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in the past

game was kinda frustrating entering fill lobbies with four year olds

GooeyScale: 65/100

(I already reviewed the game + Octo Expansion in a single shot, but since I'm not sure if to consider that a """collection""" I'm just going to review this game aside while leaving that other one in reference also to the DLC, being part of the base game and not technically stand-alone)

'aight, so what can we say from the perspective of a player that started the series with the original one for Wii U? It definitely felt a sequel alright on the story mode and surely the levels and sectors aren't exactly the same.
But I still did felt the "more of the same" in this one, and it kinda makes me question if Splatoon 3 is worth from someone that plays occasionally online (not in competitive) and is interested in the game on lore, worldbuilding etc.
I did mention in another review that Octo Expansion is still the real deal on that matter, making the base experience very "unripe".

Maybe I shouldn't because the main point of Splatoon is just have fun in this third-person shooter focused on the teamwork?

Idk, I still like the base gameplay, but if what makes the game "new" are just some new (still awesome though, especially the bucket and paintbrush) weapons, map/scenarios (obviously), 2 new idols and Splatfest (that are always on expiration date, I wanna remind you. They are there, just at the moment, and for anyone wanting to experience these later it won't be possible, just like any live service) then I'm afraid I won't ever keep it up and it won't be enough for me.

Sure, you can argoment and say "well every NSMB feels the same, so why can't Splatoon do the same for the campaign" I just wanna say that I'd still criticize the NSMB because of it, don't worry lol. And yes, what I wanna say is just that it feels like a weak argument.

Only discussing the original single player campaign here.
I thought it was a fun little experience, a welcome increase in difficulty from the original. I preferred the platforming challenges to the combat ones personally.
Excited to see what the octo expansion I see everyone raving about has to offer!
Oh and that heavenly melody...

was one of my quarantine games, so i have a soft spot for it

This sequel isn't much better or worse than its predecessor. It was very clearly put together quickly in order to fill out the Switch's first year titles. The main meat of this is in the Octo-Expansion, which has the best campaign currently in the series.
Off the Hook > Squid Sisters

Incredible music. I've been won over to the silly butt rock.

worse tickrate than the first one on the wii u, how ?


Из большой консольной тройки Нинтедо очень сильно выделяется своим подходом к играм. Они очень сильно делают упор на геймдизайн и оценивая их продукты нужно оценивать именно его. И тут ситуация двоякая.
Пушек достаточно много, но сказать что все со своим гиммиком это небольшое преувеличение, некоторые могут выполнять ту же самую функцию, но делать эту функция слегка иначе. Но все равно гибкость снаряжение присутствует и каждый сможет подобрать пушку под себя, но именно здесь и зарыта собака. Игре в основном плевать на твои хотелки и она будет выдавать то оружие которое она захочет. Конечно можно перепройти уровень с тем оружием которое ты хочешь, но вот только нету мотивации этим заниматься, по многим причинам. Такой подход очень сковывает свободу, но свободу сковывает ещё и сам левел дизайн. Либо ты делаешь как задумано либо страдаешь. Эти проблемы не касаются уровней в которых презентуют новые пушки, там как раз эти ограничение смотрятся органично, потому что показывают потенциал пушки.
"Показать" - это впринципе лозунг одиночного режима. Игра рассчитана на онлайновые зарубы, а одиночный режим это скорее придаток. Но все равно потерянного времени на игру не жаль, просто потому что самая игра всё ещё весёлая, а левел дизайн хоть и скованный, но вполне интересный. А ещё арт дизайн и музыка очень органичные и доставляют.

Но надо пробовать Octo Expansion. Слышал хорошие отзывы об этом DLC, буду надеяться что там всё станет лучше.

اكثر لعبة عندي ذكريات جيدة معها
قعدت العبها الاسابيع كلها اول ما امتلكتها و اشارك في سبلاتفستس
و السبلاتفست الاخير كان من قمم حياتي و انا العب في فريق الكايوس مع اصدقائي
لعبة ما بنساها

I never played Splatoon 1 so I have nothing to compare it to. It was ok, I played a couple of times but never got too into it.

I like its ideas and the music is weird but kinda cool. Yeah idk, I rather just play a real shooter lol.

3 stars and a half because of Marina. She ignites a fire inside of my chest AND my balls.

Can't wait for YOUR servers to disappear Splatoon 1 is way better in my opinion.

Super fun, dommage que ce soit une exclu qui force le jeu à mourir dans l’oubli.

Don't get cooked, stay Off the Hook!

With a story mode that's just a blatant rehash of the original game's, and the bold plan to lock its only new idea behind an arbitrary schedule, Splatoon 2 still succeeds where Splatoon never managed: it's on a console that people actually play.

Underrated dms. Uma das maiores mitadas da metendo.

the first and only time i’ve dipped my toes in serious competitive gaming. best and worst time of my life

Fun shooter, all around improvement. Can't go wrong with it.

damn you Nintendo for making me get set behind on this game because of me having to pay for online service! i was having so much fun and you ruined it!

These Games are so fun, I love them, they're great. it's a simple and fun shooter with a Nintendo coat of pant over it. Really like this.

Didn't spend quite as much time with this one as I did with the first but it has a bunch of upgrades compared to its prequel that make it more fun overall

Hooked. Actually spent hundreds of hours in this game i absolutely love the art and the music, the vibes are unmatched

didnt play too much but loved every second i did whne i didtdgt

How did we live with this for 5 years???