Reviews from

in the past

I am incapable of finishing this damn game. I have started and dropped numerous playthroughs of DOOM but often give up during the first time in Hell. It's strange because I quite like this game. Ripping and tearing and such is very fun, and exploring the levels for secrets and Funko Pops is enjoyable to me. And the difficulty at least on ultra-violence is far from frustrating to me. The core components of DOOM are all fantastic, which leads me to feeling confused as to why I am the way I am with this game.

I can't quite put my finger on any specific reason as to why I struggle with getting through DOOM other than the vague notion of "fatigue". Maybe combat encounters are too frequent and exhausting, or maybe it's the other side of the spectrum and exploration is too lengthy and hollow. Deeper in my playthroughs I just end up feeling sick of playing at the end of sessions and dread starting a new one. However, when kicking off a new playthrough I always have a blast, I just get worn down.

I think it's a real shame, I want to love this game; it’s unapologetically cool, combat is stellar, soundtrack slaps, and the world just resonates with me. But something about DOOM keeps me from loving it. Maybe DOOM Eternal will click with me in a way that 2016 doesn't. Or maybe one these days I'll finally have a playthrough I want to finish.

Tiro, porrada e bomba em sua mais pura forma digital.

doom 1993 crawled so doom 2016 could run so doom eternal could fly

"Muito ruim esse jogo" ~ uma pessoa aí que é fã de um jogo onde o protagonista é um depressivo bilu teteia

Tentei jogar esse jogo algumas vezes, mas sempre acabo dropando ele, talvez seja porque depois de um certo tempo eu acabo me enjoando dele por ser algo mais frenetico, não sei dizer ao certo, sei que é um otimo jogo mas que infelizmente não é um para mim

This is how you reboot a franchise in the most optimal way. It took everything that was great about the classics and adapted it to modern graphics and controls. It's so consistent despite being a very linear FPS that the gameplay itself is worthy of multiple replays just to satisfy that itch. There's definitely room for improvement in both the levels and combat though even if the new mechanics like glory kills fit perfectly with Doom's identity. Overall, a really solid arena shooter, reviving a franchise that fully deserved its second wind.

Rip and tear, until it is done!

This game would not be what it is without Mick Gordon.

Quem diria, tava tão maluco jogando doom clones que tive que parar pra rejogar O PRÓPRIO.

Eu de vdd acho q esse é o reboot mais bem sucedido da história dos games. Simplesmente insano a maneira que conseguiram importar a formula e entregar um jogo tao polido e com uma história tão interessante. A vontade imediata era começar de novo.

No has estado trabajando, no estas a la altura de tus responsabilidades, estas dañando el proyecto, estas dañando la compañia. Has sido toxico para la compañia y tus aportaciones han sido negativas desde hace un par de años. Tenias que mejorar, y no lo has hecho, ahora te toca irte.

se minha vó ve eu jogando isso ela infarta

Me gusta matar demonios pegar tiros sangre tetas bujías aceite de motor

I see why people thought Doom was back because this game is super good and makes me feel like the bad-ass I could never be in real life... but compared to Doom Slayer's life, I think I'll keep it that way

Absolutely loved this game but it feels so slow coming out of Eternal. I prefer Eternal but this game is of course still amazing. The vibe this game has is amazing, combined with the music it's just a whole experience.

There's not much that can be said about DOOM 2016 that you haven't heard already. This is a game where everything comes together: fun combat with a wide selection of weapons and satisfying kill animations, lots of enemy types, awesome visuals and audio, and a soundtrack that will make you feel like you're on top of the world. It is a must play.

"to describe this game's ass-ness, all i can say is: it's very ass."

A power fantasy to the NTH degree. Angry and pissed off? Just boot this up and rip some demons into shreds with your bare hands.

It's just pure fun, and joy nothing more to say really.

Doom doom, doom doom doom doom. Doom doom doom doom doom. Doom doom doom, DOOM doom doom. It rocks.

Played the demo for this on a PC like that was on showcase while my mom had her like MacBook fixed or sum good memories

Now this is my shit, favorite Doom game all time. The movement is simple and quick, shooting feels awesome and the glory that comes with ripping a demon to shreds is excellent. The game throws enemies at you all level and it delivers on an engaging story with lots of secrets along with bosses that feel fun to destroy, this is my Doom game

I feel like the cultural impact of this game has distracted from the fact that the later stages of the game are really weak and they ran out of gimmicks. The random performance drops on next-generation consoles in the last few levels for seemingly no reason really took away from the conclusion.

Great FPS and aesthetically better than Eternal but it ain't it.

Zerei Doom 2016 e ele se tornou meu jogo de Doom favorito, explorei 100% de todos os mapas pegando tudo que dava, cada aprimoramento e modificação que tem nesse jogo puramente por que era divertido, de longe foi a melhor formar de transpor a fórmula de Doom pra FPS moderno com história, ele não é um Reboot por que ele segue da lógica do fim do Doom 64 e tem vários retcons pra explicar a história dos Jogos anteriores já que ele tem um gap de tempo gigante deles, gosto da história desse jogo e como ela é não invasiva feita do jeito certo, da pra entender ela toda obviamente pelos diálogos e objetivos mas os dados coletados também trazem informações do passado além de extras sobre inimigos, mapas e as armas que são o ponto alto do jogo, todas as modificações e como elas atiram é divertido, principalmente dependendo da combinação das runas, tudo nesse jogo é meio desafiador da boa forma e te engaja a fazer as missões extras por que é muito bom ficar Overpower ou com uma modificação melhorada, 10/10

Fun game, love the fast pace demon killing and the soundtrack. I just wish it was a little shorter.