Reviews from

in the past

(I haven't played any of the previous entries in the series, so I can't say how this one compares)
In the debate about whether games are entertainment or art, The Crew Motorfest falls squarely on the entertainment side.
It's an open-world racing game in the same genre as Forza Horizon. The main features are - an expansive world with varied terrain and geography, hundreds of cars of all types - hypercars, F1 cars, all-terrain vehicles, dragsters and others, even planes and boats and of course multiplayer to play with friends or competitively. Unlike its predecessors, It doesn't feature the entire USA, focusing solely on Hawaii. Even with one of its main selling points lost, the game still holds up and provides what it intends to - entertainment. It has no intention to be anything else. It is simply a checklist of challenges to be done by the player, interspersed with cool cars.
If that is what you are looking for, then The Crew Motorfest is right up your alley. Going into it, you shouldn’t expect a good storyline or anything deeper. For me, it was more of a time killer than anything else. I played it because I was bored and had nothing else to do.

The Motorfest is a festival in Hawaii commemorating… everything, by inviting every maniac who wants to do 10X the speed limit and blow through every school zone while going at their supercar's top speed.
As you can guess, the story isn't the focus. The main challenges are structured in "playlist" type events based on various themes. While they serve their gameplay purpose fairly well, engaging with the speakers in a deeper way did not happen during my playthrough.

𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲
As this is a racing game, most of the time that's what you will be doing. The main campaign is those playlists I described above. They are fairly creative and there is some fun to be had with them. Like one dedicated to classic cars, makes you drive without assists, or forcing you to drive full throttle while avoiding obstacles. So, it's not all just - beat the 8 other cars.
Once one of them is beaten, extra challenges are unlocked. They consist of: do X activity X number of times or collectibles. I would say that they just serve the purpose of padding out the run time, but the entirety of Motorfest feels like that, so it isn't that different.
At the time I was playing, there were 3 multiplayer events. I never even tried the battle royal, so I won't comment on it. The grand race is a 28-player race that involves multiple categories and is quite long. It is fun, but it's also the only kind of PVP racing, which is weird. You can't just pick a circuit and race there against other players or friends. The last event is a week-long activity where you try to get as many points as possible to be able to earn exclusive rewards. Points are earned by completing challenges as best you can, and only 10 thousand players can qualify for the top rewards. There is one big issue with this event, it's very grind to win, i.e., if you have the optimal parts your chances of winning increase drastically.
Cars are the big selling point - fast, slow, big, small, you name it they (might) have it. The car list isn't as expansive as some of the competition, like Forza, but it's still in the hundreds and has plenty of surprises. Much attention has been given to the customization as well. It is somewhat inconsistent, sometimes all that can be changed is the colour, other times I was shocked to see what the manufacturer let them do. Like a widebody on a 1 out of 1 concept hypercar. One of the last things that kept me playing by the end was to just buy and customize more cars.
On the other hand, the upgrade system has been described as atrocious and deal-breaking by some. I somewhat agree, but I can see why it was made this way. There are no set upgrades purchasable immediately for any car, instead after every race you are given multiple parts that you can equip. Every vehicle of the same class accepts the same parts and thus can be upgraded to the same level. There is also a rarity system, which can give you a massive advantage with the correct setup. If this wasn't in the game, my playtime would have been halved, as that's about how much I spent grinding for parts. (I was bored, okay)
Handling is good for an arcade-style racing game, in my opinion at least. I mean, I've never driven an actual car, so I can't say whether it's realistic, but at least it's fun.

The graphics are at that level that if someone were to tell me that we are never getting better graphics than this, I wouldn't be complaining. Everything looks pretty good and has enough details. Every vehicle has a fully modelled interior and their sounds are superb, some of the best in the industry, behind Gran Turismo.
My only problem is that the art direction feels quite bland. It looks good, but it also looks like every other open-world racing game.

I see the festive/party they were going for, but it really, really doesn’t hit. I attribute it to the bland visuals and the lack of focus on the narrative aspect.

Motorfest has either none or a very small amount of music made for the game itself. Most of the time, you will be listening to the radio, which has exclusively music made by a variety of artists. The quality of the radio is okay, but after a while, it does get repetitive. Besides, why not just listen to your radio that has music you know you will enjoy? That's what I did.
For that reason, I don’t have a favourite part of the OST.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
It's ironic, I have the same amount of memories for games I’ve played for 100+ hours and for games I’ve played for less than 10.

Great roster of cars amazing customization, the playlists were all entertaining and had a lot of variety to them, the island of Hawaii was a great choice for a map, however this game feels like it’s missing something

Definitivamente um jogo da Ubisoft. Divertido e problemático ao mesmo tempo. Vendo o sucesso de Forza Horizon, a Ubisoft decidiu se inspirar (pra não dizer outra coisa) no jogo da Playground e introduzir um festival a The Crew.

Eu não gosto dos jogos anteriores dessa franquia, então qualquer mudança seria positiva pra mim e é meio isso que aconteceu. A grande novidade são as playlists, que são series de eventos de uma certa temática e funcionam como mini carreiras, são bem divertidas e o destaque do jogo, cada uma com um tom e apresentação diferente, entregando muita variedade. Não tem muito mais o que fazer fora isso pra um jogador solo, o resto do jogo é todo focado no online. O mapa é bem feito, bem bonito, mais detalhado e caprichado, até por ser menor, mas continua meio morto. A lista de veículos é bem completa e a gameplay é similar à do segundo jogo, mas com algumas atualizações, nada que mude muito sua experiencia, o problema do jogo anterior não era a gameplay. A sensação de velocidade e o sound design tão bem melhores que antes, deu pra perceber que foi um ponto onde se dedicaram mais. A má otimização do jogo e o Launcher PODRE da Ubisoft atrapalham, especialmente em eventos online.

Uma alternativa interessante a Forza Horizon, que consegue divertir. Recomendo numa promoção.

Good but it's less the same than The 2. It clearly was supposed to be an expansion and they turned into a new game that feels bland. Will wait for The Crew 3.

Pontos Positivos:

Melhorias na Condução: O jogo apresenta a melhor dirigibilidade da série até agora.
Gráficos e Iluminação: Destacam-se os gráficos detalhados e a iluminação forte, especialmente durante os pôr do sol.
Variedade de Veículos: Mais de 600 veículos, incluindo carros, barcos, aviões e bicicletas.
Jogabilidade Multiplataforma: Suporte para jogar online entre diferentes plataformas.

Pontos Negativos:

Mapa Reduzido: O mapa é uma versão menor da ilha de O’ahu, o que pode decepcionar quem esperava a escala continental dos jogos anteriores.
Mundo Pouco Povoado: A falta de pessoas nas ruas e o tráfego leve podem dar uma sensação de mundo vazio.
Microtransações: Presença constante de microtransações pode ser um incômodo.

Jogos Semelhantes:

Série Forza Horizon: Compartilha muitas semelhanças em termos de corridas em mundo aberto e variedade de veículos.
Need For Speed Unbound: Oferece corridas de rua com nitro e uma vibe urbana.

Duração do Jogo:

História Principal: Cerca de 20 horas.
Completista: Até 44,5 horas para completar tudo.


A campanha tem sido descrita como ligeiramente desigual, com uma introdução positiva, mas perde ímpeto ao longo do tempo.

Vale a Pena?

A resposta varia de acordo com as preferências pessoais. Alguns jogadores destacam melhorias significativas em relação aos jogos anteriores e recomendam a compra, enquanto outros sugerem esperar por mais conteúdo ou descontos. Se você gostou dos jogos anteriores da série, é provável que encontre valor no The Crew: Motorfest.

I liked. At first the gameplay is difficult, but over time I got used to it, knowing how to tweak the settings. It's very quick to complete the game.

when your attempt at copying NFS failed, so you reboot the series by going back to the drawing board to make a new game from scratch copying forza this time

This game has a lot of potential. Great graphics and performance, a stunning and huge island as playground, many cars, it has it all. However once you start delving deeper you’re met with inconsistent driving models, the very worst of In App Purchasing and a confusing mess of menu’s. My god, how I wanted to have an Horizon Motorsport like on Playstation. Well that didn’t turn out well.

Didn't expect this one to be as interesting as it was and I didn't expect to play it for a lot more than FM8, but I'm still a lil disappointed by this one. It's a visual step up from TC2 and Grand Race is a phenomenally fun game mode but I'm waiting for it to break out of this "vanilla" stage. Everything just feels so similar to TC2 structurally and a lot of the features I didn't like return here -- you still can't pause your game without it timing out and you can't sell your cars -- while new gripes make their debut: the avatar models are kinda ass, the lack of houses makes the game less immersive, and some of the inner workings of the career mode make no sense. Tbh tho I know this game is one or two major expansions away from blossoming into something crazy. Still holding out hope for that Japan expansion.


Such a fun racing game to play. The map is beautiful, and customizing is great. Only complaint is that the map is way smaller compared to the Crew 2, but having a smaller map does make it more detailed and lively so it’s not a breaking point, and not being able to use your owned cars for races is definitely a drawback. But I will admit racing with different cars is pretty fun.

Casual yarış severler kaçırmasın. Hak ettiği değeri asla görmediğini düşünüyorum. Umarım daha çok satar

Only logged 2.5 hours and I'm pretty sold on this game. Great handling model, nice variety of events and cars in the playlists and an excellent and vibrant open-world to explore. I found myself in zen-mode after playing a few races. Have not yet raced against other players online but keen on trying that when I will definitely cop this one later on as it gets a bigger discount.

another great game in the The Crew franchise, highly recommend it.

played the Free Trial
I liked the game, it was fun to play and might think of buying it but for some reason I've expected that it would also give you your lost time back when you rewind it, because you're also rewinding the time; was bothering even in that little timed gameplay.

it's camera might be one of the best cameras in a game, loved it.

Razoável em tudo que se propôs, parce uma alternativa ok pro Forza Horizon

After 3 iterations, The Crew finally receives a handling model that feels good to drive. To achieve this, however, it's clear that Ivory Tower had to ditch the variety of vehicles available and the astonishingly large maps the previous games were known for. As a result, Motorfest is a competent and fun racer that falls in on the racing line rather than standing out from the pack.

Surprisingly really fun! The bigger variety of vehicle types compared to Forza Horizon and just about every other open world racing game (even if the number of non-cars themselves is kinda low) adds a lot of variety to the gameplay, and it has a surprisingly dense and lively overworld when compared to FH5 (and most modern open world racing games I’ve played, honestly). The customization is also really good; I missed the individual body part customization this game has.

This makes me wanna try Test Drive Unlimited, which also takes place in Oahu and comes from the same developers as this game.

installing a fucking ubisoft launcher feels like a computer tapeworm so im docking points tho

Game #133: The Crew: Motorfest

I was kinda biased towards Motorfest because of the map change but I was really wrong. Hawaii is great, visually it's astonishing, driving feels good and most playlists are bangers as well. Currently this and Forza Horizon 4 are my favorite racing games.


I played a little bit of The Crew 2 last week, simply because I thought it was worth it for the unique map and the nice looking car interiors. I thought it was relatively good enough if it's stretching itself thin in every direction by featuring such a large map and cluttering it with way too many diverse vehicles. If it it stripped itself it down to solely cars, I thought it had the makings of a world class driving game (albeit maybe not a world class racing game) in the mold of its spiritual predecessor, Rest Drive Unlimited.

Motorfest is closer to that game. It's mostly cars. It's a smaller map. It's kind of a more direct Forza Horizon (FH5) clone but that's okay because again, Test Drive Unlimited walked so Horizon could run. I think the driving and car handling is way imporved. The map is stunning. The destructible environments make race events less of a curse than in The Crew 2. And this game just has a sense of fun and frivolity that Horizon is missing. All the little unique playlist touches are gorgeous and nice to play through. The festival environment in this game spreads itself much broader. The whole map feels closer to the tone of the Hot Wheels DLCs and the game is better off for it. I'm sure I'll get bored at some point but this is the antidote to the modern racer right here. A better Need for Speed than Unbound. A better festival racer than Horizon 5. Just stunning.

Excellente surprise de la part d'Ubisoft. Un jeu de voiture avec des sensations très sympa, plusieurs playlists diverses et variées et un coop très fun, je recommande!

Options -> Audio -> Character Voices -> 0

You can thank me later.

Review in PT and English

The Crew Motorfest: Uma Viagem familiar ou uma Expansão Luxuosa?

Nesta análise, serei direto, e, ao contrário das outras, será bastante concisa... Eu acredito. The Crew Motorfest marca a mais recente investida da Ubisoft na franquia The Crew, uma série que busca surfar na onda (e até superar, em alguns aspectos, a franquia concorrente da Microsoft, Forza Horizon) desde o seu início. O jogo, no entanto, parece uma replicação de seus predecessores, especialmente inspirado em Forza Horizon. Ele abrange uma variedade de tipos de corridas que já vimos antes: corridas exclusivas noturnas com carros elétricos, desafios off-road, corridas de rua clássicas, contra o relógio, indo do ponto X ao Y no menor tempo possível sem danificar o carro, competições de drift com hypercars, Porsches, carros de Fórmula, e mais. Além disso, desafios reminiscentes de Forza Horizon estão espalhados pelo mapa, incluindo caças ao tesouro, testes de radar de velocidade, saltos, desafios fotográficos e outros.

A variedade de carros, barcos, motocicletas e aviões é diversificada, apresentando desde clássicos até veículos de ponta que ainda são conceitos na indústria. Visualmente, os gráficos (testados no Xbox Series S) rivalizam com os da franquia concorrente. Momentos admirando as paisagens pitorescas do Havaí são verdadeiramente encantadores, bem elaborados e louváveis. A jogabilidade envolvendo barcos e aviões, embora não seja minha especialidade (excluindo The Crew e GTA), pode ser considerada aceitável, mas não se destaca. No entanto, aprimorar a dirigibilidade de carros e motocicletas contribui para a diversão geral. Correr pelo Havaí em alta velocidade, seja nas rodovias ou fora delas, é uma experiência alegre, amplificada por uma trilha sonora que, embora não seja excepcional, complementa a atmosfera do jogo. É digno de nota que a inclusão de uma música de uma das minhas bandas favoritas, o KISS, acrescenta um toque agradável.

Apesar do jogo receber elogios generalizados, ele deixa a desejar em alguns aspectos, principalmente no departamento gráfico. Apesar de visualmente atraentes, os carros carecem de uma representação realista de danos, especialmente evidente na visão da cabine, onde danos nas janelas não são visíveis. Os danos reais aos carros deixam muito a desejar em comparação com Forza Horizon. Outra desvantagem é a aparente escassez de campeonatos em comparação com concorrentes ou outros títulos da franquia, limitando a variedade de experiências de jogo. No entanto, a maior decepção reside no tamanho do mapa do jogo. Apesar da beleza impressionante do Havaí, ele parece relativamente pequeno. Consequentemente, o jogo dá a impressão de ser um DLC luxuoso para The Crew 2, aprimorando alguns aspectos e oferecendo a oportunidade de correr pelo Havaí. Esta instalação parece mais um jogo independente ou uma expansão do que uma verdadeira sequência, semelhante a Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

Uma das características marcantes dos jogos anteriores de The Crew era a capacidade de explorar os EUA de norte a sul. Omissões desse recurso expansivo retiram parte do charme e da alma do jogo. Embora replicar os EUA possa parecer repetitivo, explorar The Crew em outro país, como Japão, Inglaterra ou França, poderia ter sido uma alternativa cativante. Infelizmente, essa oportunidade foi perdida. Em conclusão, The Crew 2 se destaca como um excelente jogo de corrida arcade, mas deixa a desejar em termos de tamanho do mapa e variedade de conteúdo. Se você é um entusiasta ávido de jogos de corrida, eu o recomendo enfaticamente, especialmente se aprecia o gênero de corrida em mundo aberto.


The Crew Motorfest Review: A Familiar Ride or a Lavish Expansion?**

In this review, I'll be straightforward, and unlike the others, it will be rather concise... I believe. The Crew Motorfest marks Ubisoft's latest foray into The Crew franchise, a series that has aimed to ride the wave (and even surpass, in some aspects, Microsoft's rival franchise, Forza Horizon) since its inception. The game, however, feels like a replication of its predecessors, especially drawing heavy inspiration from Forza Horizon. It encompasses a range of race types we've seen before: exclusive nighttime races with electric cars, off-road challenges, classic street races, time trials from point X to Y without damaging the car, drift competitions with hypercars, Porsches, Formula cars, and more. Additionally, challenges reminiscent of Forza Horizon are scattered across the map, including treasure hunts, speed radar trials, jumps, photo challenges, and others.

The assortment of cars, boats, motorcycles, and planes is diverse, featuring both classic and cutting-edge vehicles that are still industry concepts. Visually, the graphics (tested on the Xbox Series S) rival those of the competing franchise. Moments spent admiring the picturesque landscapes of Hawaii are truly enchanting, well-crafted, and commendable. Gameplay involving boats and planes, though not my forte (excluding The Crew and GTA), can be deemed acceptable but doesn't stand out. However, the enhanced handling of cars and motorcycles adds to the overall enjoyment. Racing through Hawaii at breakneck speeds, whether on highways or off-road, is a joyous experience, amplified by a soundtrack that, while not exceptional, complements the gaming ambiance. It's noteworthy that the inclusion of a song from one of my favorite bands, KISS, adds a nice touch.

Despite the game receiving widespread praise, it falls short in certain aspects, primarily in the graphics department. While visually appealing, the cars lack realistic damage representation, especially evident in the cockpit view where window damage is not visible. The actual damage to the cars leaves much to be desired when compared to Forza Horizon. Another drawback is the apparent scarcity of championships compared to competitors or other titles in the franchise, limiting the variety of gameplay experiences. However, the most significant disappointment lies in the size of the game's map. Despite Hawaii's breathtaking beauty, it feels relatively small. Consequently, the game gives off the impression of being a luxurious DLC for The Crew 2, enhancing some aspects and offering the opportunity to race through Hawaii. This installment feels more like a standalone or an expansion rather than a true sequel, akin to Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

One of the standout features of previous Crew games was the ability to explore the entire USA from north to south. Omitting this expansive feature detracts from the game's charm and soul. While replicating the USA might have seemed repetitive, exploring The Crew in a different country, such as Japan, England, or France, could have been a captivating alternative. Regrettably, this opportunity was missed. In conclusion, The Crew 2 stands out as an excellent arcade racing game but falls short in terms of map size and content variety. If you're an avid racing game enthusiast, I wholeheartedly recommend it, especially if you relish the open-world racing genre.

Just started a few days ago, I won’t say I don’t like it but I will say it is not a good racing game while using a controller. Besides that it has nice features and for someone who loves cars like me they have everything thing you can think of. The playlist are really fun and challenging too. Will give an update after playing more.

this game will end up very similar to the crew 2 for me, in that it's a piece of casual fun i play a couple times a week when i need to turn my brain off and look at cool cars. and there's nothing wrong with that!

This review contains spoilers

No geral, The Crew Motorfest oferece uma experiência de corrida arcade sólida com gráficos impressionantes e uma trilha sonora empolgante. No entanto, a falta de dublagem em PT-BR pode ser um obstáculo significativo para alguns jogadores (foi pra mim), afetando a compreensão dos diálogos do jogo. Porém, se você está em busca de uma experiência de corrida mais simples e divertida o jogo pode ser uma ótima escolha, desde que esteja disposto a superar o obstáculo da falta de dublagem.

Review completa aqui:

If you've played the crew 1 or 2, any recent need for speed or even forza horizon, you know what you are getting with Motorfest. A very fun arcade racer with plenty to do. Playlists, challenges, feats, grand races, demolition royals, a new theme each month, summit events and mountains of collectibles. You'll never get bored exploring the island. The island looks beautiful. All the vehicles (and there's plenty of them) look great, sound great and all handle really well. Trophy wise, it's a very simple, very easy trophy list. But there are 3 slightly annoying trophies. 2 require the help of other players, the trophies themselves are very easy but trying to get people to join you can be a bit frustrating. And the other trophy, festival fanfare, need to reach level 15, just isn't very well explained. But it is an easy trophy. As long as all your main stage levels add up to 15 or more the trophy will pop when the monthly reset happens. Other than that it's a very enjoyable game, really recommend it.