Reviews from

in the past

Phenomenal game that is still slept on, top 5 DS game of all time for me I love it. Game is short, sweet with a goofy little childlike wonder story. Just having Chomp in the game is enough to make you believe life is worth living

Monster Tale is a very creative mashup of a pet training game and metroidvania. The aesthetic elements are excellent, and controls are very tight (with one exception) which makes the platforming and combat very fun. The monster complements the main character's moveset, and training it well requires some strategic thought. This also might be one of the best uses of the dual screens that I've seen on the system.

Unfortunately the dash is extremely unreliable, which made the third boss too frustrating for me to continue. It's a shame because this is a very creative and well-executed title otherwise. I would still highly recommend it to anyone looking for unusual games on the DS.

Man I wish they made more of this game! It was so fun. I highly recommend this DS gem!

um Metroidvania muito bom e lindo.
uma verdadeira Pérola escondida do DS.

I love Metroidvanias and I loved this one, it was definitely reaching for too many things at once but the story was neat, the gameplay was fun and it had just enough puzzling without an insane amount of backtracking. This is an IP I would love to see brought back with some fixes considering where they failed.

A lot of interesting ideas that don't reach their full potential with how the game is structured. Not only is the game short, but a lot of the level design is really basic and they weirdly make you backtrack to completely different areas to grab just one thing. The combat system and monster raising is actually really fun. Juggling enemies for more items and mowing through hordes of enemies with chomp makes the game just fly by. The sprite work and soundtrack are also incredible. If anything, I really want the remake or sequel to this game that can really fix it's issues while fleshing it out to be something amazing.

Expectativa alta, decepção foi alta também. Não merecia tanto review bom para a época.

I swear I was the only one who remembered this game from it's Nintendo Power issue and it's TV commercials. The only metroidvania I really have an attachment towards

metroidvainia but awsome!!!!!!!! haters be dammed!!!!!!!

You can barely call this a metroidvania with how straight line of a path it becomes. There were lots of times you only had 1 option to go and of course they had to put each correct route at the farthest possible point. You move so slow and theres no fast travel. You end up just running through the exact same corridors exploring nothing because there is nothing to do. The monster and lower screen were pretty cool but the bottom screen never really gets expanded mechanically.

I really wanted to like this, heard lot of good reviews about it and then a close friend even told me how they really liked it as a kid too plus it being short, so I decided to finally play it.

It started out fine first, but as you go on the constant having to run to one end of the map to the other then back to where you came from for new abilities that really were just there to unlock the other new abilities was annoying, Chomp felt underutilized, grinding for money takes an awful long time, and the constant padding made me end up dropping this by the 5th area cause I was just not having fun at all.

I see the potential this game has though, I hope it gets remade one day, I heard there was a 3DS ver in the making but :/

Played a bit of this when my cousin leant me the game for about 1 week. I didn't finish it, but that's due to how lost you can get: and thats a good thing. I spent a lot of time grinding in the labyrinth. Shame how underrated this game is.

In a lot of ways this was baby's first Metroidvania back when it wasn't exactly a huge genre. The monster system was fun, the whole game was, really, even if it was a bit rudimentary.

Shame about that remake.

if you play hideo kojima talking into your ds microphone at a specific part of the map you can unlock the secret creepypasta mode where the monster really kills people

Very fun Metroidvania with unique mechanics and cutely designed. Combat is fun

It is as charming as it is tedious. And I say that, but please don’t let this keep you from playing the game, because it really does feel filled with so much love that I’d be remiss not to recommend it if you have a DS. It’s cute, and the mechanics are unique. The main issues are how slow and unforgiving the game is, but it’s worth working past if only for how quaint the experience is.

While I like this game a lot, the only thing I dislike is the backtracking and honestly, the music. I wish they've done better in terms of that... Like arrangement using the DS sound chip would be good. It just feels a bit lifeless, but there are some songs that I like a lot.

Edit: "For the time being, I'm going to abandon this game cause I couldn't imagine myself playing this game once again.

Sehr sehr süß und spaßig, jedoch ist diese ultra lineare strukture nichts kreatives, besonders für ein Metroidvania. Aber das Gameplay ist sehr spaßig. Die letzte Stunde war aber echt arsch

I know backtracking is a foundation of metroidvanias, but this is way too much. The game is very linear and its gameplay is basically 'go there, now you go there, and now there', and every time you barely reached a new region and it sends you ACROSS THE MAP. The monster gimmick stops being interesting right after the start, the gameplay and exploration isn't fun. It's simply boring.

This is a good intro metroidvania for kids, I say as someone who's never played another metroidvania before. I think this game has awesome sprite art and really funny character designs, but I felt like the difficulty scaled really fast near the middle of the game. I remember getting stuck at the 3rd or 4th boss because I just did so little damage to it and it took huge chunks out of me when it hit me. Maybe now that I'm older I'll be able to beat it.

The first metroidvania I played from start to finish- not perfect but it holds a special place in my heart.

The idea to have a monster evolve alongside you in a metroidvania is neat, but this is hardly a metroidvania. More a series of interconnected hallways that you are strongly railroaded along. Combo system provides some fun, but I wanted it to be over for a long time before I was done with it.