Reviews from

in the past

I like creepy visual novels and the art style and limited color palette pulled me in.

Brief Description

You play as a girl, whom you name, and she is going to attempt to buy a bag of milk. The game is very linear in its dialogue and has two endings based on some conversation options.

-I think it was achieving what it wanted to achieve. Being a visual novels that described a girl's mental struggles and how that can impact her stream of consciousness and behavior.
-I like how somethings in this novel are left up to audience interpretation.
-Art style is cool

-Some of the dialogue is really cheesy, especially when it tries to get a little meta and fourth-wall breaking.
-Not much content, but it is literally $0.99.

Not sure if I'd ever play the first one again, but I definitely intend to get the second game at some point and play it. I like visual novels, so this was neat to me.

What a weird game. It's only like half an hour long if you do everything but it manages to pack so much into such a small package. Well worth the buck.

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk (2020): Entiendo su propuesta, y aunque hay que reconocerle un par de golpes de impacto, creo que se queda más cerca del "jaja es raro" que de lo que pretende transmitir. Me alegro de haberlo jugado, pero también lo siento como una decepción (5,35)

It’s a short visual novel. It has good horror vibes and it’s quite intriguing when you start playing it but… it’s not much.

After about fifteen minutes you’ve reached the end and I replayed to see what more it had to offer. Out of so many choices, there is something bound to happen? Well no, not really. There is a bad ending you can get any time and the normal ending I got on my first run.

There are a few moments where you can input text. I didn’t find anything that would trigger a reaction different from usual. After looking it up, there are only one or two keywords each time and all you get is a very weak reaction.

I’m pretty disappointed with the lack of depth. It didn’t have to be a long game but not even having an impact in the choices is what I didn’t like the most.

This short game does tackle some interesting themes about the perspective of a mentally ill person. Seeing through their eyes is indeed terrifying but other than that it just seems to throw some random stuff here and there and that’s it, you’re done with the game. Some of the stuff is also pretty common such as the game characters breaking the fourth wall so not much to say about that.

i felt bad because i immediately had an idea of what was going on because i know it all too well and have experienced it myself and still am experiencing these feelings

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Um jeito bem inteligente de descrever e mostrar ansiedade social e psicose

lisa the first type game, not much to it but it's got some clever stuff

Interesting little visual novel that plays with meta elements and has a great surreal horror atmosphere, but ultimately doesn't really do more than that.

Creepy, weird, short, cheap and depressing.

Leshoid Gives it a: whatever
Beaten on the 4/05/24

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk

Milk inside a bag of milk, un juego, sin duda, tiene su cosilla, una vez te lo pasas te pones a pensar, en verdad...


Sin más.

good short game, I like the vibes in it

This is Persona 3 if they didn't have magical powers

entendo perfeitamente a experiência de se prender à uma conversa eterna consigo mesmo pra se desconectar um pouco da realidade e tentar se virar no mundo real. curtinho até demais mas passa bem honestamente sua mensagem

not my thing and reads pretentiously more than anything else but for 50 cents i really cant be mad

An intriguingly written text with absurdly funny yet simultaneously unsettling imagery, narrating the story of a psychologically wounded schizoid.

Apart from the characters visible on the screen (minimally depicted with thick pixel art in bloody tones), there are two active sides: a certain voice that directly influences the actions of the main character (the narrative is from her perspective) and the player. The presence of the player in the narrative doesn't entirely break the fourth wall, as according to the plot, the schizoid imagines herself as the heroine of a visual novel, and consequently, someone from outside is observing her actions and reading all her monologues. A simple but surprisingly fresh twist.

It's pleasantly light but at the same time engaging read.

Primera vez que me siento realmente preocupado por la persona que está detras de las líneas de dialogo.

this shit's weird as fuck lmao

Extraño de poner review. Habla de una cosa en particular y es muy corto. Aun así te deja muy mal cuerpo

amazing for what it does in 15 mins

Achievements completed.

Was akin to a visual novel, but feels a bit over hyped.

i dont understand but at the same time its the realest thing ive ever played

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