Reviews from

in the past

A mess of a game, the start of the game is slow and boring, the mid game is slow and boring and the end game is slow and boring

I feel like this game would have been better as a puzzle adventure with the amount of customization you can do with spells. The story is mediocre, gameplay is okay, but I still managed to have slight interest in it. I'd say a deep discount is required for purchase if you are even interested.

Felt kinda bland. Not my jam

rating: 6.8/10 - Average

Not really for me but I can see people who enjoy the top down Zelda games having a good time. The puzzles and story are mediocre but I did enjoy the spell modification mechanic.

In the veins of 2000s children's games, Mages of Mystralia is an adorable title, whose emerging gameplay invites adventure. Properly balanced, the title has quite a few level-design missteps, but is still enjoyable. The puzzles remain more interesting than the battles, whose almost non-existent evolution can be off-putting. It's a nice world to navigate, with the game mechanics as a valid pretext, but it doesn't really encourage a thorough exploration.

Macht auf jeden Fall Bock, Schwierigkeits Archmage wird mit wachsendem Runenbestand und entsprechendem Spellcrafting leider relativ schnell trivial. Da hätte ich mir zum Ende hin schwierigere Encounter gewünscht.

Ansonsten sehr schöne Optik, toller Ansatz mit dem selbst zusammenstellbaren Spells. Die Rätsel haben einen gut auf Trab gehalten, auch wenn ich manche wahrscheinlich nicht so gelöst habe, wie es die Devs ursprünglich geplant haben :D

+ individuelle spells, wir bei path of exile (in light)
+ Nette Cell Shading Optik
+ Mix aus verschiedenartigen Rätseln und Kämpfen super cool
+ Easy Mode heißt nicht easy, habs dann total verplant lol

Zelda-style action-adventure games are one of my favorite genres, but a few hours in, this just feels extremely bland in about every respect (combat, puzzles, level design, story, art direction) despite an interesting spellcrafting system. Eh.

Shelved. After a few sittings, I found it felt like I just wasn't having fun. The story wasn't pulling me, but also waiting through the slightly too long loading screens, and feeling like my spells weren't really improving or getting easier to use just put the low-key frustration level too high. I wonder if this may be a case of playing a game that's just showing it's age and me being used to newer/smoother experiences. A lot has happened in games since 2017, and I'm writing this in 2024. But I put it down around the time I was on my way to my 2nd large area.

really cool system where you get to build your own spells from a set of traits kinda like a visual programming language, the only thing that holds the game back from being great is just that... it's kinda basic outside of that... understandably so, but still

Tiene un apartado artístico al que te acabas acostumbrando. Los hechizos son bastante personalizables y puedes elegir la forma que más te guste de luchar, siendo el combate simple pero divertido.

One of those games with a good core mechanic, but meeting the unfortunate end of being completely unmemorable otherwise, as it has a lack of an interesting art style, characters, or narrative. The idea would've deserved a bolder implementation.

fun game with a great spellcrafting mechanic, shame that the enemies were too lackluster to show the spells off.

Mages of Mystralia is a Zelda-like with customizable magic combinations. Basically, you have 4 different classifications of spells and you assign runes that you find to adjust how those spells act. It's a lot of fun to figure out what spell+rune combos create beneficial effects.

The story about a novice mage developing her skills fits very well narratively within the gameplay and you feel like you are learning to be a mage right alongside Zia.

Combat is fairly simple but made more fun by the fact that you are crafting the spells that you're using to defend yourself.

My only real complaint about the game is that a lot of the runes aren't terribly useful in a wide variety of situations. This issue is alleviated somewhat by the fact that you can save favorite combinations so you can quickly adjust things for different scenarios. But, despite all the custom options, I found myself not switching up my spells as often as I would have liked. Could be my fault, but I feel like the simpler spell combos were more useful in a wider variety of situations, so I didn't always have the encouragement to change to more unique options.

Overall it was a fun experience and a well-made game. I'd like to play it again at some point.

Nice little Zelda clone! I wish it was just a little bit shorter, but the magic system is super neat and the music is really good. Worth a shot if you're a Zelda fan.

If I had to really nitpick, I really didn't like the font used for the dialogue lmao

Fun puzzles and magic system. Not a memorable story, but short.