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in the past

Tangle Tower is definitely a GOTY-worthy game in my book, while I loved and enjoyed Detective Grimoire this game really took the breath out of me. They truly perfected everything from the previous game, continuing with high-quality art design, story and voice-acting.

It's a classic murder mystery with a kinda dysfunctional family and it brings my mind to an Agatha Christie novel despite Grimoire not being much of a Poirot. But it's also more than that, it's also uncovering the secrets of three families and the current family members staying in Tangle Tower. Each character is unique and has their own personality, which makes the game very enjoyable when interacting with them.

I can't express how much I enjoyed this game other than recommending it to everyone! It's a bonus if you played Detective Grimoire first, but it is not mandatory to do so. This game is more of a stand-alone sequel than anything. I can't wait for the third upcoming one!

Fun dialogue, characters, art style and atmosphere! Really liked talking to everyone, ending felt a lil abrupt tho.

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Some things in the investigation that are really interesting never get brought up again. The villain's motivation is kinda odd and the conclusion is insanely abrupt?

The music, VA ,visuals and characters are mostly excellent here.

Edit: After some retrospection, I've bumped this up a notch. Solely for the fact I thought about Penelope's motivation more. She kinda got what she wanted in the end; she got to be free of Tangle Tower and can't return to it.

A charming murder mystery with a lovely aesthetic, an engaging collection of oddball suspects, and puzzles that take some level of considered thought without making you bust out a walkthrough. Short and sweet!

The second Detective Grimoire game is a definite improvement on the first. The animation and character design is consistently, the music is better and more varied, the central mystery is more interesting and layered and the puzzles are a little more fleshed out. All that said, I can't deny that Tangle Tower still feels as though it lacks a certain something. That certain something might just be difficulty.

This is (aside from the first Grimoire game) possibly the easiest point and click/detective game I've ever played. But then, I do think it is aimed at younger players, so it's hard to really criticise it on that basis. If you have a child and want to show them a fairly toothless and fun whodunnit, then you can't really go wrong with Tangle Tower, but if you're coming off the back of Obra Dinn and Sherlock Holmes, you might struggle to enjoy it as much. All that aside, it's a very pretty game and the voice performances are great and surprisingly lengthy. It's also pretty short, clocking in at four, maybe five hours, so if you want a breezy afternoon game, then this might be a good sale pickup for you.

A marvelous and quick little murder mystery point and click game with great music, wonderful art style, and a great runtime!

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legitimately the conclusion of this mystery was so unsatisfying I was expecting it to be like the midpoint or a goof but no the game just ends like that

Pretty fun mystery game with fantastic voice acting and beautiful art. The mystery itself has a good beginning when you interrogate all the new characters (because the voice acting is so good) and solve a few Layton-esque puzzles, a kinda rough middle where you kinda just mash the hint button because the game sort of lacks a way of directing you to the right rooms beyond that, and a good ending where you put all the pieces together and feel a bit smart because the game guides you to answers pretty well I feel.

I recommend it especially at a discount for a short mystery game.

oh my god I loved this game so much!
i’m a sucker for mystery games so naturally as soon as i saw this on the store i added it to my library!

the artstyle was definitely the first thing that caught my eyes, its very Double Fine-esque so no wonder I fell absolutely in love with it!

the animations are so well done & smooth as butter, it shows this Jonathan guy was the perfect guy to do it

some of the gameplay also reminded me of, probably my favorite mystery solving saga Ace Attorney, so i felt right at home with the mechanics. its like they grabbed the more interesting aspects such as the ability of presenting each item/ character to each character in the house & hearing their take in it- brings so much more realism & context to the game

the only critic i have is the console version, the UX can be totally improved, just by mapping some actions to the gamepad buttons instead of making the user navigate & interact with everything only using the pointer! i tapped the button B so many times trying to close menus lol

but besides that, i really loved this game for real. as soon as i finished it i was hoping there’d be at least a rumor of a sequel. so imagine the excitement when i found out about The mermaid’s tongue <3

Little masterpiece right here, every aspect is outstanding, exquisitely crafted stuff. Wonderful art style, and those animations! Characters you just can't get enough of. Get a stylus and some headphones and curl up under a blanket and solve a cracking mystery. Go on!

it's like The Case of the Golden Idol meets those old point-and-click Scooby Doo PC games with the humour of a peak mid-to-late 2000s Cartoon Network show. charming aesthetic and great voice acting too. do wish it was a little more distinct in terms of gameplay and can't help but feel as though the ending fell quite flat. looking forward to the next installment though!

Picked it up on sale for like a euro, absolute gem. I love solving mysteries, I love great visuals, this has both. It was fun, it was funny, the ending isn't what i hoped it to be but a stellar switch game.

Even if it’s not for me this game is beautifully made with clearly a lot of passion that I’d still highly recommended

Fun mystery, charming characters and a style that left me wanting 20 more of these games.


To revisit Tangle Tower was event better than I could have imagined to be honest and works surprisingly well. I forgot big chunks of the mystery and was able to re-evaluate how well it tells it's story. The simple answer is: brilliant.

Tangle Tower is very well paced, very tested towards intuitive progression (which is surprisingly uncommon for most Point and Click Adventures). It manages to stay funny all the way through, with very snappy dialogue that is just excellently voiced. In my eyes, this even surpasses the mystery crafting of Thimbleweed Park, which I found to be one of the best the genre had to offer. Think of Tangle Tower of a mini Danganronpa Chapter, cut 90% of the horrible and weird and creepy gameplay and character-interactions and now pretend the case is actually graspable and not complete moon-logic bullshit. That's Tangle Tower. My appretiation for this only grew.

"Co-Funded by the European Union"

I'll leave it up to you whether or not you want to support such a regime.

لعبتها و انا مريض
لن اكذب, حسنت مزاجي
اريد ألعب الجزء السابق يوم ما

final meio meh e tem uma história meio frouxa mas tem puzzles legais e equilibrados e uma arte legal

final meio paia com uns furo estranho, mas valeu a pena. Jogo legal e bonito com puzzles interessantes e não tão complicados.

I liked the puzzles and art, it reminded me a bit of the nancy drew games

Muito bem feito, e extremamente divertido desvendar os mistérios

le jeu est vraiment vraiment cool le fond comme la forme un vrai plaisir mais micro spoiler la fin qui est décevante j’aime pas qu’on essaie de nous faire deviner qui est le tueur mais que l’explication est impossible à faire par sois même zéro intérêt quoi

Básicamente un juego de interrogar sospechosos y resolver puzzles para llegar al fondo del misterio. El arte es TODO, un gran diseño de personajes- Los actores de doblaje, en mi opinión lo hacen muy bien. Esperando que sigan con la serie del detective Grimoire.

this was such a silly little game!! short but sweet, got a few good chuckles outta me, and the visuals and soundtrack are SOOOOO good dude, half the fun of meeting new characters was seeing what kinda fun animations they were going to have :D
honestly my only real complaint is that the Big Twist didn't really land for me but i think that might be because i accidentally spoiled myself on it from a walkthrough like. 5 minutes before i actually got to it lmao

Great art and designs, good writing, and characters really brought to life through a talented voice cast and charming animation.

Tem um plot maneirinho q vale a pena

A short and charming little murder mystery game a la Professor Layton.

The characters are well written, acted, and full of personality. The game is a little too short however to show off an arc to most of them, or see any meaningful interaction, which I would have liked.

Puzzles are pretty easy for the most part, and the game gives you a lot of direction so you pretty much never get lost. The main gameplay is really just looking around in rooms and finding the right things to click, which I don't find awfully exciting.

Ultimately it's cute and I see why someone might love this, but the gameplay isn't engaging for me personally.