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All I ask of Action RPGs is they stop being so mechanically simple if they're gonna clock over 25 hours in playtime.

I gave this JRPG 6 hours of my time, but it couldn't maintain my interest.

For a PS4 game it still looks and runs pretty good on a PS5. No real complaints on the graphics front, they've always been the least important thing for me in an RPG anyway.

What's most important is character and story, and this game is unfortunately very bland for a newcomer to the franchise like me. Mercifully none of my 6 hours spent wandering around a forsaken island was bad, but just...very unremarkable. It's a JRPG that feels like its going through the motions.

Before anyone retorts I didn't give the game a chance to 'cook', let me mention that I loved the first Trails in the Sky, you know the game where barely anything 'happens'. Yet that game had tons of character and compelling storytelling.

The mute protagonist of Ys VIII did not help. It's a pet peeve of mine, just so silly and antiquated in the modern era. When are Japanese devs going to move past this? Well, I guess Adol is technically not mute as the player can pick text dialogue options, but still, it's just so goofy when characters have voice actors but the protagonist doesn't (well, he does but all they paid him to do was grunt).

The game's default controls were also horrendous. I almost gave up 30 minutes in until I realised I could just rebind them to something sane:

Square: attack
X: jump
Circle: dodge

Thank you very much.

Though it was all a moot point, the combat was beyond boring. I'd take turn based combat over this mindless button mashing any day of the week. Not that I'm averse to action in a JRPG, but unless it gives me the endorphin rush of something like Bloodborne or Metal Gear Revengeance, then I'm just not interested.

Definitely my favorite Ys game so far (playing them in order). Ys 8 takes the basic template and elevates it so nicely with a pillow of gameplay systems. The base building is just the right amount of depth this series needed to really drag players in. On top of that, very nice quality of life features like a super convenient save system, fast travel, good mapping, and completion tracking. Beneath all of this is an admittedly basic combat system that flows very well. The music is top notch as always, and the story, while nothing mind blowing, is surprisingly well done. While all I've done is sing praises here, there is still something intangible holding it back from true 5 star greatness.

My favorite action-JRPG of all time. Fast action, slash, slash, slash. Interesting characters and a delightfully INSANELY over the top storyline. Everything you want from an anime styled action game. Super rewarding and challenging combat. Surprisingly deep. A mustplay for fans of the genre.

No need to have played any Ys game before this.

As a big Ys fan this one is definitely high up there for me. I think they nailed everything just right in the franchise in this game and some. The camp building, boss battles, and characters made this fantastic. For anyone new to the series this is probably the best place to start but may also give you higher expectations for the rest of the series.

The music in this is incredible as usual for Falcom but this one just slaps. The story is pretty engaging as well and doesn't have a whole lot of filler as say Memories of Celcetta.

Honestly this might be my favorite Falcom game ever.

The gameplay was fun and satisfying. I had a ton of fun trying out everyone's different play styles, and I was actively encouraged to use everyone. Hummel and Ricotta I used less, but they were still fun. Flash Moving and Flash Guarding took a while to master but it made the combat more fun once I got the hang of it. And outside of combat, I loved the exploration aspect. The Isle of Seiren actively encouraged me to explore its every nook and cranny, and going back to previously inaccessible areas once I got the appropriate Adventuring Gear was always a treat.

The OST is an absolute banger. Probably in my top 3 Falcom OSTs of all time. When Sunshine Coastline first played, little did I know that it was only a preview to an absolutely banging soundtrack. Hope Alive in particular is my favorite Falcom boss theme now.

As for the setting, apart from what I already mentioned above about exploration I quite liked the feel of the island. As a Monster Hunter fan, the Isle of Seiren gave me a similar vibe to the Deserted Island/Moga Woods from Monster Hunter Tri, which added to my enjoyment. And I loved Castaway Village, and each castaway endeared me in their own ways. I actively searched for castaways to rescue and maxed out their approvals, I was that endeared to them.

The core party was also a joy to be with. Laxia, Sahad, Hummel, and Ricotta all were very fun and endearing characters in their own ways and I was attached to them all, and Adol, while a (largely) silent protagonist, was cool too. But the real star of the show has to be Dana herself. She's such a well-written character, her struggles and suffering were heartwrenching to watch, and her unyielding determination despite the odds being stacked against her was downright inspiring to see. Dana has become one of my absolute favorite characters in fiction and has officially surpassed Estelle as my favorite Falcom character.

So yeah. Ys VIII was great and I enjoyed my time with it quite a lot.

Dana Forever!

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*Beat the game twice on Switch and third time on PS5.

Ys VIII is a pretty fun game from start to finish. Gameplay of the three-party system was beginning at its peak and exploring the Isle of Seiren was the most fun part of the game. The locations (while still very much an upscaled Vita game) were visually pretty to look at it and the music were some of the Falcom Sound Team's best music in general. Characters, while still simple, were enjoyable and the mysteries around the island is what enticed me to continue to play. The true highlight of the game was definitely Dana Iclucia and the entirety of her story. Doesn't help her va, Brianna Knickerbocker, absolutely played her amazingly.

Now for a few negatives. Character models become a bit choppy whenever they stand underneath a shadow. Map navigation in the menu is clunky, which doesn't help when you need to find a specific item or quest destination from an elevated level. Raids and hunts, while not bad modes, are pace killers. Thankfully, you don't need to do all them. I also experience audio imbalance between the voiced lines. Sometimes, it's loud and then sometimes its a bit too quite (Probably something related to porting it to PS5) While I did say, the characters were enjoyable, the story itself isn't the most amazing thing ever. The basis of escaping the island to the entirety of Dana and the Eternians made the story pretty enjoyable, though some parts of it could've been trimmed down or just not been there. Biggest example being the Nameless Ripper subplot. It didn't add anything to the story and the consequences of that subplot was ultimately minimal in the grand scheme. Finally, the true ending itself is a bit conflicting as it unnecessarily retcons the whole journey of the game to justify itself and Maia's reveal kind came out of nowhere. It's not that bad, but it does say that the journey was better than the destination itself.

Despite my gripes, Ys VIII is still a great game that is still sentimental to me as it was the very first Falcom game I ever played. Still recommend it, though I personally feel you should still play other Ys games before this one.

So first of all a giant thanks to my buddy Brandon for gifting this to me. Realistically if this doesn't get gifted to me I never play this game. The trails game (falcom other series) burnt me out. I had zero desire to play any more of their games. However this game was a delightful surprise in so many ways and fixes so many issues I have with the trails series.

First of all the comabt is way more fun for me. Just simple hack and slash and dodging around but super quick and easy to pick up. The story is really solid hear, it takes a while to cook (like all falcom stuff) but once it does it cooks hard. The characters are all great here. There's real consequence and meaning and sadness to the plot here, and at times reminded me of a final fantasy like story in that regard.

Being able to explore just a giant island and feel like a pirate was pretty cool. Finding all the people that had washed ashore kept it interesting.

I do wish the story got going sooner or some hours were cut here, and the map was finnicky and I wish was stronger.

There's some falcom jank here too (the slow pan introductions/the presentations/cheesy dialogue/everyone way too happy)

But overall this was a great game and one I can easily reccomened. Can't wait to check out ys ix at some point!

My first Ys game, and i have to say i really liked it.
There are definitely some problems of polishing in gameplay and graphics, but the story and characters are so good that compensate every flaws this game has.
The ingredient farming formula is really annoying IMO. But in some games can be relaxing... like this one, also the fishing is easy too which i like it.
I would say this is a good entry game to the series, but as i stated it's the first one i've played so idk.. I was introduced to this universe and discovered that all Ys games has the same protagonist and that's why i don't understand some connections he has with some of the castaways, of course you can deduce it by the context so is not a problem at all... but none of them actually picked my attention like the main 6 cast or even other castaways... which brings me to the main rant: WHY CAN'T I DATE LAXIA GAME WHY?....

Overall, a good game.

This probably jumps half a star up if I wasn't playing the vita version. The framerate is pretty rough for the action combat. And I liked the action combat. It's pretty fun! And simple. Also some new content in other versions that I can't comment on too much.

I like premises like this, and in ys it's executed pretty nicely. Just some cliched anime cringe to detract from it. And a mixed bag of the character cast. At least they tried and I did like a handful of characters by the end.

Music is so epicccccccccccc damn

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Completed on Hard Difficulty.

Legendary adventurer Adol Christin has found himself shipwrecked on the Isle of Seiren after setting sail on a passenger ship, the Lombardia. Together with the survivors of the shipwreck, they must fight their way across the island to figure out a way back home. At the same time, Adol finds himself drifting into the ancient past of the island to the nation of Eternia as he sleeps, dreaming of Dana, a woman chosen to become a spiritual leader for her person. Together, in a tale that transcends time, they must do all they can to stop the world from ending as evolution threatens to wipe out all they hold dear.

Ys 8 is a light, breezy, colorful action role playing game that emphasizes exploration and character relations over plot in its attempt to create a tale of shipwreck and camaraderie. Much of the game is dedicated to building a community of shipwreck survivors in episodic quests across the island the cast of characters is stuck on. This gives the game a flavor that I can only describe as cheerful - these adventures are delightful, and its wonderful to see everyone work together to build a life for each other on this island. Conflicts flare up, drama swells, and then everyone gets back to the major goal of getting off this island. This portion of the game is interweaved with wave base raids of enemies that push you to perform tighter and more effective combat in order to reach high scores that grant you more resources to play with. When you're exploring the overworld and discovering new locales and individuals, Ys 8 fires on all cylinders.

Where Ys 8 stumbles is in its injection of its traditional JRPG style plot; the mysterious blue haired girl that appears in Adol's dreams eventually materializes in the present day and reveals through time travel excursions that uh....the rest of the party can experience in the present....that her people, the Eternians, were wiped out by a fate they couldn't fight against. This triggers your traditional JRPG plot in which your party must band together, defy fate, and kill god. It feels stapled onto the game's third act in a way that deflates momentum and tasks you with investing in a brand new story component that is both not really fleshed out terribly well or interesting due to its being the game's own prequel in a sense.

All of this is channeled through a smooth action RPG combat system that emphasizes dodging and activating special abilities using the right bumper and the face buttons to maxmimize damage. There's minimal friction here - you unlock skills as your characters level up, upgrade items using collectible resources hidden all over the island, and perform side quests for the villagers you rescue that grant you more materials and build up positive relationships with them. It reminded me a whole lot of the battle system in Star Ocean: The Last Hope in that it was fast, light, and flashy. You can also learn recipes to cook meals at the camp fire that allow you enable different status effects that help during combat, and craft items that allow for recovery and other improvements throughout the game. It's rather straightforward as action RPGs go.

Much of Ys 8 is quite lovely - the gravity of its back third sends much of the warmth of its first two acts tumbling into the ether as it ramps up stakes in a way that feels out of step with the rest of the driving force of the game. Its combat is smooth, its exploration and systems are neatly assembled with minimal friction, and its music is absolutely rocking at all times. As long as you can stomach the shift in gears about 25 hours in, Ys 8 is a heckin good time.

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana was a very strong way to start off 2024. This game is truly a masterpiece, amazing characters, an amazing plot, and extremely fun gameplay. Ys VIII follows Adol Christin, an adventurer who is sailing on a luxury ship called the Lombardia, which crashed onto a mysterious island called the Isle of Seiren. You must work together with the other castaways to find a way to escape this island, while solving the mystery of the island itself. The gameplay of Ys VIII has you traveling to different segments of the island, and fighting monsters with some pretty basic Action RPG combat, however, this combat is extremely fun. You meet a wide variety of characters, who join your party and help at the base, including Dana, a mysterious girl found on the island who doesn’t remember her past. Overtime throughout the story, the base will be attacked and you’ll have to defend it in raid battles. These battles you’re able to place defenses to keep large waves of monsters from reaching your base. Ys VIII has an engaging story, memorable characters, fun gameplay, and a truly amazing soundtrack. This is truly one of the best games of all time, and I’m so glad I finally experienced it for myself.

This game is pure adrenaline with insanely hype ass music and combat. Seriously the combat on high difficulty in this game feels like taking a tab of acid then flooring it 120 MPH on the freeway. Story doesn't slack either with some extremely dark moments and a ending that left me bawling. It's Falcom so you already know you are getting some of the best bazongas in the business, the women here are NOT ashamed to show off some real calcium calamities. Dana Forever!

acompanhando a vida, morte e reencarnação do universo com meus amigos

one of my favorite stories and one of the best ost ive heard with pretty smooth combat, movement can feel a little janky at times but its not enough to lower its rating

this is the best game in the series and I dare say the best game from the company, all boxes were ticked for this entry, amazing game

First YS game and i really enjoyed it, loved the story and the cast was awesome
it had really fun gameplay and exploration that kept me addicted, while getting the true ending is a pain it most certainly worth it

As per usual, I was searching for some great JRPGs to play and came across Ys VIII, recommended to me by Steam. From the developers of the so-called best story series in JRPG, Trails, I picked this one as it is known for having one of the better stories in the series. I came out conflicted. It is a good story in the sense that it's interesting and engaging, which is a decent motivator and has its moments. But it’s not very compelling or particularly deep, meaning that it is quite simple.

The game’s story starts slow but picks up significantly in the latter half. Honestly, I do not mind this since I believe it can all be worth it if the payoff is good, and fortunately, it sort of is. While the narrative may initially seem simple and boilerplate for a JRPG, it gradually reveals some layers that make it unique and a bit deeper than other stories of the same category. The story itself isn't groundbreaking, but it manages to be enjoyable enough to keep you moving forward. For me personally, it came out pretty mixed—good enough to drag me forward but lacking the intrigue to truly push me toward something more.

Honestly, what kept me staying and motivated was Dana. She is a big reason why the story is as unique as it can be, and her interactions with the other cast are quite good. However, I couldn’t say the same for the other characters, with some of them being forgettable or very trope-heavy. Interactions between any characters other than Dana felt very mediocre or missed, with a high percentage of that being misses.

I feel the game took a small step in the right direction in terms of narrative and Dana as a character, but other than that, it goes along into the JRPG pile as tropey and sort of unengaging.

Credits to the true final boss music for being one of my top 10 favorite songs not only on gaming, but of all music history!

this is it. this is the apex of the series. this is what i originally set out to play, and it checked every box for me. the very culmination of what the series has been building on since the very beginning. absolutely beautiful game

Joguei 8 Ys antes deste e nenhum deles me conectou tanto a ponto de eu pensar que é um dos meus jogos favoritos da vida. Bom, uma hora isso tinha que mudar.

É uma evolução em vários aspectos: Gameplay e exploração muito mais refinada que seu antecessor; a interação entre os náufragos, o senso de sobrevivência, de vínculo para sair daquela situação é algo que me cativou muito. Adorava ver os diálogos com TODOS os náufragos sempre que possível, criei um certo carinho com a maioria deles e ver a evolução de cada é reconfortante.

Mas o ponto chave é totalmente a Dana, ela é uma personagem tão bem escrita, tão bem valorizada na obra, que é impossível tu não criar um vínculo com ela. Gosto muito das sessões do passado dela e como entrelaçaram isso com o presente.

Um jogo incrível, acerto absurdo da Falcom.

When I heard that you are a castaway on a mysterious island, it had me intrigued. The plot had a 'Lost' TV show vibe, along with being an ARPG I had to get it.
I found the music to be stellar and only judging by the music I would award a 10/10. Not my favourite type of music but enjoyed it as the guitarist seemed to have a blast jamming at times.
Without going through details, the plot is well illustrated and makes you invested in every character. There is some plot twists and interesting ideas to keep you motivated. However, I feel the plot later sways to the JRPG cliché which loses a unique identity.
The combat is deep yet straight forward and changing characters within the team add variety as they each have different moves and attributes.
The button mapping is unsatisfactory, however you can customise this in the menu options. The upgrade system is easy to understand making it less of a chore to get into the action.
A few issues I encountered on the Switch version I played are:
- Enemies in the far background have a terrible framerate (like single digits) and is comical in a way. When approaching the enemy, the frame rate increases. I am not a FPS snob but something to notice if you are.
- Graphics look strongly like an early PS3 game. Great attempt on their first 3D game but did disappoint me given the framerate issue above.
- Some scenes seem to stretch too for and the characters seems to blurt out the obvious. There are moment I am not playing the game at for for over 20minutes and get me impatient to play the game
- Some scenes jump from full voice audio to just text boxes and seem to be quite random when this happens. Wasn't a major complaint as file size and cost of voice actors, but was it was the inconsistent nature that was jarring.
- The game is riddled with invisible walls that break immersion for me. The game seems more open-world in the images then what is actually happening also. The game is not fully linear but could be more open to explore this wonderful island.
The game took me around 70 hours to finish on hard mode and I got the true ending. Some parts could be streamlined to make it a 60hour experience for me. I recommend playing but cannot say I will play again due to the investment made and long cut scenes in certain areas.

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Ys 8 is an interesting game. With this review covering my personal experience with it, which inclines me to say to take it with a grain of salt and not as your guiding light as to how to feel about this game should you play it.

- Gameplay:
Starting off I'll cover the gameplay, as it's probably the strongest point about this game, I played it on normal, and didn't have any trouble playing through it, I think I covered all of the content the main game had to offer, and can say that it's quite good. There wasn't any need to grind bar for materials for upgrades later in the game, and it was all around pretty good, solid and fast paced combat, with some skill expression, at the very least it was as if I had the option to route combos and practice things like perfect guard or perfect dodge, I'd say that it has the potential to have a higher skill ceiling but isn't a necessary part of playing the game.

That being said, the Raids? Uh, wave based defence section's? I can't recall the name off the top of my head. But they're a bigger part of the game then I'd liked, feeling like they take way too long, the scoring system for them is odd, and they all around aren't that interesting. Quite frankly if the game didn't have them at all I'd feel a bit more positively about it, but maybe others might enjoy that part of the game.

Lastly is exploration, probably my favourite part of the gameplay, I have a fondness for games that restrict exploration to smaller "zones", with some collectibles scattered throughout these zones that yield materials that you can collect and use toward things like upgrades or trading for items and a percentage which represents how much you've cleared the "fog of war" in each area. I personally adore this system of exploration and it makes the game damn near perfect in my eyes, coupled with the combat itself.

- Graphics and sound design:
Honestly I just feel like it's important to mention but I don't have a lot to say about it for this game, it's not groundbreakingly innovative, nor is it dead ugly. It's a vita game or port of a vita game if you're not playing it on the vita, it communicates it's visuals well, the sound design is clean not particularly offensive or annoying, with a varied soundtrack that doesn't overstay it's welcome. I frequently listen to video game music in my down time and none of the music has made it on that, which would be how I'd rate the sound track for most games. Quite frankly it's about average.

- Story:
The last thing I'll talk about as it's the only other thing I'd want to mention on here. In my honest opinion, second to the weakest part of this game, at least in the later half. Initially the game focuses on a ship wreck type of story pacing, finding survivors of the wreck, exploring the island and gathering supplies where they're able to, and slowly uncover the mystery that seemed to be surrounding the island. Now if it stopped there I'd probably bump it up to a 4 and a half rather then a 4, but it doesn't stay consistent to that theme, maybe it would have a been a struggle to make a whole game about that? Maybe not? But what I do know is that the entire mystery with Dana and Adol sharing memories with her, it was quite boring, any time I lost control of Adol in favour of playing as Dana I was just uninterested. I'd have to ask other people about their opinions to see where I stand, but suffice to say this definitely brought the game down for me, coupled with the raids is what makes it lose what would have been an easy 5* from me.

- Closing comments:
Thank you for reading all this way, honestly despite my issues with the game, this is probably my second favourite entry into the Ys series, it having made it to X Nordics by the time of writing this, and me not having play neither X or IX. At the very least I'm eager to see what else Falcom have planned for the Ys series.

bom como todo Ys mas se estica no final e eu odeio toda parte que tem o gameplay no passado da Dana, foi o que fez eu parar varias vezes, não ligo pra ninguem ali, parece encheção de linguiça pro jogo ter 60 horas mas de resto é show de bola

If you like action jrpg please play this game... no more words.

Videogames shouldn't feel like a chore, and after 35 hours, this game started to feel like one, maybe I will go back to finish it, but at the start of the sixth chapter I decided to stop.

I have lots of respect for the Ys series, I like how it has managed to keep it refreshing with each iteration, but I think I'm better with Ys Origin style than 8s

Pretty good game, nice exploration, combat sometimes can feel like a button smasher, and the story is anime, plain and simple. So little to no reason for me to push through it, if I did it may affect the good image I have of the game, it's just not for me.

Replay rapidito para jugar algo comfy, para que fuera más rápido hice el final malo y me partió el corazón.