Reviews from

in the past

One of the only MMOs I've ever played and it was a pretty solid experience. I came to find that MMOs aren't really the genre for me, but the game still felt worth my time.

Seria um bom mmo se os mob não fossem feito de papel, se o jogo tivesse mais uma ou duas expansões liberadas no jogo base, o tanto de paywall faz o cara se desanimar.

Fazer dungeon é bem divertido, até pvp eu me diverti bastante e olha que isso é algo dificil de eu gostar, essas coisa faz eu pensar como eu queria que o resto do jogo fosse divertido assim. (deixando o endgame de lado, pq eu nao cheguei até lá)

There's a lot of game here and so many things to do! Unfourtunately a lot of the things to do require a group of people so you're fresh out of luck if you want to do it all...also the writing sucks but that's normal for Bethesda anyways

It can be really overwhelming wanting to get everything done because there are constantly things being added which is why I stopped playing this game a while back

Maybe things have changed since I last played it, but when i did I really enjoyed the stories and quests of the different environments and the combat wasn't too shabby either.

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I'm so torn on this game. As far as online RPGs go, I don't know of any more atmospheric and immersive. The lighting in this game is nuts. The art design is fantastic.

The combat is ok. The storytelling is... good for an MMO.

However, the game shoots itself in the foot in at least two ways.

One is the microtransactions. My god this game is so full of microtransactions that you'd almost forget it's a game at all.

The other issue is the way the writing conflicts with itself. One of the core conceits of the game is that you can "go anywhere whenever you want". However, if you are one of the many people who been drawn with the hope of experiencing a narrative adventure, you're going to be dissapointed.

The story is there, and like I said it's pretty good. But because everything is just splayed out there for you to attend whenever you want, the stories end up having no cohesion. Even if you're following a guide, it's all too easy to end up playing things out of order. You end up with references to events you have yet to experience, characters who don't recognize you because you met them in a later chapter, and other more subtle permutation issues.

At first I was content to do my best to follow a guide and just stop thinking too hard about it, but it pulls me right out!

I want to love the game. Maybe I do. That's probably why it hurts so much that so much of it presented so haphazardly.

Bom MMORPG, com uma história instigante e combate rápido e dinâmico. Na minha opinião, peca muito na forma de monetização, dividindo as expansões (capítulos) com várias DLC's menores que obrigam o jogador a fazer múltiplas compras para conseguir acompanhar a história, diferente de outros MMO's que cobram apenas uma expansão e liberam o conteúdo através dela.

I have tried again and again to get into this game and it just doesnt click for me. Not only am I a huge elder scrolls fan but MMOs are one of my favorite genres, this should be a god tier combo for me. But its not.

It just fails to capture me in so many ways, the stories feel bland and uninteresting - just generic MMO stories ive seen a million times, the combat is really clunky and delayed feeling, and the game offers little challenge. Its unfortunate because I was really enjoying re-exploring Vvardenfell again since I played morrowind last, and only got 1/4 of the way through before dropping the game again. I've tried to get into this game at least 5-6 times now. Im done, im just accepting this one isn't for me unfortunately.

O jogo até deve ser bom, mas ele caga pros novatos e não diz nada sobre com progredir ou se movimentar pelo mapa

I've played a few F2P MMORPGs that have come in the early 2010's, including too much Neverwinter. I've played this on-and-off again from 2015 until now and saw significant developments and expansions - from the janky mess with poor quality of life, to something that loads and feels much better 10 years later. Also, I've never played The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Morrowind or Skyrim, just Daggerfall.

This feels like a good MMORPG, while suffering from the typical MMO problems. There's daily quests that can completely absorb players into unfun loops, fetch quests and an unchanging landscape littered with other distracting players.

However, there's some seriously good questlines in here. Knowing a little bit of Elder Scrolls lore helps to understand what's going on, but the precursor to Daggerfall storyline is new, making this a good introductory point for the entire series. While some of the stories are very interesting and requires player choice for how some areas end up - while creating no significant impact on the landscape, just NPC interactions - is a pleasant relief from these kinds of games. There's also some interesting change-ups from the usual MMO quests of "find this," "slay this," or "get this and bring it back", including a time I had to solve a murder based only on hints that ghosts gave me.

The combat feels much better than other third-person MMORPG systems, where hitting, blocking or getting hit actually have a feel of weight to them. Maybe not as much as a Dark Souls, but it does make a game like Neverwinter feel like an arcade cabinet version of an action-RPG.

For people looking to get into this game on a free weekend, I highly recommend avoiding uninteresting side-quests or daily quests, especially at early levels. Running on a second character in a different starting location was definitely improved by focusing on the interesting story arch of their faction's region.

Terrifically unfun game, except you can fight random NPCs.

its fucking awful mmo garbage slop do not play

Had fun doing some solo quests and marveling at the size of the world, but probably would have been more fun with friends.

If you love the lore of Elder Scrolls this game might as well be cocaine.
I find the MMO elements to be much more enjoyable than typical MMOs I've experienced and the PVP Alliance vs Alliance mode has been my favorite experience in gaming ever.

If you do not like most other MMOs, this game is probably for you.
If you like most other MMOs, you'll probably hate it.

Also I got kidnapped and turned into a werewolf by another player which was interesting to say the least.

its shit! straight up! its like if an mmo ghoul or demon possessed the withered up corpse of skyrim

the absolute inane design that went into this game that was never fixed. its no wonder the oxygen-deprived fans of this game will tell you it has a good story or that the content is great because they're as lobotomized as zenimax online. enjoy your epileptic fit rotation while you get ganked by a dragonborn rogue sorcerer

played this for like 30 hours total with a buddy and I dont remember anything

Provato in coop con friends, però penso sia troppo monco senza DLC. Mi ha fatto pena uno/a che diceva ad altri di non litigare e di non pensare ai problemi del mondo, e quindi l'ho aggiunto/a agli amici.

Un jeu moyen pour moi, c'est ok pour un fan mais autrement c'est difficile de s'y accrocher, tout est assez lent et pas assez permissif. Quand même, les quelques extensions que j'ai jouées étaient magnifiques.

+ Xbox Series X Retrocompatible

Sounds good, doesn't work
99% of content is locked behind a paywall

Tenho um carinho enorme por esse MMO, pois mesmo não sendo tão recente, foi pioneiro em varios sistemas voltados ao jogador de MMO mais casual, com grande facilidade de locomoção e conteúdo solo

em termos de um elder scrolls, parece um jogo mobile. em termos de um mmo, é chato. em termos de um jogo online pra passar um tempo com a minha namorada, não tem emotes legais. se tem algo a elogiar, me lembra skyrim. mas eu não gosto tanto de skyrim também. tá difícil