Reviews from

in the past

a really amazing labor of love and a remake of a game I've heard tons of good about. I plan to finish 100% when I get there!

so much better than the original in every way possible

This is an incredible accomplishment, the fact this is a fan game is baffling , it is better than the original in every way imaginable , it knows where the original hit , and where it sucked ass, and it changed accordingly, it is also hard as fuck, but not unfair like the original, lives are more plentiful and infinite revives mean the only stress in running out is getting kicked out of the level, overall , amazing game

Epic fan made remaster of a great classic.

I really liked Rayman Redemption and the work and love that has been put in it. In the core, it is just the original Rayman, but with many tweaks, new mechanics, changed level design and a whole new world to explore and complete.

When someone on Grouvee tipped me about the existence of Rayman Redemption, I could not wait to play it. It is a free game, so I downloaded it and started playing.

In Rayman Redemption, every level has been redesigned. They can be larger, have more obstacles or enemies, or feature entire new foes and bosses. The story remains unchanged, although some elements and mini bosses have been added.

It was so much fun to see all the new features, levels, enemies and creativity that this game offered, especially when comparing it to the original game, which I played and loved so much.

You now got a shop in which you can spend your earned blue Lums, to buy new outfits, extra lives and powerups (red P). I thought this was really cool. There is also an increase in the movement speed on the map. Normally, this was at a snail pace, but here, you just race straight to the map you want to play.

Graphicly, nothing changed that much, although there are some new enemy models and mini bosses that are animated in the exact style of the original game. I am really impressed how they pulled that off.

The sound and music effects are just as glorious as the original game. I have to say that I did not like the new Toy World that much. I cannot explain why exactly, maybe it is just that I am not used to see different things in a game that I am so familiar with.

The final levels before Mr. dark were epic. They were completely new and featured a lot of hard challenges. And speaking of challenges, somehow, the creator of the game thought this game was not hard enough. The difficulty is legendary. Some levels were completely insane, especially the last three worlds. To top it off, the hardest battle in the original Rayman, was of course Mr. Dark, but here, they tweaked his fight to be the hardest boss battle I have ever played in my life. A million different forms and mini bosses, a thousand different patterns and attacks to dodge, this was some brutal sh!t. I wasted three game overs on this fight.

Overall, I thought Rayman Redemption was amazing. It is the good old same game, but with a ton of content added. I loved every second of it and would surely recommend it.

Nutshell: It's basically Sonic Mania but with Rayman. Great alternative way to revisit the original game. Irons out some of the more controversial and punishing aspects of the original. Via doing this however, it loses a little bit of the mean soul of the original but to compensate it also adds a vibe of it's own, especially towards the late game which ends very abruptly in the original game.

I have a big nostalgia factor towards the original Rayman on the PS1. Along with Crash Bandicoot it's the first big platformer I encountered that had truly big production values from music and sound design to the artwork itself. Even to this day it oozes the mid 90's "multimedia" ambition of the very early days of that generation where packing in high quality music, video and 2D sprites was possible.

While I wouldn't say it was one of my absolute favourites from the console, I still really quite like it warts and all. As a kid I never originally managed to beat the game due to the brutal limitation of continues (at least without cheating) and the fact that you had to find all the collectibles to even access the final boss, some of which were very well hidden. Only years later along with a guide I managed to finish it on the PSP, but that didn't mean I didn't have a good time as a kid getting to Picture City/Cave of Scops multiple times and running out of lives.

So here comes this reimagining/remake of that game. In very simple terms, it plays exactly like the original game with few key changes.

First off, most of the brutal difficulty that was related to the amount of lives and continues is eased up considerably. On normal difficulty (which I played) the continues are unlimited and the amount of lives you collect are probably around triple compared to the original. Also 1-up pickups now respawn in case there is any need to do some farming.

Secondly, there is making the game feel a bit more modern via widescreen and an array of options. Also compatability with modern machines, getting it to run on a Steam Deck was surprisingly easy and it looked perfect and ran perfect.

All the movement based powerups from the original are unlocked from the start so you can run and glide right from level 1. I never had a problem with having to unlock them, but running especially gives bit of a boost to the early game pacing.

And finally, there is all the new content added to the game. Mainly 1 new world, new levels in the old worlds, some new boss fights, challenge levels and expanded last world and ending.

Overall the new content is quite good and fits with the flow of the game. Sometimes the art and music does not touch the quality of the original, but it's good enough not to make them feel worthwhile additions.

The small faults it has, which there are not many in context of it being a Rayman reimagining, are easy to forgive due to it mostly being done by one guy. Makes it more impressive, really. If one has any affection for the original Rayman, this game gets a warm recommendation from me. I do not think this will make the people who disliked the original change their mind though.

The good:
- It's free. And this does not reflect the quality at all.

- Most of what made Rayman charming is found here as well. The art and music is still incredibly charming.

- Even though some of the art in the new content can't quite
touch the original levles, it's still decent time to actually play. The new world is fine and all, but the reworked ending portion and post-game is a very nice bonus and the biggest improvement over the original in terms of pacing the content.

- No need to read a guide to find the hidden collectibles, the game features a compass for that stuff later on.

- Game is a labour of love and it shows. Probably the best fan made thing in recent memory.

- Collectables actually unlock new stuff instead of just locking the final story boss away like in the original where until you got every single cage, it didn't affect anything.

The bad:
- Not neccessarily a "bad" for all. As someone who appreciates short games, the new content can make the blazing speed you could finish the original game in something you might miss if you are looking for a quick dive. The game is still relatively short, but definitely meatier than the original.

- Some of the wonkiness from the original game is still here. Momentum while swing jumping on higher platforms, knowing if a drop down to a hole leads to a secret or a death and stuff like that.

Redemption for me is pretty much as good as a Rayman 1 fangame can ever get.
It still doesn't fully replace the original for me

I really wanted to like this game but I just cant.

I wanna say my view is all about the base game and not the incredible work this fan remake has done. I'm upset many other games have not got this treatment. I dont see how much more you can improve so great job.

However, rayman 1 is just not for me. I enjoy the visuals and sound design of the game but I cant stand the game play. Ive played bits of orgins and legends and they somehow make me wanna go fast (cause of the amazing movement) and explore everything. And it does it so well, here I just wanted to finish the level as quick as possible.

I may come back to this eventually, I only beat the first world because theirs a lot to love. I just have fun playing this game, so im not gonna play it :(

I quite liked this, although it felt a bit bloated? plus I think the endgame boss with all the fused bosses is a bit much, wasn’t all that fun. But overall, I enjoyed it a lot.

A very solid fan-remake that lives up to the original and then some.
There are so many QoL changes present in this version: A lot of new content got added for more replay value like skins and challenges; the difficulty curve is way more balanced this time around as there are more checkpoints and power ups in each level; collectibles like cages and magician tokens are saved upon obtaining them; the plot itself got expanded to add new enemies and locations, as well as developing the already existing characters even further, like Bzzit's exclusive levels or Mr. Dark having a brand new sidekick and being a bigger of a threat than he already was.

I am convinced by now that this is my preferred way to play Rayman 1, and highly recommend it for those who desire a more fun, but still challenging, experience.

Gosto do Rayman original, mas esse aqui é bem mais balanceado.

Rayman 1 is an evil game. Made by a bunch of French assholes who think it's really funny when spikes spawn right in front of you with only .5 seconds of warning. Assholes who love throwing you into boss fights with little to no explanation of how they work. Eventually, these French assholes got their shit together and made games that are actually meant for normal humans, and even the hardest parts of those games don't reach the level of bullshit that Rayman 1 does.

Now, as a Rayman fan, I just kind of assumed 1 was the weird outlier no one in the fandom really revisits or talks about outside of Rayman trivia or videos of guys screaming over footage of them failing a purple lum swing for the 30th time in a row. So it was quite a surprise to learn this fan remake was a thing! A group of passionate Rayman 1 fans set out to not only remake the game for modern machines but also to make the definitive version of it. New levels, old levels restructured and remade with new mechanics, new sequences and re-balanced boss fights, as well as new bosses and characters altogether. What we have here is an attempt to sober up Rayman 1, making it more palatable for a wider audience, while still keeping the same devious and demanding gameplay. The Sonic-Mania comparison is used a lot in reviews of this game, and it's a fair comparison, but it would be more like if Sonic-Mania was an attempt to "fix" Sonic the Hedgehog 1.

The result ends up being mostly positive, but with a few negatives, speaking as someone who actually likes Rayman 1. The game is better organized now, it has more secondary objectives and unlockables, the most infamous sections have been tweaked to become more readable to the player, and lives are a lot more common. It feels like every level has been reimagined in some way, and overall I think this is a good approach. The legend behind the original game's difficulty is that the game was never playtested by people who weren't the devs, so why not make this game in a way that feels, you know, playtested? And if you're worried the game is too easy now, oh brother, just you wait until the last couple of worlds in the game, you'll get exactly what you were hoping for and a lot more. It's not just made easier, it's balanced, and the odds are slightly more in your favor. I kind of switched back and forth between thinking the game was just the right difficulty and a little too easy for those experienced in the original, but in the end, I think they managed to hit the sweet spot.

I say the game is more balanced, but there's still bullshit that appears out of thin air, and there are still bosses that have one mechanic that feels impossible to figure out (it's Mr. Skopps, I should stop being vague and just say I fucking hate Mr. Skopps). Sometimes Redemption elaborates on mechanics in a way I find annoying, and not in a good way, like any puzzle that requires you to guide a ball anywhere. Moments like this sort of made me question the process of what was considered "too much" vs what had to be kept in to keep the spirit of the original game.

The biggest change I have a problem with is the fact that you have the ability to run from the beginning of the game. In the original, you go quite a while before gaining the ability to run, and many people saw this as a negative. With the modern expectations of 2D platformers, it probably makes more sense for the ability to run to be available at all times. The early levels in Redemption are re-balanced to account for this, so it's not like you're breaking the game or anything, but the deliberate nature of Rayman 1 is sort of lost with this change. I liked the way that the original was a platformer that really makes you consider each jump. You have to really think about momentum, you have to think fast because you can't move fast under normal circumstances. Once you do get the ability to run in the original, it's not as mindless as the run button in a Mario game, because there are very often moments to run and not run, it's something to consider carefully. But in Redemption, that aspect is lost, it essentially is a Mario run button, and there's no reason to not be holding it until some very late levels in the game. For a game that's trying to retain the spirit of the original as much as possible, this feels like a needless "fix".

Of course, with this re-balanced version of Rayman 1, now I have to wonder if this would appeal to 2D platformer fans who don't care about Rayman. I like the original, so of course I enjoyed this, but does this remake justify Rayman 1's presence 25 years after the original's release? Honestly, I think it's worth checking out. While some changes irk me, it still presents a different mode of 2D platformer design than what most audiences are used to and still has that Weird Frenchness that's all over the Rayman series. I don't think any of it reaches the heights of Rayman Origins/Legends, but I think it's worth checking out for any fan of 2D platformers, and if you're going to play any version of this Rayman 1, it should be this one. And when you're done with it, maybe consider giving the original a look, I promise there's something there.


A fairly solid 2D platformer bogged down by some abyssal lows
The QoL changes are very nice though thank you for your service Ryemanni

Si os gusta Rayman, si os encantaría ver el primer título de la saga reescalado y mejorado, o si por algún extraño motivo os pareció un poco fácil y desearíais que tuviese desafíos adicionales, no seáis torpes y probad esta maravilla de fangame. Es el Rayman original con mayor resolución, niveles extra, nuevas herramientas de movilidad, opciones de personalización y desafíos duros de roer. Y lo más importante: es GRATIS (como es lógico, es un fangame).

Level 1 : Pixel perfect jump (le easy)
Level 18: calculate 12 + 21 under 5 minutes (le hard)

i really like rayman 1, it was a great start for rayman and i really like the early style of the glade of dreams and the enchanting music this game makes me feel really warm inside. the original is kind of unplayable but redemption makes it easy to play through.

Definitive way to enjoy Rayman 1, but it's good enough play the original just for history sake. Mind you: this version makes the game enjoyable since the original is undoubtly hard and is filled with frustrating parts.

Rayman 1 was a game with a good everything outside of gameplay, and with Redemption fixing that, it's finally an experience worth playing through. The game has a real difficulty curve instead of just seemingly shooting up at random and the dev's own inclusions aren't intrusive to the original assets of Rayman 1. Pretty nice game.

A really well made fan recreation of the original Rayman. Sadly I got to a point of feeling bored with this as it felt like it was dragging on a bit and getting frustratingly annoying with some level design aspects but I feel like thats more down to Rayman 1's design as a whole not really feeling that engaging to me personally.

Made me realise what never clicked with Origins for me though: the artstyle and sense of dreamlike wonder of Rayman 1, which makes me think of Tempo on the 32X or Ristar and other games of the mid 90s that carry that same dreamlike wonder in my eyes, feels so much more interesting and just nice to me than Origins' weird style that just always gave me the vibes of one of those forgettable cartoons that were bad even as a kid but you have to wait for something better to be on. Idk tangent aside I thought this was fun in its first half it just starts to feel repetitive and annoying at times.

It seems super fun at first, but the level design quickly nosedives; levels are WAY too open and directionless, which ultimately makes the game feel weirdly empty but dense at the same time.

To end this on a more positive note, this was clearly made by someone passionate about the series, and I'm happy this project allowed me to finally try one of my favorite character's first game

the definitive way to play the original rayman

I have yet to play Rayman 1 and I know it's supposedly clunky, but this fan remake exposes its creative ideas and in turn becomes one of the most enjoyable 2D platformers I've experienced. Unique level elements mixed with incredibly well hidden secrets combine to make every level stand out and excel in ways I never expected. The remake itself is superb, all of the new content blends in effortlessly and ties the package together perfectly.


Rayman Redemption lives up to its title, it absolutely remedies a lot of the bullshit the PS1 game threw at you. Highly recommended for those looking to experience Rayman 1 in a much more enjoyable fashion

Una reimaginación de Rayman que lo eleva a picos insospechables, con increíbles cantidades de nuevo contenido. Más que un reemplazo de la experiencia original, se siente como su propia cosa, y lo hace fantásticamente.

Rayman 1 for people who don't like rayman 1.

Maybe it has some merits on its own(but certainly not the new levels, who are the worst part of it) and the original was far from perfect, but the whole project its like spitting on everything that made the original unique and replacing it with nintendo TM formulas.

People should be able to clear 99% of the game without trouble so everything is easier and you get more lives. Slow paced platformers are bad so the player must get the run ability from the start even if that makes the game even easier. Having unique enemies as obstacles is weird so we turn then into mid bosses. Also we need a recurring mid boss. And having an unique last stage is strange so we make a whole world out of it. To finish it, let's make a huge difficulty spike right at the final boss and make the fight extremely long and obnoxious leading to even more stuff.

Rayman 1 merecía ser arreglado y este juego lo consigue, además de que añade algunas mejoras jugables, mayor campo visual, mejor cámara, mecánicas nuevas y otras novedades. Sin embargo no me gusta que haya demasiadas vidas extra puestas por todos los mapeados que facilitan en exceso el avance, y que ya no hay cámara auto-scroll en secciones como en las que nos persigue un enemigo invencible o aquellas verticales en las que va subiendo el agua, perdiendo mucho en cuanto a la tensión que trataba de comunicar el juego original durante esos momentos.

Full showcase over at my website:

''This is not a product experienced developers could have made. This is a product only a true fan of the Rayman series could have made, and Ryemanni has absolutely nailed it. Rayman Redemption has easily become the most accessible version of the original game, with an actual fair difficulty and a ton of added content. Honestly… I don’t think I can ever return to the original Rayman now that this fangame exists. Many people have dubbed this as the ”Sonic Mania of the Rayman series” and I completely agree. This deserves to go out there as an example of what amazing things fans can come up with.''

The best remake I've ever played
The original Rayman is a decent game, it's got great music, a wonderful sense of creativity, and is pretty fun for the first few worlds.
But after a while it just goes to shit. The dificulty spikes are massive, Rayman's slow movement speed eventually becomes unbearable, and in order to beat the game you have to break every cage, many of which are way too cryptic. To top it off, if you run out of continues you have to start the game all over again.
Rayman Redemption takes everything great about the original and makes it a million times better. Rayman has all of his moves from the start, including his run, making his slow walk a non-issue. The game is much more balanced now, due to Rayman's added mobility and other QOL features such as having an option for infinite lives, no knockback when getring hit, no turn animation when crawling, etc. The game also has shops that give you skins, power ups, and most importantly, new radars that point you to where those pesky cages/presents are.
All of this doesn't make the game too easy though, in fact at times it can get even more challenging than the original. The big difference here is that Redemption is much more fair and overall more fun to play than the original.
There's pretty much no reason to even go back to the original now. Rayman 1 is my least favorite Rayman game, but this remake is my #1. And the best part? The game is a free fan creation! Ubisoft doesn't get a cent from this! Go play it now!

I've almost made it 100% through this game. It's the best fun I've had in years. PERIOD.