and solving puzzles that make it worthwhile. The puzzles are quite thought provoking without ever being frustrating which is a hard balance to hit. What makes this game truly clever though is that the puzzles change from single player to co-op to keep the balance right. There are several weapons or pieces of equipment needed to get past certain areas which are then split between the two players. For example Toltec uses the spear which can be thrown into a wall which only Lara is light enough to jump on, giving her the height to get to a ledge. Lara is the only one with the grappling hook though which she can then use to pull Toltec up. This measure of forced team work really helps bring the game to life.

This game is also surprisingly long with over a dozen levels not including the replay value of getting all the weapons, artifacts and relics, completing all challenges not to mention local and patched in online co-op to boot.

As good as Guardian of Light really is, it has issues. The locked isometric camera view while great for single player and solving puzzles does tend to make busier combat moments a bit hectic occasionally losing track of your character or getting hit off screen though this is a rare occurrence. The other thing is while Lara's voice acting is superb (Keeley Hawes, actress of the Legend, Anniversary and Underworld trilogy), Toltec's and Xolotl's are an entirely different matter and just seem a bit forced, almost amateur, though outside of short in between level cutscenes they are almost never heard.

Overall Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a great little game. It looks good, has fun multiplayer and has plenty of life thanks to it's clever challenges and puzzles. It won't be a game for everyone but as a Tomb Raider fan it was a real pleasant surprise how much fun I had with a friend playing it.

+ Clever puzzles in both single and co-op play.
+ Great value for money.
+ Combat is fun.

- Some spotty voice acting.

Muy divertido de jugar en cooperativo.