Reviews from

in the past

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Great sequel and cast! Only weird thing is how much Tadashi wanted to push for the Maya x Tatsuya ship when it makes no sense given the context from Innocent Sin.

"There are good things even when you become an adult... Just a few..."

"This is... the burden of sin"

might be a bit more personal of a review at the start than i intended but oh well! also dragged on new-persona a bit more than i wanted but i'm keeping it in because i find it important to my thoughts on the game

i think i played eternal punishment at the perfect time in my life. i'm a largely aimless adult who thought they knew what they wanted out of life but is currently just in a state of trying to find something that makes sense, something to hold onto and give me a direction. at the same time, i'm only 20 years old at the time of playing the game and writing this, and more than an aimless and confused adult, i'm a scared kid who doesn't know and isn't ready for what being an adult entails. because of this, i've never really related more to a cast of characters in a game more than the cast of eternal punishment.

if you know anything about persona it's probably persona 4 and 5, which uh. you can see my reviews on those games to find out how i feel about them. their casts are of teenagers whose biggest problems never seemed to be anything that i could relate to, other than futaba who is autistic and has trauma, but even then there's this thin layer of tropiness on every character so you can't even relate to them past a superficial level of recognizing a small bit of yourself in them for the sake of doing the bare minimum to be hip and relatable teenagers.
in p2ep however, you have a group that amounts to a directionless adult, an adult who is questioning his direction, an adult who lost his way, and an adult who is too absorbed in the direction she took to really go any other way (she is the weakest example of the theme). later on, you also get (in my playthrough at least, there are two persona 1 party members you can choose between later on and i chose nanjo) an adult who found his way and has an experience that strengthens his resolve, and a teenager who is deeply afraid of being alone, and is scared of what becoming an adult is going to mean for him.

the party in eternal punishment are all handled so well and the way they interact with each other feels just as real as the friends in innocent sin. its a palpable feeling where these characters are in their lives and careers and how happy they are with it and i love it, it made me feel like maybe there is a way for me to claw my way out of the uncertainty of early adulthood, a way for me to... Change My Way.


aside from the characters, the narrative is also a great continuation of innocent sin and the original persona (but mostly innocent sin). you get really nice conclusions and additions to the characters from the first game sprinkled throughout, and seeing as it is a sequel to innocent sin, a lot of content that is greatly benefited by having played that game first. whereas innocent sin ends in a sorrowful and hopeless note for these kids who didn't do anything to deserve it, eternal punishment highlights that hopelessness at first, but ultimately shows it all through a lens of hope. i won't spoil much but these characters get mostly happy endings and they get to move on with their lives and find a place and direction they can be happy with, and after playing 2 games i would hope i at least get to feel a little nice about what happens in the end.

gameplay wise, eternal punishments psp port is a lot better than the psp port of innocent sin. a lot of minor quality of life features make the battle system a lot more fun to mess with and it isn't so awful that you're going to be begging for a visual novel adaptation. it's honestly one of the more fun turn based systems in a jrpg i've played even if near the end i started to get a little bored, at least of the random encounters and some reoccurring bosses. the dungeon crawling is also a lot better in this one aside from a certain dungeon near the end of the game. it's hardly ever aimless and frustrating like i felt innocent sin could be.

overall, eternal punishment is an amazing game and a perfect finale to innocent sin, and it's a shame that persona just never was this good or real again. maybe with a new director to the series we could see a return to this style of storytelling and presentation in the series, but with how popular the newest games are and how prominent the dating sim elements are, i don't see that happening sadly. it's not all bad though, because these old games, or in the case of the original and the psp port of innocent sin, the stories, hold up incredibly well and far surpass their younger peers. i implore anyone who feels like they can't get into modern persona or just anyone who wants a good jrpg to sink a few weeks into to play this duology, i promise you won't be disappointed.

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This is a necessity after playing innocent sin. The PSP version ofcourse (which is now translated). The Tatsuya scenario is amazing and has big implications for the whole duology (part 3 mainly but part 2 is quite sad for our guy).

Baofu is more unique than any of the party in the first game and i really enjoyed him. It's refreshing in general to have a full party of adults, that's (much to) rare in JRPG games unfortunately. Also a nice touch that we did meet with every EP party member in the Innocent Sin in on way or another (Baofu digitally).

The gameplay has improved from the innocent sin psp edition. The battle system is less menu heavy and more automatic. But if you somehow couldn't finish IS because of he combat then this isn't going to sway you (and without IS the plot becomes extremely confusing).

If you really enjoyed the last game, you like this one as well. It's the same city, but everything is different as well and for me it feels like a satisfying conclusion. People that say this game ruined the last ending just don't see how well the two parts connect. Or maybe they didn't play far enough in, because at the second half of the game it really connects everything and this game also has a sad end. It's because of Tatsuya's part in the ending of the last game that the trouble in this game/world starts.

I somehow found the ending of this game sadder than the last game. Tatsuya still has to live with his 'sin' and doesn't receive a happy ending even after everything he has done to atone. He gets it even worse than after the first game, and now he not only lost all of his friends, but 2 love interests. He also comes back to an almost completely destroyed world. That guy really does not get a single good thing and he doesn't deserve that :/ . Big props for doing that and showing that you can't just escape a bad ending by making a deal and then not going through with it. He really has to live with what he dreaded eventually, it was fate.

This game is a guide to adulthood that any teen that would play this game (if any these days) could learn a lot from. I give it 4.5 because i had some slight gameplay issues but the story is one of the best JRPG stories bar none for me (5/5 for story and then some).

Jumping straight into this game after finishing Person 2: Innocent Sin more or less ruined it for me.

Imagine you and Maya are fuck buddies, she been letting you hit it raw for a while, and then you caught something from her like syphilis (she seems like she would have syphilis)

When you confront her about it, all Maya says is "let's positive thinking". What you're doing at that point?

Gameplay is the same as IS pretty much, still clean.
Story is great, amazing follow up to IS, everything comes together perfectly. New characters are great, Especially Baofu and Katsuya. TATSUYA THE GOOAAT

it has its cons and pros to innocent sin. i think it's really good, but it can be easy when you learn what defense spamming is. i like how it has more content than innocent sin, but i'm not sure how much of it i actually want to do. great game!

Pretty much the same as IS but with a really forgettable slog of a middle section that peaks at the start and end. The dungeons are more varied this time around but are somehow more annoying in my eyes. Also it shares the same problem as IS of having a party member from the Persona 1 crowd and they feel like a 3rd wheel to the narrative experience compared to the rest of the main cast

this game is 100 times better than innocent sin and innocent sin is already perfect in my eyes. this game perfect expands upon the lore and themes in persona 2 innocent sin, and translates them into more mature adult characters. where as in p2is the party is split 3/2 teens/adults, this games cast is all adults, all at different points in their lives, all having made mistakes. this game shows the adult perspective of the themes presented in p2is and how adults deal with their pasts and their idea of how to do so. however, one this is clear and that amongst all their differing ideas and values, that people are able to change who they are and are not bound to one incident in their lives. without spoiling, the final cutscene to this game not only perfectly juxtaposes the first games final cutscene, but it also perfectly encapsulates persona 2 as a whole.

once again, this games soundtrack is fucking phenominal, as is shares tracks with p2is. graphically, the persona 2 duology are my favourite looking games and how all video games should, actually. the gameplay in this game is far more challenging in this game, and is so smooth, it makes random encounters almost redundant, as they can be over incredibly quickly if you know what youre doing. the biggest upside to these games being the oldsona games is that it doesnt have the wild card mechanic of neosona, so team building is able to be far more indepth than available in those games (Not a bad thing for 3,4,5 as they are built with wild card in mind, its just nice being able to create an entire team build)

yeah, persona 2 is special :)

This is better than xenobalde 3 and One of my favorite RPGs of all time, my favorite cast out of any Persona game even over Innocent Sin and definitely over Xenoblade 3. The cast being comprised of mostly adults makes for a really interesting dynamic nothing else in the series really has, the plot is great but I don't think it'd be as great without them. Most people would say they dislike the gameplay but in this game specifically I found it very fun (sokmething I can't say about the horribly lame designed battle system in xenoblade 3) and challenging although the game is full of PS1 jank and it's definitely not for everyone, you'd probably be better off playing with a guide and one of the dungeons in the game pisses me off really bad even though I like the gameplay.

Not a proper review yet but this is one of my favorite games and I created a comprehensive Google Doc for newcomers interested in trying Persona 2 that I wanted to share. Proper review coming when I replay the duology this winter.

finally a jrpg about a bunch of adults who don't know how to do their taxes

i personally prefer innocent sin, but both games are entirely necessary to each other, and both are peak, also why hasn't persona had a game where the adults are the protags again this one did it well

Pretty cool story that's sadly attached to a low-grade PS1 JRPG. To be honest, after a few hours I was just not vibing with the gameplay and decided I wasn't losing anything by just watching the story on YouTube. A beat Innocent Sin 2 years ago and mostly trudged through that with speed up and grinding. Now, I realize it isn't worth it to act like I'm engaging with the game when I'm not. That aside, the story's neat, it's the most explicit the series has gone into Sci-fi. Back when this came out, I'm sure the mechanics were experimental and conceptually cool, but comparing them to RPGs of today (and even to a degree, some of its contemporaries) it kinda sucks. P2 is amazingly deserving of a remake.

It's okay to feel guilt, regret, or to yearn for something long since lost. It's normal for traumatic experiences to affect you as a person, or to feel that your actions mean that something is entirely your responsibility.

But you don't have to bear the burden alone. There'll always be someone who cares, or wants to help, and things will eventually get better.

In these turbulent times, the Persona 2 duology provide some powerful, meaningful messages that are more important to abide by now than they possibly ever have been. So, let's be positive, everyone.

A letdown compared to Innocent Sin. It's decent and is mandatory to complete Persona 2 but not nearly as good as its counterpart.

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No idea how they made a better cast than Innocent Sin but my god they did. The story is great AND I get to gamble again this time with a detective and prosecutor!

I really don't understand the weird ass combat change where you have to go through 3 fucking menus to input a set of moves. It's implying that this game is less strategy focused and more spammy, but the challenge of the game would tell you otherwise. The game itself is not an insane challenge, but there were bosses where I would have to change my moves every other turn, which is annoying when you need to go through these menus to do so. I really enjoyed the characters of IS, and was insanely disappointed with how they played almost no role in this game. The new main team is very good, and I think everyone was very well written besides Maya getting an obvious downgrade because this game really totally needed a silent protagonist. The story, while good, was kind of just IS again but adding the memory loss aspect to it and swapping the characters.

Replayed on the occasion of the release of the PSP patch, I consider it a great masterpiece the QoL of the PSP version are wonderful and the extra scenarios of Tatsuya are pleasant, even if the last one was practically a Lovecraftian boss rush; nothing to say one of the best RPGs in history.

Worst gameplay on earth, cool characters and story.

They ripped out Maya's vocal cords!!!
Still a based game

this game FUCKS
Best persona ost imo, and one of my favorite casts and stories

rating for story, carried by Ulala and Baofu

Eternal Punishment is far from a perfect game, but it is a very special one to me. Although I still don't enjoy some of its core mechanics, such as the fusion and combat systems, I've come to appreciate every other aspect of it as I've gotten older. Its main cast is easily the most likeable in the series, its neo-noir-ish mood is still unmatched, the soundtrack is awesome, and its themes resonate with me now more than ever. Being an adult sucks, dealing with trauma is difficult, and learning to love and forgive yourself can be tough, but there's always a bright side to everything. In a way, Eternal Punishment did teach me to think positive. With the recent release of the English patch for the PSP remake I really do hope more people finally decide to give this game a genuine shot. It deserves to be recognized as not only one of Atlus's finest, but also as one of the greatest PS1 games.

I blow chunks at this game because it's harder than IS, but still a good time with a great story

Hardest Persona game that i played
i still my favorite persona game
Now i know why this was too hard me was because i did not use buffs and debuffs