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A new height for party-based Ys, but still much room to grow

This review contains spoilers

Good combat, good "base building", okay graphics, middling story, retarded ending.

i beat the true final boss in 2 minutes on the highest difficulty

Best action game ever created with some of the best music you will ever hear. This was my entry into Falcom games and I am so glad it happened.

Ys.. now in 3D!! Try frantically to track your foe while staring at super meters at the bottom of the screen and navigating your spastic hoverblading cursor-person out of harm's way.

Unnaturally high def ground textures also make a return- experience grass fields that will cut your eyes just by looking at it!

An intricate and original storyline that begins with Adol accidentally walking in on a woman bathing in a stream, who flinches and drops her towel! (Wait, where did she even find a towel.. oh who the hell cares.)

Can Adol solve the mysteries of the island and defeat most powerful adversary- the camera- yet?

Will ZEELLO ever get his forty dollars back?

Find out in Wise Eight!

My introduction to the Ys series. A really enjoyable action JRPG with a surprisingly good and somewhat fresh setting, and some really cool characters. I really liked Dana and her story.

You kill dinos to a banger OST 12/10

The game starts out somewhat simply, but it's a game where you quickly realize you're playing something special. Impressively both action-oriented and relaxing to play, it has an amazing soundtrack.

An incredible game. It starts off a bit slow, but once it hits the 4th chapter, the game really comes into it's own. The music, story, and cast are all so solid.

However, the switch port suffers from a lot of framerate and dynamic resolution drops. Avoid this port, if you can.


Fun, satisfying combat, banger music, and great bosses. Ys games were always more focused on gameplay and never really about telling a story, but this one is pretty good, it has great moments and likeable characters. The last sections felt a bit too long but other than that brilliant game would recommend one of my favourite games.

Never though a jrpg about being stranded on a deserted island would be this fun and engaging. Once again falcom delivered another banger with an excellent soundtrack

captain barbaros built like minecraft steve

Nice story, enjoyable gameplay, fun character dynamics : a good game (+ the cover is beautiful)

Adventurers Adol and Dogi are stranded on a cursed island with about 20 other survivors of a shipwreck, needing to band together to build a camp to defend against attacks from what should be long extinct creatures (basically dinosaurs). Later involving a threat to the world from the goddess of earth, a serial killer, and a scapegoated ghost pirate.

Released with a poor translation that was later fixed. Uses the more active battle system started with Napishtim and the party system of Seven with character switching, weapon weaknesses, dodges, blocks, and specials, and the mapping from Celceta. Has a second character you play in the past that will alter the island in the present, though these are always very obvious and few changes.

Fun combat. Good music and characters. Gives a lot of time to not just your five other party members but to the NPC characters you are stranded with. A lot of the early bosses are pretty good, getting you used to mechanics or having interesting details. Later bosses can start to just have dull gimmicks, have way too much health, or can just be so pitiful and awkward to fight that it seems like they ran out of good ideas with the large number of them. Still has the problem of unlocking skills that are just useless when put next to other options or when you are limited to only four skill bindings. At about 30 hours it is on the longer side for Ys games, like Celceta was.

Minor issues starting the game where it might just close itself (and would always close itself if I clicked to start it in Steam and then brought up a different window) but was always quickly and easily solved by just starting it a second time.

A solid entry in the series.


On one hand its deeply unambitious as far as JRPGs go, on the other it nails each of its core parts with such competence that maybe its actually really good. Loading 80% of the story into the final 20% is a weird way of pacing the game but maybe making you wait for the story proper to begin until you have invested loads of hours into the game is actually a good idea. I was far more happy to hear about ancient prophesies and the like once I'd had plenty of time exploring the games huge dinosaur island. Confining the game to a deserted island means that instead of having to design lots of big towns with lots of expensive character animations and writing all the emphasis is on making lush natural expanses and dinosaurs.
The combat has a rhythm that comes from timing blocking and dodges to allow for your party to unload a huge range of different special attacks that keeps the action oscillating between moments of restraint and then high intensity attacking phases that can be chained once you have a good understanding of the mechanics.
I'm really surprised by how much I ended up enjoying this. It feels like a game with a consciously very narrow scope that means that everything that is included is well considered and well executed.

Es más Ys, y además tiene a Dana, what else do you need?

- El amplísimo elenco de personajes controlables y no controlables es muy variado. Cada uno cuenta con personalidades muy marcadas y es complicado no acabar integrado en la comunidad que se forma. Además, Dana is the best waifu ever.
- La isla es enorme, con muchísimos hábitats distintos, monstruos propios, lugares por descubrir y misiones secundarias que realizar.
- El juego es rápido, ágil y directo, como el resto de títulos de la saga. A esto contribuyen varios aspectos, como las animaciones frenéticas o una banda sonora que no te deja respirar ni por un segundo.

- Tiene problemas de rendimiento realmente graves, especialmente en los flashbacks de Dana, en los que el juego se vuelve casi injugable.
- El combate se vuelve repetitivo demasiado pronto, pese a poder manejar a distintos personajes, cada uno con habilidades características. Esto prácticamente obliga a eludir los combates aleatorios, aunque los bosses rallen a buen nivel.
- La historia, pese a ser contextualmente interesante y verse apoyada por los personajes que la forman, es más básica que un martillo.

guys what the FUCK is a lacrimosa?

UPDATE: this is the greatest fishing game ever made good shit

this one is the first of the latest modern wave and it's absolutely fantastic. they really kept what felt core to the franchise and scoped it out in all directions without feeling like it's a chore to do. the best of the party-based ys games.

I think this is a pretty good open world action RPG, but I don't usually like open world games and I didn't enjoy this as much as the previous isometric games.

yet another instance of a game that i just can't really bring myself to finish. I just do not care for it like I do the previous Ys games, nor do I feel as compelled to explore the island and solve the mystery as I should be. I don't think there's anything wrong with the game itself, I think my brain just sucks.

The music is phenomenal though.

This game is the best! I love the characters, the setting, the music!! They perfected the combat and now I love it so much more than Seven and MoC, and the MUSIC!!! Yeah, this is most definitely a favourite in the Ys series!

Ys VIII é um jogo fantástico, possui ótimos personagens, uma narrativa bem construída, trilha sonora digna de diversos elogios junto com um sistema de combate divertido e desafiador.
Nota: não precisa ter conhecimento dos outros jogos para aproveitar esse título ~

Sua exploração é prazerosa, cada canto e cada cenário no jogo esbanja carisma e identidade, a ilha de Seiren é gigante mas segmentada, com isso iremos nos aventurar em diversos biomas e localidades. Existem ainda passagens secretas e muitas ramificações de caminhos, onde só iremos liberar com certos itens ou equipamentos mais futuramente no jogo.

O combate é ação em tempo real com uma paleta de skills para cada membro da party, sendo que cada um é especializado em um tipo de ataque, seja ele cortante, impactante ou perfurante; e os inimigos possuem suas resistências e vulnerabilidades se baseando nesse sistema. A progressão do jogo está atrelado ao combate e missões gerais, sejam elas principais ou secundárias, ganhamos níveis derrotando monstros e consequentemente aprendemos novos golpes, já as quests desbloqueiam novos recursos para a nossa base, como uma bancada de crafting, criação de poções, comércio dentro da ilha e por ai vai. E sinceramente, dá gosto de fazer side quests e falar com os NPCs nesse game; pois tudo tem relevância.

A história é muito bem nivelada, ela consegue te deixar intrigado com a ilha misteriosa além de apresentar os personagens no devido momento, inicialmente parece tudo muito simples, mas depois as coisas vão escalonando até você ficar de queixo caído.

Os personagens são muito carismáticos e a dublagem é muito bem feita, a Dana provavelmente é uma das melhores protagonistas femininas de JRPGs em que conheço e ela sendo dublada pela Brianna Knicker foi a cereja do bolo. No geral gostei de todo mundo do elenco, até mesmo dos secundários como Dogi, Miralda, Alison e Kathleen, além de outros.

A trilha sonora é de qualidade Falcom, belíssima com faixas marcantes como "Sunshine Coastline", "A Footprint in the Wet Sand", "Sound of the night" etc.

O gráfico é simplista mas é bonito, me lembrando bastante os primeiros jogos de Cold Steel, que é da mesma desenvolvedora. As ilustrações de personagens são lindíssimas.

Por fim, eu adorei a minha experiência com Lacrimosa of Dana, sendo meu primeiro Ys e com minhas 50 horas de completude definitivamente recomendo esse game para todos os públicos.

this game fucks on a level incomprehensible by even goku

Amazing game with superb combat. Graphics were a bit outdated for PS4 but still had fun. I had no expectations for this game and I was so glad I actually picked this up and completed it. Soundtrack is top tier!