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in the past

Contender for Falcom's best game. Some of their other titles do individual elements better, but this is the one that brings everything together with the most synergy and in the most complete package.

Sunshine fucking Coastline.

Ys returns and delivers one of the best entries in the series to date. Let's look at why this game is a must play for fans of JRPG's.

Story: Series lead Adol Christin returns aboard a ship, accompanied by his mate Dogi as they sail to a distant land. Along the way a massive monster destroys the ship and strands the crew on a mysterious island with a dubious legend. The quest is on to gather all of the survivors and find a way off the island. Along the way you'll experience some fantastic storytelling that creates some of the most endearing characters I've experienced in a game.

Gameplay: While it isn't setting any new standards or breaking new ground for adventure RPG's it does boast a very tight and solid game loop. I could ask for a bit more depth to the combat system but what's there is more than fine.

Graphics: I am unfortunately at a point in my life where convenience rules above all for gaming, and as such the Switch is my main platform. They had to cut a lot of corners to get this game on the hardware, and it shows in several places. The thing is, the rest of the game was so good that I'm totally fine with it. Aside from noticing the shortcuts, it didn't detract from my experience. However, that may not be possible for some so if graphics are a huge part of how you enjoy a game then I highly recommend you experience it on one of the other platforms. The island is lush and colorful though, and the creatures you fight look pretty awesome.

Overall: If you are a fan of RPG's then I highly recommend this title. This installment stands well even if you've never played an Ys title before. The experience is well worth it and your time won't be wasted. I could easily see myself playing through this again if Ys XI: Monstrum Nox somehow fails to give me the same feeling when it comes out next year. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.

the most fun i've had in an arpg

A wonderful Action RPG to explore the vast map, listen to the absolutely fantastic soundtrack, and to hack 'n slash through tight, exciting, and rewarding fast-paced combat, if only the performance was better on the original release.

Great action RPG with simple yet satisfying combat about reacting to enemy patterns, blood-pumping music, and some of the best side characters in a videogame. The game starts super strong, you find yourself on a mysterious deserted island, now you must gather up the remaining survivors among the ship they were on and build/expand your settlement until you can leave. I was hoping the game would expand and flesh out these ideas even more than it already had but to my disappointment, it didn't. The game instead focuses on Dana and the Eternians, and I don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare. Nothing is interesting about the eternians or Dana herself that compelled me to learn more, this is where the plot lost me for a bit. Speaking of Dana, they spend a lot of time focusing on her relationship with Adol, but the problem is that their relationship is non-existent. Adol is a mostly mute character that's supposed to represent the player's sense of adventure when playing, so they already shot themselves in the foot by centering a relationship around him and as I mentioned before, I don't find Dana interesting in the slightest. Luckily the end game plot scenarios are a lot more interesting, even if the ending sucks. Lastly, For a game with such strong side characters, I was shocked to see that the main cast was really weak and underdeveloped. I wish we got more downtime for the party to bond because while I didn't care for everyone, some relationships were really charming. Sahad and Ricotta's father-daughter relationship comes to mind. Anyways great game with a kinda sucky story.

Overall great game with fantastic OST, great gameplay and compelling story.

the madmen at falcom did it. they fucking did it. they have PERFECTED the action rpg. the only way you could ever top this is in the story department but there is no way in a fucking billion million years anyone will ever make a game with such perfect, addictive gameplay that keeps you coming back. this game got me to do the SIDEQUESTS. the FUCKING SIDEQUESTS. the combat is perfect, the exploration is perfect, the worldbuilding is done SO WELL and its on a DESERTED ISLAND. and for a company as well known for their soundtracks as falcom, theyve YET AGAIN topped themselves. i want to have sex with every single composition in this game. EVERY SINGLE ONE. ALL 65+ SONGS. I COULD GET EVERY SINGLE STD ON THE PLANET AND I WOULDNT CARE CUS THE SOUNDTRACK IS SO GOOD. we stan dana iclusia <3

My first Ys game and boy I quickly fell in love with this series right after finishing this game. Amazing characters, story, music and world I highly recommend you give this game a try if you like Action RPG games this is a good starting point for people who have never played Ys.

That was a good way to get in the series.

Dana's smile.

That's all that matters.

What is a medical student?
A student who studies medicine

- NISA Pre-patched translation

Very strong game, it has a slow start but when it gets off the ground it never stops hitting. Fun combat, amazing story and great cast

My favorite Ys game. The game feels so good to play. The soundtrack is amazing. And the story pushes you forward. The first Falcom game I finished. Game very very good.

Fantastic game. It's my first of the Ys games and honestly I was blown away. The combat was very fun and this is coming from someone who usually doesn't get into action games. The story was so engrossing and impressive. Coming from Trails, I was a bit worried about how Falcom's single-game storytelling would be but it seems that they don't miss a beat with a single game to work with. Also, the OST was so damn good.

I'm just waiting for more adventure

really fun to play but the localization is beyond garbage

Very good take on a pretty basic action combat system. Boss design and music are top-notch, and the plot is engaging once it gets going.

True masterpiece!
I can't think of any flaw in this game.
Amazing cast of characters, amazing OST, amazing gameplay (even though I'm not that fan of action rpg).
I never like doing many side quests, but in Ys VIII even those are interesting and much fun to explore the island for treasure chests, new monster with good drop items. And the game rewards you in the end for doing those side quests, which is awesome!
I'm really looking forward to the next entry of this series. I became immediate fan!

The switch version sucks so fucking much holy shit

Felt a lot longer than it should have been, but a lot of fun. Flash dodge and flash guard trivialize fights, but it's good for some (mostly) mindless action.
The story is pretty good, surprisingly grandiose near the end, but it dragged on way too much for my liking.
The character art is a bit of a highlight for me, it's amazing. Especially Dana's (and all her forms).

An absolute blast to play start to finish. Story's mediocre at best (and the ending is a giant clusterfuck), but with the gameplay firmly put first that doesn't matter to me.

After playing through all the Soulsies this year, this felt like a reminder of why I usually DON'T like action RPGs. Maybe I've grown too used to their deliberate combat speed and minimalist mechanics, but the combat in Ys melted together into an undifferentiated sea of numbers flying off enemies as they soaked up damage. I kept learning special move after special move but I could never figure out which to use when and why so I would just jam buttons almost at random (and usually win anyway). Flash guard and evade were almost enough to pull it back out to something I felt like I could engage with, if they didn't feel like an ancillary feature of the primary goal of jamming the right buttons to maximize DPS.

I was at least halfway through the game until I figured out which special move to use on what enemy and/or situation. A lot of the combat was really just button mashing and hoping it works. Sometimes there was so much going on on screen that I barely saw what was happening and where my character even was.

I enjoyed the story though and didn't expect to like Dana as much as I did. The Soundtrack was neat, too!

I'm glad it came out on Switch, I had it on PS4 but being able to just pick it up and jump right in has allowed me to get further than I had before.

This game has fun mindless combat, an okay story, just a hint of base-building, and a great amount of exploration. It's action-JRPG comfort food, and I like it quite a lot.

My first Ys game back in 2018 and still one of the best. Godly combat system, amazing level design, great characters and compelling story, the kind of attention to world-building and detail you'd expect from Falcom and absolutely masterfully composed OST. Very few games capture a sense of adventure the same way this one does.

El #NoHayYsMalo va a pasar a ser #NoHayYsPorDebajoDelNotable... Otro juegazo que se marca Falcom, y un Ys que se va de cabeza a mis favoritos de la saga. No es un juego perfecto (ni lo pretende), pero pesa muchísimo más lo positivo sin duda.

Falcom se anima en dar un salto en lo narrativo, con una historia que se cuece a más fuego lento que de costumbre, y parándose más en desarrollar a sus personajes. No termina de explotar todo su potencial, pero posiblemente tenga la historia más interesante hasta esta entrega.

Lleva su historia en 2 planos diferentes: el presente con Adol intentando escapar de la Isla en la que naufragan, y el pasado con Dana y su ascenso a Doncella del Gran Árbol. Poco a poco se irán fusionando y la verdadera historia tomará el mando. No está mal llevado, pero no reluce todo lo que podría. No llega a estar bien integrado con su narrativa, y la historia de Adol se sustenta mucho más en la exploración que lo que realmente cuenta, siendo más que nada un trámite y dando cierta sensación de relleno.

¿He dicho exploración? Pues sí, joder, el punto que más me ha gustado de este Ys, siendo el que más sensación de aventura me ha dado. Había veces que incluso me molestaba la historia porque quería seguir explorando la Isla de Seiren.

Una isla que, aunque el arte pone muchísimo de su parte, hubiera molado bastante más con un mayor poderío gráfico, pero bueno es Falcom y sabemos a lo que venimos, y lo mínimo que se le puede pedir a un Ys, lo da y de sobresaliente.

Su jugabilidad vuelve a ser una gozada, ya más que preestablicidas las nuevas mecánicas tras Ys Seven y Memories of Celceta, las he disfrutado bastante, con una gran variedad de enemigos y unos bosses que mola bastante enfrentar. Otro arpg para dar catedra.

En lo mínimo exigible a un Ys también entra su bso, y por supuesto, vuelven a aprobar con nota, temas bastantes variados y alguno que otro para escuchar de fondo y llorar al recordar ciertas situaciones a las que acompaña.

Y no es el Ys más largo (con diferencia) solo porque en su trama se tome más calma. Viene con una gran cantidad de misiones secundarias, algunas mejores que otras, y ¿minijuegos?, por englobar el resto de contenido secundario de alguna manera. Mucho de este contenido se verá recompensado con diferentes objetos y/o con un acercamiento a los personajes que se relacione, algo que ayuda a fortalecer la sensación de comunidad que se genera entre los naufragos de la isla. Algo que está bastante guay, pero que podría haber molado aun más si la iteracción no fuera casi exclusivamente con Adol, hubiera molado que los propios naufragos se relacionan mucho más entre ellos (aunque hay alguno que otro que sí que lo hace más, no es la norma).

Esta sensación de comunidad, o incluso familia, sí que está bastante mejor llevada entre los protagonistas del grupo. No llega a ser FFXV en este aspecto pero sí que deja el listón bastante alto. Del grupo principal me quedo con Sahad, padre de familia, pescador y un guarro.

En definitiva, uno de los mejores Ys dentro de la saga (que no es decir poco) con muchísimos más puntos positivos que negativos, y aunque entiendo que se pueda hacer algo largo, yo lo he disfrutado en mis 94h. Si terminan de pulir los detalles, tendré pronto mi Ys 10/10.

Un juego que, si bien empieza de forma un poco confusa, termina con una buena historia y una experiencia memorable.